Chakra - Sacral (ORANGE)


Sacral Chakra

About the Sacral  (Svadhisthana) Chakra

The Svadhisthana  Chakra is also known as the Sacral Chakra or 'Navel Chakra', and is associated with the colour orange (or vermillion) but also corresponds to the colour white, which carries the colours of the rainbow within it.

 It is situated above your pubic area and about two inches below your navel. It is the second of the seven primary chakras of the body. While the Base Chakra covers the base survival needs, the Sacral Chakra is considered the Centre of Creativity. The Sacral and Base Chakras must be energised at the same time. A person's emotions must be grounded and connected to avoid perceptions of emotional wishy washiness.

The Sacral Chakra governs the reproductive organs and reproductive health. It energises the ovaries and prostate. It is often associated with pleasure and a sense of oneself, relationships, sensuality and procreation. The primary function is overall pleasure and enjoyment of life. Many Hindu saints have had to face sexual temptations associated with this Chakra. As the centre of creativity and procreation, it governs a person's emotions, such as passion and enthusiasm. The Sacral Chakra is associated with the element of water. The Sacral  Chakra is said to resonate with the A Tone and the Solfeggio tunes of 417Hz

Symbolism of the Sacral  Chakra:

An orange Lotus flower:

  1. six lotus flower petals - represent the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth.
  2. Silver Crescent – represents the moon as a reminder of connectivity, creation and the lunar cycles. It is a reminder of the flow of life, flexibility and emotional freedom of expression and sensuality. 
  3. Sanskrit letters Ba, Bha, Ma, Ya, Ra and La
  4. Seed MANTRA: Vam Translates to "I FEEL" -


The energy of the Sacral Chakra is primarily sensual. From an outward perspective, the Chakra governs sexual activities and procreation. Internally it is the centre of creativity of all kinds and the ability to be open to new ideas and divine inspiration. It offers direct access to freedom, flexibility, fun and flow. It supports positive, creative power and expression. People with a well balanced Sacral chakra will be comfortable sitting with their strong emotions and processing them to allow for creative and positive resolutions. They will also be comfortable setting relationship boundaries. Additionally, people with a balanced Sacral Chakra have learned the skills of discernment. They ate able to recognise that actions lead to further actions or consequences that will either create love or pain. This knowledge assists them to have loving and respectful relationships with others. These abilities that are grounded in reality help to overcome paranoia and unfounded fears. Their relationships are harmonious, nurturing and pleasurable. 

How well is your Sacral Chakra Functioning?

If your Sacral Chakra is STRONG, you see sex as a positive, glorious, pleasurable and healthy activity. You enjoy passionate and frequent, long-lasting sex with your partner, and orgasms are mind-blowing. You will have harnessed the capacity to have simultaneous orgasms with your partner, and the sex is great even if you have been married for many years. You are always able to attract the right partners and compatible people in your life who nourish and nurture you and assist you in becoming a better person than you already are. You attract opportunities for personal growth and great joy.

If your Sacral Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED, you struggle to see yourself as sexy and tend to choose the wrong partners for you. You wonder how anyone could desire you. Your sex drive is low, and when you do have sex, it's not particularly enjoyable. If you have a partner, you rarely orgasm at the same time, and premature or delayed ejaculation may be a frequent problem. You often wonder if you will ever find the ONE. Other indicators of a CLOSED Sacral Chakra, besides sexual dysfunction, are recurring health issues with the uterus, bladder, lower back pain, sciatica, and intestinal problems. Libido for all genders is low (or extremely high). People may experience emotional disorders such as depression (although depression usually manifests in both the sacral and the Throat Chakra). There may be ongoing mood swings, fear of change and addictions. There may be co-dependency in relationships and continually feeling overwhelmed by emotions. There may be an overindulgence in sexual fantasies.


I AM in control of my feelings I AM.

I AM in control of my emotions I AM

I AM a Creator I AM.

I AM environmentally supported to maintain emotional health I AM.