Heart Chakra (GREEN)


Heart Chakra


The Heart Chakra Sanskrit name is 'Anahata', meaning 'sound produced without touching two parts. It also means 'pure' or clean and stainless. The Heart Chakra is the fourth primary Chakra and is centrally aligned near the Heart. This Chakra is associated with the lower chakras because, in essence, it conveys: "as I feel safe and secure within my environment and capacity to support myself, I can free myself from reactive emotional outbursts. I understand my emotional responses and create healthy and harmonious relationships. I trust myself, my judgements, and Divine providence. I am discerning in where I place my trust with other people. I have filled my cup with self-acceptance and forgiveness, and I am more than capable of loving and being compassionate to others – I am a magnet to love". Stable lower chakras are the structural foundations for healthy relationships and the giving and receiving of LOVE, which is the primary function of this Chakra. 

Love cannot be demanded or expected, and where it is gifted. There is value and appreciation for each other and their qualities. The self-esteem is not dependent on the partnership arrangement because each party has a healthy internal partnership with themselves and therefore makes healthy romantic choices around partner shipped relationships. The energy of love is specific to cooperation.

The heart chakra is said to resonate to the 'C' tone and solfeggio 639Hz.


Anahata is represented by a green or pink lotus flower (or both green and pink) with twelve petals.

Flower Petals: The petals all have Sanskrit syllables inscribed upon them. The simplest explanation is that they refer to the following qualities: Bliss, peace, harmony, love, understanding, empathy, clarity, purity, unity, compassion, kindness and forgiveness.

Six-pointed star – the star is the intersection of two triangles to create another symbol Shatkona which represents a union of male/female. In many ways, it is like the Feng Shui symbol of yin/yang/ and black and white represent opposites of the Supreme being (heaven) and Nature (Earth). Unity is often thought to reflect romance. However, true unity is initially internal and a union with oneself. It is this balanced self-union that opens a person to a Divine Partner.

Seed Mantra – yam translates to "I LOVE"

Bindu (Dot) – represents the deity Isha- who grants blessings and dispels fear.


The Anahata Chakra oversees the function of the Heart and lungs and is associated with the endocrine system, skin and hands, and the thymus. It is associated with the "inner flame' or Divine Spark that lies within us. It is related to the element of air. The heart chakra is the demonstration and action of love through touching. It is associated with the ability to make decisions devoid of karma. When following the messages of the Heart, actions and intentions are based on the Higher Self and not the lower Chakra's unfulfilled base desires and emotions. The Heart Charka is the seat of compassion, charity, kindness, and psychic or spiritual healing. Other benefits of developing this Chakra include the capacity to establish communication and speech, astral travel and projection (founded in love and compassion) with a heightened sensory awareness. Energy Healers usually will direct healing energy from the flame in their Heart or the 'Namaste'.


If your Heart Chakra is STRONG, you enjoy comfortable and loving relationships within your work, community and home. You will feel surrounded by love, kindness, compassion and joy. Your friends will see you as a reliable person, and people are drawn to confide in you at work. You have deep gratitude for how blessed your life is and compassion for the people surrounding you. You will be open to all life experiences, and any challenges will feel that they are resolved with ease. When you look around you – you will see beauty and love everywhere, including in the natural world. An open Heart Chakra includes the capacity to see self through the eyes of kindness and compassion and helps us to love and forgive self and self-acceptance just the way we are now. You will know that perfection is contextual – and that each of us is PERFECT right now. Ideally placed for the perfect development perfectly and divinely.


If your Heart Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED, your experiences are opposed to those above. You may struggle to find a committed partnership and sabotage relationships due to a lack of trust and emotional moodiness. You may fear dependence and be too reliant on others. You can expect frequent disagreements and misunderstandings with those around you, including those you love. You are cautious in relationships and on high alert to protect yourself from being hurt. A blocked heart chakra impacts the entirety of our being. Usually, it manifests as physical ailments and diseases such as diabetes, circulation issues, low or high blood pressure and other heart and lung conditions, including bronchitis. There may also be problems with the arms and hands. Signs of a blocked heart chakra include co-dependency, emotionally manipulative behaviours, a lack of self-worth and the ability to trust. More apparent indicators include Self-isolation, over-defensiveness, Loneliness, Grudge holding, Jealousy, Fears of intimacy, and either acting as the rescuer or the victim in relationships.


I AM willing to replace any unforgiveness in my Heart with forgiveness. I AM

I AM ready to forgive myself and others for the hurt that they or I may have caused each other I AM

I AM open to the giving and receiving of Unconditional love. I AM

I AM open to giving myself unconditional love and acceptance I AM.

I AM worthy of the purest love. I AM

I AM able to see my mistakes as opportunities for growth. I AM

 I AM safe to love and be loved. I AM

I AM grateful for all my blessings – seen or unseen, I AM