Chakras - About



Chakras explain how your body holds energy (prana/breath) and how your actions, thoughts, beliefs and emotions can impact the chakra balance. The word chakra is a Sanskrit word referring to wheels of energy throughout the body, that are disklike. A chakra is portrayed as  ‘spinning vortex of energy that is not visible to the human eye’,  and is seen,  felt or sensed through our intuitive skills. Prana is invisible and  explained as the ‘vital life force’ that keeps us vibrant, healthy and alive. A Body devoid of prana, is a body that no longer exists. There is such a wealth of information about chakras available online and in books. It can be difficult for the novice to get clarity on their function. It can even be difficult for someone well versed in the Chakra to not become confused. Even if the average person could get access to the original Vedas, the reality is that the modern Chakra practitioner would probably say ‘that is outdated’. Nothing you read here is a ‘categoric truth’ and is information to help point you to develop your understanding and awareness.


Historically the chakra system is believed to have originated in India somewhere between 1500 and 1200BC.  The chakra system has been recorded in the Vedas (ancient Hindu texts)  and developed over centuries, and includes songs, mantras and poems as methods of balancing the Chakras.

Gautama Buddha, who lived in about 6th century AD employed chakra balancing into his own religious practice. As the founder of Buddhism, Chakras  play a vital role in Buddhism today.

Due to the New Age movement, the ancient wisdom incorporates new interprations of the chakra system. The ancient Sanskrit words are translated into other languages and delivered to assist in the understanding. As with anything – meaning can be lost in translation.  This site will provide some  information around chakras (without any authority whatsoever!). Instead – the aim is to encourage the reader to reflect on content and find their meaning around the subject matter of chakaras,


The position of both Buddhists and Hindus is that the body consists of many chakras. However, seven primary chakras oversee the function of all the other chakras. and these are situated in a lineal fashion along the spine. They start at the base, and end at the top of the crown.

The rule of thumb is that there are seven main chakras, however you will find content on the internet referring to 114 in the body, or 12 primary chakras. The other rule of thumb is that the spinning energy wheels (up and down the spine) are spinning vortexes of energy, that are at the front, back and sides of the body.

The lotus is often used to portray the chakras, and each chakra flower has a different number of petals which represents their connection to an aspect of wellbeing. Some chakras have more functions than other chakras, so the representation will be a larger or smaller lotus flower, and where there may be a greater number or fewer flower petals, dependent on the function of the chakra.


It is believed that chakra functions are impacted by our environment (what triggers us), our emotional reactions, thoughts, and beliefs, and that often this includes an interruption to the Auric Fields (discussed in another section).  They oversee the running of our mind, body and spirit. For instance, a person studying might experience an overactive Crown Chakra, and struggle with insomnia and inability to ‘turn their mind off’. This would indicate that the Crown needs a rebalance, and the chakras may need to be realigned.


It is possible to rebalance your chakras yourself. Still, many people prefer to go to others to have the chakra rebalance done. They might choose to visit a practitioner for  many reasons instead of doing it themselves. Many practitioners will also visit other practitioners and usually it is because they are ‘attached to the outcome’. It might be  due to a lack of confidence in themselves or a lack of faith and trust in the Divine and Divine energy. Either way – this is where the Healing Practitioners come to the fore. Whatever method of ‘Healing’ they draw upon, they invariably conduct a chakra balance clear and cleanse.


Breath – Prana (sacred breath) underpins Chakra balancing and all therapeutic associations. Typically sacred breathing is a method where the focus is on the breath – inhaling and exhaling with conscious deliberation. A person focusses their intent upon the inward and outward breath. They breathe in counting to 3 or 5 (dependent on their comfort levels). Hold the breath for the count of 3 to 5. Exhale the breath to the count of 3 to 5. Hold the exhale for the count of 3-5 and then recommence the inward breathe. Sacred breathing  is also known as “Box Breathing’ in more modern times and there is a repetition of the breathing for about five. (Interesting fact: Box breathing is an evidence based technique on which  studies were  completed to measure their effectiveness in a military setting. The technique is implemented in high risk situations as part of centring and managing anxiety.)

Colour Therapy - Colours are said to impact the Chakra's function because each colour has an individual vibration and can be used to stabilise a singular chakra.  Popular Colour Therapies include Light, and Chromatherapy.

Crystals – crystals are said to support the function and balance of chakras because they have their own vibration which assists with the chakra's vibration.Crystal Healers often use crystal gridding to cleanse, align and rebalance a persons chakra system.

Energy Healing Modalities – Healing modalities such as Reiki are said to draw Universal and Divine Energy to a person who is the ‘recipient’ of healing energy. This healing energy is believed to clear and cleanse chakras (and remove blocks), rebalance the chakras to ‘perfect function’ (the perfect speed of revolution of the chakra wheels), align the chakras up the spine, and improve the synchronicity of the ‘engine’. The use of the word ‘engine’ is to explain the way that parts work together. Think of a motor car and looking under the hood. You see different parts – if one part ceases  to work (or slows in the ‘spinning’ then the entire motor becomes compromised). This theory applies to chakra alignment and balance.   The energy healing, works on the whole of the system to function at the perfect rate and timing so that your mind/body/spirit engine ‘purrs’.

Sound Therapy: Each Chakra is said to have an individual sound frequency (as in the musical tones). Therefore, there are various methods of ‘tuning’ that are said to work to rebalance the Chakras. Examples of Sound therapy: Vocal toning, Gongs, Tibetan Bowls, Crystal Bowls, Drumming, Mantras, Song, Solfeggio Frequencies.

You can assess your own chakra function through using the Chakra Assessment tool. If you find tha tone of your chakras is not working as it should be (or many of them) you can visit the pages on the individual chakras to see what you can do to improve their function.

To learn more about the indvidual chakras - check the sub pages to the right---->