
REALM is an Australian registered Business. People under the age of 18 are 'minors' and under the age of consent. Consumer protection laws bind Australian businesses, and minors are deemed to require 'protection' from any harmful practice. While REALM attempts to retain a service of integrity, realistically, on a global platform, there may be people of questionable intent who slip through our screening processes from time to time. While we have mechanisms for reporting Consultant misconduct, it would not be considered acceptable to 'open the door' to exploiting vulnerable younger people.

REALM has done everything within its power to secure the privacy and content of the Platform. Our website designers have put hours upon hours into trying to foolproof it from hacking. However, nothing online is guaranteed; consequently, REALM has chosen to minimise the amount of personal information we hold about a person online.
We don't save and share a customer's financial information; this is between the Customer and the payment gateway. For consultants, we do (as part of our legal obligations) retain the information for payments to the Customer and their business details. Details such as email and contact are shared only for business functions. Australian law says personal files and facts must be kept in a locked cabinet (paper copies). Other information is retained on a password-protected secure drive. When we redirect to a third party to conclude Business in the course of Business, we encourage you to read the third party privacy and confidentiality statements.
 Regarding personal disclosures around Conflict of Interest (such as the disclosure of criminal convictions), this information is retained on a separate database with restricted access and held private for risk assessment and risk management purposes. Other measures we take is the deidentification of personal nformation on line, discouraging public use of private name, and the personal photos.

The only times that we would change policies would be for the following:

a) To ensure compliance with potentially changing legislation.

b) Improving Service delivery (for both clients and consultants).

REALM /APA will never arbitrarily change policies. If there are changes to policy – our Members including Consultants will be notified. If you have objections to our Policies or our Terms and Conditions, you should not access or use the site.

A chargeback is a quick way to have your membership with REALM revoked. It is where a customer receives a service from one of our consultants and then puts a 'stop payment' at the merchant gateway or bank. REALM positions this to be an exploitation of the Consultant and is outside the terms of use. It is unlawful within the terms of the ACCC because customers must attempt a dispute resolution in the first instance with the business or service provider. The first step for managing customer dissatisfaction at REALM is to formalise a complaint or lodge a Credit Request. 

 Even if a customer has a legitimate complaint about the service delivery, this is still an unacceptable process to REALM because:

  1. The Terms of Use are that the Customer will inform REALM if dissatisfied. In the first instance, through feedback on the Consultant wall and/or notifying REALM Admin if they believe that there has been misconduct by the Consultant. 
  2. Negotiating a suitable outcome with a business is a moral and ethical responsibility and a legal customer responsibility. Under Australian law, parties have a right to respond to any allegations within the Complaints investigation process. 
  3. Chargebacks exploit the Consultant's Time and deny them an opportunity to generate income on a service delivered in good faith. 
  4. Chargebacks and investigations result in expenses to the Consultant to REALM. These costs are not just the lost income from the service provided to you - it is the additional costs incurred by bank and merchant fees from processing your 'STOP payment". 
  5. REALM considers Charge backs to be Consultant exploitation.

Customer Chargebacks will not be acceptable to REALM Administration under any circumstances and will result in the revocation of Customer membership. 

Thanks for asking. Payment disputes can be very costly to businesses if they deviate from all parties' legal rights and personalities. These costs are generally associated with banking and merchant fees when a person raises a payment dispute. Under Australian law, the customer must inform the  business BEFORE approaching the bank to allow for an amicable resolution outside of the other formal agencies. REALM treats payment disputes as 'complaints', and we have a complaints investigation process. 

REALM is responsible for investigating these disputes as part of our ongoing improvement and quality assurance. REALM does not provide CASH REFUNDS (per our Terms of Use and Payment and Refund policy). REALM may occasionally extend a wallet credit as part of the outcome decision of an investigation. (You can learn more about this through the FAQ "Refund"). 

You can formally dispute a payment by accessing your Toolbox- Wallet - Wallet Issues and lodging a Credit Request. Before you do so -please ensure that you have reread the policies in your toolbox: Complaints, Public Disclaimer, Warranty and Guarantee, Payments and Refunds. You agreed to these policies as part of your Terms of Use. 

REALM will investigate your complaint and Credit Request. Where there is a conflict between your perception and the Consultant's, REALM may source a transcript or recording of the Consultant as part of the investigative process. You have agreed to this in your terms of use during the registration process. REALM does retain a register of formal complaints as part of our Quality Assurance. This register has restricted access and is pass-word protected OFFLINE. 

A Psychic Medium has well developed senses or “Clairs’. They work from the position that their extra sensory perception allows them to act as a mediator between those on earth and those on the other side. The communication might include with guides, angels or deceased loved ones.

Most psychics and mediums will clearly tell you that a “Divinely Guided” message is not necessarily one that you consider to be the priority. They do not necessarily give you solutions or answers to your problems, but they will usually provide you with strategy to manage conflict and retain harmony during challenging times. Some psychics will give ‘predictions’, but not all. Some offer reassurance from the other side and comfort to those that are left behind. The area of expertise claimed by Mediums is the ability to connect with the loved ones that have departed. You can read more about how to tell the difference between a Psychic and  a medium by visiting our blog section, where you will find other useful information as well.

The Clairs are the senses or the “ESP” (Extra sensory Perception).Psychics don't use the words ESP and call their senses "Clairs". We have a great blog on the Clairs for you to read. The brief answer is that the word “Clair” is French for ‘Clear’. They include:

Clairvoyance – Clear Seeing. People bestowed  with this gift are said to be able to ‘see things’ that others can’t with their ‘naked eyes’. For instance, they might claim to be able to see a persons aura, or their spirits and guides.

Clairaudience – Clear Hearing. This gift is said to  bestows the ability to ‘hear’ Spirit. For instance they Psychic might say that they heard a word, or some such, a persons name.

Clairgustance – Clear Tasting. A person bestowed with this gift is said to be able to taste flavours, for example stating that they can taste ‘cigars’ as part of validating the presence of a spirit.

Claircognizance – Clear Knowing. This gift is said to bestow upon the recipient the ability to KNOW truth or the answers in a sensory way. Generally through the ‘heart’ space.

Clairsalience – Clear Smelling. This gift is said to bestow upon the recipient the ability to ‘smell’ scents that aren’t present. For example, the Psychic might state they are smelling ‘lavender’ or a perfume they can name and the person they are reading for identifies that the smell relates to a person they loved who has passed over to the other side.

Clairsentience – Clear feeling. This gift is said to bestow the recipient with a deep sensory empathy with the person through connecting to the way that they feel and their emotional space.

Astrology is an ancient and complex wisdom that explores the positions of planets and their relationships across the ‘astrological houses’. Astrology is another traditional wisdom known as a ‘pseudo science’. Long before the invention of telescopes and so forth, humanity has viewed the night sky and observed the patterns and movements of the stars, moon, sun and planets and the impacts upon the tides of the ocean and weather patterns. Astrology is believed to be the oldest science in the world, and there is evidence of it found by archaeologists in almost every ancient civilisation. Astrology gave birth to Astronomy, and astronomers are interested in the scientific facts about the Solar system. Astrologers continue to study the connection between planetary movements and the influence on peoples lives.

An astrological reading looks at the other influencing factors upon a person, that are not hereditary or environmental, but rather the state of the solar system at the moment of a person’s birth. Each planet is regarded as a basic life force, and where the planetary forces take different forms depending on their zodiacal position, and how they interact with each other

An astrologer interprets the role of all the players (the planets, Sun and Moon), and their influencing characteristics, such as their houses, associated elements and signs) as part of constructing a comprehensive vision of the person they are charting, and their potential based on their birth details. If you select this form of reading - be aware that the Consultant will most likely ask for your birth date, time of birth, and location of your birth.

Numerology has been around for many thousands of years and is considered to be the ‘science of numbers’. It is the perception that numbers have an energetic vibration, and where a Numerologist can make predictions about a person’s life path, the ups and downs, based on their ‘personal vibration ‘, the universal vibration and the year. A numerological chart usually includes a numerological value of the persons name and their time, and date of birth. It is this combination of numbers that identifies the uniqueness of each person’s journey through life. Numerology is reliant on maths, which is why it is referred to by some people  as a ‘pseudo-science’.

The essence of Numerology

Numerology is also influenced by the planets, and reveals personality traits of the person, (strengths and vulnerabilities) as part of providing strategy to create resilience. A numerology chart will also include ‘life peaks’ and speak to the challenges of the journey.

History of Numerology

While the origins of numerology is unclear, and popular belief is that it started with Pythagoras in about 590BC, this is actually incorrect. There are records showing that numerology was practiced in Egypt and Babylon, China, Rome, Japan and Greece well before Pythagoras. However, Pythagoras is credited for developing new mathematical theories that helped develop numerology as a science.

Day Numbers

Everyone has a “Day Number’ that is the most important number in a persons numerology. The day number is the sum of the numbers on the day of the month a person was born. It determines your basic nature, and character, personality, and individuality.

Ruling Numbers

The ruling number speaks to the ‘life path’ and is the sum of the day, month, and year a person was born.

The numbers of birth cannot be read alone in a chart, because there are other influencing energies, such as the time of birth, birth name (or the name a person chooses to be known as in the current time frame). A numerological chart usually includes the astrological influences as well.

Types of Numerology

The science of numerology has been practiced all over the world but there are slight variations in its forms. Here is a list of the most common forms:

Pythagorean numerology: This is the most common form of numerology, and while some people consider it simple, it has its own complexity. Pythagorean numerology includes the vibration of letters with a persons name, and their day numbers and ruling numbers. It is based on the numbers 1-9, and where the numbers 11, 22, and 33 are considered to be ‘Master Number vibrations’.


Kabbalah Numerology: This form of numerology is based on Hebrew alphabets and it has only 22 vibrations. Kabbalah Numerology only analyses the vibration of a persons name.

Chaldean Numerology: Chaldean numerology is a product of Babylon. The numbers correspond to letters but not in alphabetical order. Additionally, Chaldean numerology does not assign the number 9 to any letters, although a sum can add up to the number 9 which carries its own vibration. Chaldean Numerology analyses both the name of a person and their

Abracadabra Numerology: this is probably the least popular form of Numerology and relies on a series of pyramids with numerical values, to inform around a persons life path and their character.

New Kabbalah: this is a modernised version of the Kabbalah numerology that incorporates the modern Roman Alphabet.

Spiritual Healing is also referred to as ‘Energy Medicine’, a branch of ‘alternative medicine and thought’. It is perceived to be pseudo-scientific because there is no evidence to support ‘clinical efficacy’.  Practitioners of Energy Medicine claim that it can be conducted “hand-on’ or ‘hands-off’, and distant or absent (that is, that a ‘Healer’ can send energy to a person in a different location). Skeptics perceive Energy medicine to be fraudulent, while recipients and practitioners will testify that it is effective. There is no empirical evidence to support these claims and while REALM provides a space for ‘Healers’ on our platform – from a legal perspective we must state that BUYER BEWARE. Should our customers secure these services they are reminded that services do not replace the need for professional advice or treatment of their health (or mental health) conditions. Use the services with an open mind and make your own judgement around its efficacy.

Examples of ‘Energy Medicine’ include:

Reiki – Reiki is one of the modalities of which the Practitioner undergoes an ‘Attunement’ to be able to practice Reiki. Practitioners claim that they are conduits of Divine Healing energy, for a multiple of purposes. The word Reiki is from the Japanese words “Reik” meaning Gods Wisdom, and Ki meaning energy. Therefore, logically speaking Reiki helps to foster ‘understanding and awareness’ within the individual as part of helping them to heal what ails them. There are different forms of Reiki, including: Usui, Tibetan, Sekhm (aka Seichem), Isis (Goddess); Kundalini, Sacred Petra, and Ethereal Crystals.

Colour Healing – Colours and their hues are said to carry properties of balancing and healing chakras. Practitioners claim that by knowing the nature of the psychological, or emotional problem they can offer support to the Seeker by suggesting that they conduct visualisations or by wearing specific colours as part of healing what is ailing them.

Quantum - Quantum healing therapy is said to be based on the principles of resonance and entertainment, where the energy levels in the body are revitalised through beathing and visualising energy flow. Practitioners claim that it directs positive conditions upon  the immune system.

Crystal Therapy – crystals are said to have specific healing properties for various conditions – including physical and manifestation. Benefits of crystals are said to work on specific chakras of the body, with the belief that an imbalance in the chakras creates physical, psychological and emotional unrest, that manifests in the physical existence as problems and challenges to overcome. Practitioners might suggest that the Seeker wear specific crystals or have them around them as part of healing any ailments or unrest in their environment.

Affirmations – May be useful in creating new beliefs and hopes for the future, through the cementing of intention and new neural pathways.

Visualisation Therapy – Can be done alone, with specific visualisations for specific purposes as part of creating new neural pathways and a heightened sense of self and emotional/psychological stability.

Power of the Word/Invocation- The power of the word is said to harness the energy of the universe through either invocation or prayer to achieve a desired outcome. Invocations are statements, and prayer is a request.(or statement of Gratitude to the Divine). For example, a gratitude Prayer “Thankyou for Blessings seen and unseen!”.  


As pointed out by Skeptics - this is an area that is quite open to 'fraudulent activity'. REALM encourages you to read the profiles and review feedback before making a decision before making a decision to pay for any services. Part of this is  - if you are believer in healing energy, by scrolling through and reviewing the profiles you might find someone that you resonate with. Please leave your feedback for others to read. if you believe that someone has acted fraudulently toward you - please inform REALM immediately.

Palm readings are fun! Palmistry is the practice of fortune telling by studying the palm. Its correct name is “Chiromancy’ but it is also known as palm-reading or chirology. There are palm-readers across the world, and there are often cultural variations. Palm-readers are normally called “Palmists’, palm readers or chirologists.  The palmist operates from the space that person hands identify their life path. Traditioinally the dominant hand refers to the present and future, and the non-dominant hand refers to ‘what a person was born with’.

Influencing Factors

A palmist considers the shape of the hand, length of fingers (either individually or as part of the ‘group’ of fingers on a hand); the knuckles and thumb flexibility, and the way a person holds their hand. Other influencing factors include, the hand colour, fingernails. The lines on the hand are a pivotal factor but are only a part of ‘unlocking the puzzle’. A palmist will unlock the puzzle piece by piece looking at each part individually and then collectively.

The Revelations of the Hands

The hands ‘tell a story’ – they reveal the person to the Palmist. Some palmists will incorporate the planetary representations on the hand while others do not. A palmist will explore questions such as if the hands are smooth or calloused. Does the hand identify a deep thinker, or a person who is philosophical? Are they inclined to act first and think later? The hands can indicate if the person has psychic abilities. The palmist will normally look at both hands as the dominant hand represents the real world and the external face the person shows the world. The non-dominant hand reflects the internal less obvious characteristics of a person, (and that might not be known even to them – it can refer to subconscious).  

The back of the hand such as the knuckles can reveal information as well. Fingers relate to planets, and within this context it reflects a person’s astrology chart, and not just the finger, the ‘mounts’ beneath them and around each hand. The length of the fingers indicates what is most important to a person, and their life skills. The fleshy mounds as the base of each finger reflect the conditions of the persons energy (for example if they might be argumentative, full of zest).

The thumbs can identify will power (or lack of), or if a person is a habitual liar, punctual, and many other secrets. The thumb has two parts – the top (with the nail) and the bottom that connects to the hands. The bottom part is said to indicate the desires and the inner cravings of the soul, while the top is associated with will power, and capacity to act on the inner desire. The top thumb can identify a person who is impulsive, or a planner.

Palm lines

The lines of the palms have relevance because they can change over the course of our life. However, the primary lines include:

The Life Line – does not necessarily speak of longevity of life but can reflect either a complicated or uncomplicated life.

The Head Line – This line can identify psychic ability.

The Heart Line – said to identify emotional depth and volatility.

The Fate Line – is the most changeable across the life path, and represents good fortune (or lack of).

The Palmist will read all these features (and probably more!) and give an overview of what the lines mean and how they interact.

A card reading is generally dependent on the focus of the intent of both the Card Reader and the Querent. The formal name for Tarot reading is ‘Cartomancy’. The Tarot reader works from the space that each card conveys a message or tells a story. The recipient of a reading is known as the ‘Querent’ (derived from the French word in the Middle Ages for a person that was consulting an ‘Oracle’). The Querant attends with questions they are seeking answers for and the Tarot Reader (or Oracle Reader) pulls cards from the pack which they believe provides insight into the past, present or future.

Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are often designed to provide inspirational messages of hope to the Querent, or guidance for the Seekers of their Divine Path. They are not usually Predictive but more often associated with Healing.

Tarot Card Readings

These are generally sought by people seeking a psychic reading. They can be very in-depth and complex or they can be brief and direct. Each ‘Reader” will have their own style of reading and interpreting the cards that ‘fall’. The way they deliver their readings will also relate to the deck of cards that they use, and how they interpret them.

The interesting point about a card reading is that a person can be shown a layout of cards, and get a reading interpretation of the cards that points in a specific direction and show the same layout to another Reader and get a completely different interpretation of the ‘spread’. This is because each person (and each Reader) is an individual, with their own communication style and own attachment to words and language, so the rule of thumb is – a seeker can get an outside opinion of a reading but the only real authority on the ‘fall of the cards’ is the person that conducted the original reading.


If requesting a Tarot reading – part of the individual style of a reader includes the fact that some Readers will read positive or negative meanings. This has resulted in people being fearful of tarot or having a tarot reading. Advice to the Seeker, is that if a message creates fear in them – let it go. The person hasn’t delivered effectively. If a person is left feeling frightened after a reading they should contact REALM and formalise a complaint. This is not necessarily a sign of an unethical reader – but rather the Reader might need some mentoring on how to deliver messages that are empowering to the Seeker – and this might be particularly so if they are delivering in a language other than their native tongue.

There is a saying that predictions are only really relevant in the moment of the prediction. Life is dependent on so many changeable factors, and if a prediction involves other people - parties may change their mind or goals, and htis will impact on the nature of a prediction. In many ways 'predictions are static'. However, a shorter term prediction can be valuable as that might be more likely to come to fruition.

Even still - Seekers are cautioned to not build their life around a prediction, and to simply tuck them away 'for the fun of it' and see if they come true. if its a positive outcome that you have been given and it comes true, well and good and blessings! if the reading referred to challenges and provided strategy for coping and you managed to 'ride the waves', then Blessings again!

Be aware - that even a positive prediction can change if attitudes shift and become negative or egotistical!

Great question! Check our blogs - we have a great article with tips on how you can get the best from connecting with a psychic or medium. remember - not all services here are by Psychics, so there will be future blogs on getting the best service from your life coach, spiritual mentor or teacher and so forth. We aim to provide you with a wealth of information - for free! the only thing you will pay for is the Consultants time!


Frankly, we know that this happens in various ways both on and offline. Our Consultants are bound by a Code of Ethics as part of their Terms of Use. We have created blogs to help inform and educate our customers on what is and isn't appropriate and ethical conduct.

Examples of exploitation include: 

  1. Dragging out a conversation unnecessarily.
  2.  Providing a fear-based message and telling the Customer they need to return or rebook or expect fearful or distressing outcomes. (This falls under “Unconscionable Conduct” in the Consumer Protection laws). Other times it can be telling a customer that they need to have X sessions or consults before they can be ‘well’
  3. Pregnant pauses may be a form of extending the conversation but not always. Our Consultants are advised to disconnect the call if they cannot connect adequately or at least ask the Customer if they want them to continue to try (sometimes it does take a little longer to make the connection or get clarity). Consultants are requested to set their status to away in these instances to recentre and ground themselves.
  4. Asking the Customer for lots of information about themselves is also a way to exploit the Customer and can identify a Scam, fraud or imposter. 

You can read more about Customer and Consultant exploitation in our blog  Seperating the Fraud from the Authentic found here: https://realmspiritualadvisors.com/blog/detail/MTU=

To Add funds you will need to sign into your acount, which automtically takes you to your personal Dashboard. Your wallet is the first icon in the Dashboard on the left hand side. You can see immediately what your available funds are and yu are prompted to Add Funds. Follow the prompts which take you to our Merchant Gateway where you can select your payment method. REALM does not hold your payment or Credit Card Details,

Call lag is that 'space' between connecting and conversation with your selected consultant. REALM has no control over the lag, as it depends on both parties service providers and network speed. Our Consultants agree to ensure adequate service provision and speed at their end, but there is never any guarantee -interruptions can occur. If you experience call lag - check your local network speed before formalising a complaint to REALM. We sympathise with your difficulty, which also impacts our Consultants.

In the Customer Terms of Use, customers have agreed to the REALM Payment and Refunds policy. Customers are provided with "Buyer Beware" information and encouraged to read Consultant Biographies and their feedback and review. REALM Spiritual Advisors' service delivery is PAY As You GO, which means you can disconnect the call if you do not like the service you are receiving. In the Payments and Refunds policy, you will see that while REALM has an overarching "NO REFUND" Policy, we have discretionary authority to credit your Wallet if we believe that is appropriate. If you think that you have legitimate grounds for requesting a Credit, you can do so by visiting the Customer Dashboard. You will need to click on the icon for "MY WALLET issues", where you will be redirected to a contact form where you will need to supply the following information:

a) Your contact details and User name

b) the Consultant User ID

c) date of the call, Call Transaction ID number, duration and cost. 

REALM will notify the consultant in question and investigate the complaint. If it is the complaint is valid - a full or partial credit will be made to your Wallet. Customers found to be exploiting the process of Credit requests will have their membership revoked. 

NOTE: REALM DOES NOT GIVE CASH REFUNDS. We will at our discretion provide a Wallet Cedit.

Note: You have consented for REALM to obtain a transcript of the conversation if the Consultant disputes your version of the complaint. 

REALM is an international platform; in some countries (such as the UK), it is a legal obligation to have this disclaimer as part of protecting the Customer rights. REALM has the disclaimer up to protect both our Customers (reminding them of their rights and responsbilities) and for our consultants to help them feel safe and remind them of their responsiblities to our customers. that responsiblity of 'do no harm".


Disclaimers are part of our responsibility as a business to the Customer and Consumer Protection legislation. It is not legal in Australia to provide professional services (such as Financial, Health, Legal, and Mental Health) unless a person holds an Australian qualification.

Sometimes (in adherence to the Code of Ethics) our Consultants may refer to medical, financial or legal matters, but they are not qualified to provide the information as a professional and the Customer MUST UNDRSTAND that information provided in a reading does not replace professional advice. Equally any predictions are not 100% reliable and the customer MUST ensure that they follow their own intuition and guidance. Empowerment includes providing insight, understanding and opening a person to see opportunities and choices around them – empowerment does not include telling a person what they MUST DO. The Customer has choices.

The Waivers of responsibility are how the customer acknowledges that they have freedom of choice in the decisions that they make, the actions they take, and that they take full responsibility for their choices.


Yes it is. We have legal obligations to monitor the feedback and make sure that it is compliant with Australian law. We try not to remove feedback as we consider it an important part of informing customers around what they can expect when connecting with one of our Platform workers.

The type of feedback we censor:

  • Lewd, crude, racist, sexist comments as part of the Telecommunciations laws.
  • Derogatory, demeaning, abusive, bullying, agressive feedback that will violate the Australian  Safework laws.

REALM encourages customers to leave honest feedback within the scope of safe and appropriate comments. Critical or negative feedback is valuable for both the customer and the consultant - but MUST be delivered in compliance with our laws.




We chose to replace the name "Psychic" because Psychic work is illegal in some parts of the world, and because not all Energy workers consider themselves to be "Psychic", but rather "Intuitives".To advertise as a Psychic can cause legal difficulties in different parts of the world. As a term, it also can diminish the gifts of the 'Spiritual' or Energy worker. REALM aims to support those workers with a well-developed sense of connection and wisdom to work on our Platform. Our platform workers often provide spiritual support and mentoring to our customers. Within the context of Business - we refer to them as our' consultants.

To understand the vision,  one must first understand what empowerment is. Empowerment is becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights. However, 'power' often depends on the environment or place in which a person lives. People's lives and autonomy are influenced and impacted by multiple factors, including politics, weather, finances, etc. It is simply impossible to be entirely physically empowered – people and events around them affect even those in leadership positions. However, the common thread with empowerment is the recognition of the limitations of power- and that we cannot usually control others or events. There is a process of questioning why we would try. If we were to try and influence others, what is the intention behind the action, and is it a misguided use of power?
While we may have limited or no ability to control external circumstances, we can control HOW we react to those events and occasions. Ultimately Power is about having choices and options. Healthy choices and actions generally lead to better opportunities in the future, especially when attempting to manifest or live the 'best version of ourselves. When people are provided with choices and options – and manage to self-regulate their emotional and psychological processes, it is possible to live in peace regardless of the external environment.

The empowerment approach is about fairness, justice, respect – and human rights. These fundamental human rights accommodate a 'family' approach to life in recognition that we are all part of a much larger spiritual family. It is the spirit of 'brother and sisterhood' and the acknowledgement that what we do to one person – we do to the whole. It is an ethos of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Furthermore, REALM values are underpinned by humanitarian ideals. We recognise that to provide integrity of service delivery to our customers. We must provide a working environment for Consultants that is supportive and empowering to them. Consultants often struggle to maintain a balance in their lives and to 'live well, because 'gifting' is part of their core values. Historically psychics and energy workers who gift tend to sacrifice their own needs and become vulnerable to unscrupulous third parties who exploit them. We want our consultants to feel valued and an important part of our 'family/team'. We know that even the best families and teams can experience internal conflict within relationships, and we would like to support our members in navigating disputes. REALM Management consists of individuals who are not profit-driven (although the Platform obviously must cover costs and make a profit). The motivation for the Platform lies in humanitarian care and positive regard.

We start first with the process of empowering consultants. Our platform workers are offered choices and freedoms around the service they deliver and how they deliver them. Our business/working arrangement is one where we are, to some extent 'business partners. REALM includes the Consultant in our Business discussions and decisions. Legal obligations and responsibilities are accessible to both the consultants and the customers. Parties are provided with appeals mechanisms if they perceive that REALM has been unjust in their decision-making.
Customers have a Consumer Protection Policy that they can refer to, and Consultants have a Human Rights Policy and other policies to support safe work conditions. REALM  provides support to our consultants to manage their business and professional responsibilities. Transparency is a crucial aspect of empowerment. While we offer person-centred support to Consultants, this is part of our Intellectual Property. Applicants

REALM empowers consultants in much the same way as it empowers the Customer. However, Consultants are empowered to improve their financial situation, and maintain a healthy work life balance. REALM provides opportunity for flexible and family friendly work hours, and independence around fees and so forth. Furthermore, REALM offers transparency, collaboration and opportunity for ongoing personal and professional development. Consultants are provided with a toolbox to informational resources. They will ultimately have access to practical solutions to problems in their physical life.

In the first instance this requirement was designed to assist in identiying and reconciling accounting processes and estimating tax and so forth. However, we beleive that it definitely helps our Consultant ADvisors to adjust their style of delvery to accommodate any potential cultural differences. We like to put national flags on our Consultant profiles so that the customer can be aware of things such as accents which often are more pronounced in audio. We want you to have the best value for $.