Base Chakra "Muladhara" (RED)



The Muladhara Chakra is also known as the Base or the 'Root Chakra'. It is named so because it is located at the base of the spine in the Coccyx and is associated with the colour red. It is associated with the element of Earth. The Base Chakra is said to resonate to the G Tone and the Solfeggio tunes of 396Hz

Symbolism of the Base Chakra:

Red Lotus flower with four petals – The interpretation of the four petals has two meanings:

a) the greatest joy, natural pleasure, control of passion, and blissfulness in concentration OR

b) Psycho-spiritual longing, psychic longing, physical longing and desire for spiritual liberation.

Yellow Square – is a geometric shape carrying the energy of balance, physicality,   stability and structure. It also represents the laws of nature that include:

  • Four seasons during a calendar year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  • Four directions of earthly movement: North, South, East and West
  • Four natural elements: Earth, water, fire and air.

Reversed Triangle – Represents the seat of Kundalini waiting to open for the expansion of the soul.

Sanskrit letters Va, Sha, Scha, Sa

Seed Mantra:  Bija Translates to "I AM"


The function of the base chakra is to provide solid foundations for life and assist a person in remaining grounded and withstanding life challenges. It energises the base survival skills and sense of identity to provide comfort and stability to build upon through feeling safe. The base chakra also governs the external genitalia region.

How well is your Base Chakra functioning?

When functioning well, a person feels safe and secure in employment, family and home. They are aware that their base needs are covered and feel safe to explore their emotional state (largely because they have time to!) The Chakra is STRONG when you love your career and feel rewarded for your work because you know that you are good at what you do. (People in unpaid work such as raising families or volunteering will feel valued and appreciated for their efforts by those around them). A well-developed base chakra is obvious when a person is adept at generating income, making wise investments, and saving or investing money. They do not experience funding shortages and have no guilt around buying treats or rewards. They feel secure in the love of family and friends. Generally, They feel good about themselves physically and emotionally when they look in the mirror.

People with a WEAK or CLOSED base chakra struggle financially and never seem to have enough money. They worry about money and often have debt. The thought of spending money is distressing. They struggle to budget efficiently. They usually find themselves feeling undervalued and unappreciated,  stuck in unfulfilling jobs. Signs that the person's base chakra is dysfunctional include weight and body issues (or eating disorders); psychologically, they may be battling with thoughts of unworthiness or that they don't deserve help and support, and they are uncomfortable in their skin. They might suffer from frequent urine or bladder infections or illnesses, or suffer from bowel problems (detoxification and elimination of toxins). Other indicators of Base Chakra dysfunction are in the person's behaviours – which is usually obsessive of power and control. When they cannot gain control in their work situation, they will exhibit controlling behaviours in the domestic environment. Indiscriminately violent people usually have a dysfunctional base chakra and a psychological attitude of 'kill or be killed (if not literally metaphorically).


I AM safe and Secure I AM

I AM able and capable of providing for and protecting myself  I AM