Solar Plexus Chakra (YELLOW)


Solar Plexus Chakra


The Solar Plexus Chakra is the common name for the Nabhi or, in Sanskrit, ' Manipura Chakra'. Manipura translates to 'Jewelled city'. It is also called 'Mani Padme', which translates as "jewelled lotus'. It is the third Chakra from the base and is located in the stomach area a couple of inches above the navel. It is one of the most potent chakras in the body. It is associated with the colour yellow. Its dominant element is fire. It is related to the sun – the powerhouse of the universe, and in the human body, the yellow Chakra is considered the personal powerhouse. Unsurprisingly – it vibrates to the yellow colour of the sun. However, it is also associated with blue and red. From a physical health perspective, It is associated with the digestive and metabolic systems. Practitioners will often work on organs such as the Pancreas, kidney, adrenal function, and the body organs of elimination. The psychological and emotional connections here are that when the Chakra is weak, people struggle to digest and process their thoughts and emotions, which may become toxic to the body. The Solar Plexus Chakra is said to resonate to the 'B' Tone and the Solfeggio tunes of 528Hz


  • Ten petaled Yellow lotus flower – The inner yellow circle represents the element of fire and the sun. The petals are either dark blue or black colour. The petals represent ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolishness and sadness.
  • Downward pointing Red Triangle – represents the element of fire containing the seed mantra.
  • Seed Mantra – Ram
  • Bindu (Dot) – indicates the links with the deity Rudra, who dispels fear.
  • Sanskrit letters – Da, dha, na, ta, tha, da, dha, na, pa, and pha.


The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with personal will and willpower. Additionally, it is the centre of trust, faith, hope and courage. The Solar Plexus is related to the lower chakras in that the base chakra provides the security and stability for a person to develop their emotional balance, enhancing their relationships. From there, a person feels safe building trusting relationships. This trust extends to trusting their own capacity to discern helpful from unhelpful, painful from loving and so forth. The faith grows to trust in the Divine Universal wisdom and life processes, building a greater connection to their personal, will, and universal power. It is difficult, for instance, to create healthy and trusting relationships if a person cannot discern who is trustworthy and who isn't. The Well-balanced Solar Plexus allows a person to act on the courage of their convictions. It is considered the centre of a person's personal identity, personality, self-esteem and ego. The capacity to direct willpower leads to the ability to manifest dreams and achieve goals. From a physical perspective, the Chakra oversees the Adrenal glands and Pancreas and the sympathetic and autonomic nervous systems.


If your Personal Power Chakra is STRONG, you "stand in your power". You are comfortable and confident with yourself and others. You are never afraid to speak your mind and empower others to express their personal truth. You appear charismatic and determined to use that charisma and power to make the world a better place. You can direct your energy into manifesting your goals and dreams. You are confident in your abilities to pursue your destiny.


If your Personal Power Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED, you struggle with self-confidence and feelings of unworthiness. You doubt your abilities and seek validation and confirmation from others when faced with important decisions such as relocations of housing or work. You often feel the victim of circumstances and powerless to create any form of change. You will often feel tired and lethargic and may emotionally withdraw from life. You will have a fear of confronting others and an aversion to risk-taking. You will likely experience heavy burdens of guilt and shame and struggle to stand up for yourself and establish healthy relationship boundaries. You will have difficulty saying 'no' to people and become a 'people pleaser'.

Consequently, there is a lack of drive, direction and purpose in your life, and you may feel aimless and helpless. The lack of self-esteem and self-worth combined with the abundance of self-doubt may lead to ongoing cycles of self-sabotage. As the solar plexus Chakra governs the digestive system, there are often issues with the metabolism and the conversion of food to energy, which results in obesity.

An OVERACTIVE Solar Plexus Chakra can be exhibited if a person feels the need to seek power and dominate others and when they find themselves in recurring cycles of conflict. This leads them to mistrust life. They can become too competitive. It can also be identified with 'righteous anger, where the person feels justified to hold angry reactions. The overactive Charka is often associated with emotional manipulation, egotistical behaviour, and misuse of power. There may be a sense of superiority over others, jealousy and constant comparison. Within work, they may be ruthlessly ambitious and often refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Other indicators on a physical level are indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, and other digestive disorders.



I AM full of faith, hope and courage. I AM

I AM trustworthy and trusting of my own judgement. I AM

I AM a competent and prolific manifestor I AM