Throat Chakra (BLUE)


Throat Chakra


The Sanskrit name for the Throat Chakra is Vishudda, meaning "Especially pure'. It is the fifth primary Chakra in the body and is located in the pit of the lower throat area hence the name. The Throat Charka gives the expression of the heart chakra and controls out the ability to communicate our personal power. The throat chakra is an important centre in the Yoga traditions.The Throat Chakra is considered the "Seat of the Soul', because of its associations with Lucid Dreaming, wisdom and understanding. 

It is associated with the element of Ether – the space that forms the essence of emptiness or NO -thing-ness. Our True selves exist in the dimension between the physical world of constant thought, emotions and daily clutter. Through meditation, we find the calmness and the Ether and reconnect to our identity and authentic self-expression.

In other instances, the Throat chakra is associated with mercy and strength, morality and limitation, and the 'do's and do not'. The throat chakra is a seat of expression – including vocal and verbal expression, where singing is a harmless and beneficial way to stimulate the charka – rubbing and tapping the throat can harm it. Excessive stress and fear of speaking out impact the body with thyroid problems. The Throat Chakra resonates with the 'D' Tone and the Solfeggio tones of 741Hz.


The throat chakra is symbolised by a turquoise blue lotus flower, with sixteen purple upward pointing petals or channels. Meditating on the Throat Chakra before bedtime is believed to induce lucid dreaming (or astral travel).

  • Petals: insert here
  • Downward Pointing triangle – coloured sky blue and containing the white circle. The sky-blue colour represents the feminine or soft and gentle universal energies – nurturing and care for greater humanity. Outward expression.
  • White circle –Akasha (universal energy), Purification and dispelling fear. 
  • Seed Mantra – "Ham" translates to I SPEAK.
  • Bindu (dot) – represents the senses of smell, taste, sight, touch and sound.
  • Vishuddha has 16 purple petals upon which are written the 16 Sanskrit vowels in golden;
  • Element: Ether (Space)


The throat Chakra works in conjunction with the Sacral Chakra. Where the Sacral Chakra governs emotions, the Throat Chakra governs personal expression. From a physical perspective, the Throat chakra is associated with the Endocrine system, Thyroid, parathyroid, throat, jaw, neck, and mouth, and vocal or verbal expression. It oversees a person's ability to speak their inner truth. The Throat chakra is also associated with growth and maturation. The connection with the Sacral Chakra is that creative ideas must be expressed if they are to flourish and manifest in the present. Pure ideas fuelled with passion must be voiced to have their place in the world.


If your Throat Chakra is STRONG, you are able to clearly communicate the truth of who you are- your feelings and beliefs to others, your ideas and thoughts. Your sense of self-identity is not compromised during differences - as you can deliver your messages with love, kindness and compassion. People admire you because of your communication skills and your courage of conviction to speak truthfully and honestly. Your career and personal life are enriched. You are an excellent listener and enjoy hearing the thoughts, opinions and beliefs of others. You can express yourself authentically, with care and regard for others. Whether a person agrees with you or not, they understand you. To be able to walk consistently in truth – is the pathway to enlightenment.

 If your Throat Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED, you consistently feel that no one listens to you or that you aren't "heard". You feel that no one cares about your opinions and that any of your thoughts or ideas are inconsequential and of no importance or value to others. You are most likely to be perceived as "quiet", having given up on trying to be heard. Other times you may suffer from "verbal diarrhoea" (the polar opposite), and you may find yourself talking over the top of people and even shouting to be "heard". You may often suffer from a sore throat. You may repress your genuine thoughts and beliefs, even to yourself, talking yourself out of walking in your truth. You might find it challenging to listen to others, and because of the associations with the Thyroid, you may have hormonal fluctuations. The inability to verbally express might escalate emotional distress and result in anxiety and depressive disorders if not addressed. You may be willing to express yourself verbally and your feelings but unable to find those words that truly express your needs, desires and opinions.

When the Throat Chakra is BLOCKED – anxiety, depression and self-esteem will escalate when there is a lack of ability to express feelings safely. You may find that when you want to talk, there is a 'lump in your throat or your voice catches. When placed in difficult situations, you may be unable to or unwilling to speak up and defend your choices, or you may 'shut down'. However, other indicators are the person who talks too much, or rambles on aimlessly, and makes inappropriate comments, putting their foot in their mouth. Physical indicators of a blocked Throat Chakra include Thyroid problems, throat issues – pain or hoarseness, ear infections and gum disease, oral sores and ulcers, sinus infections, shoulder tension, and issues with the jaw.


I AM comfortable expressing my feelings compassionately. I AM

I AM safe to express the truth of who I am. I AM

I AM an active listener. I AM

I AM comfortable speaking my mind. I AM

I AM a confident communicator who is understood and listened to by others. I AM

I AM respected by others because I speak my truth lovingly. I AM

I AM valued by people because I listen actively. I AM

I AM able to set clear and healthy boundaries with ease, love and kindness. I AM