Psychics, Mediums and Readers - What's the Difference?


October 29, 2022

Psychics, Mediums and Readers - What's the Difference?

Psychics, Mediums and Readers - What's the difference?

Before we define what and how Psychic and mediums' work,' we must outline that these practices and positions are aligned with 'faith and belief'. They have been around in one form or another for millennia. In biblical times, psychics were often referred to as 'prophets', with the ability to see into the future, and this was called 'gift of prophecy. Predictions are, to some extent, "prophecies." Still, in modern-day society, they generally speak to the individual rather than entire societies and all of humanity. That being said, some people claim they have social, cultural and earth prophesy gifts. To define how a psychic functions, we must understand a little about the Clairs. The Clairs are the communication methods used by Psychics and mediums. Psychics and Mediums state that the clairs are how they get the messages that they deliver to the customers. 

What are the Clairs? 

The Clairs are the senses. The word "Clair" originates from France and translates to ' clear-sighted' judicious or discerning'. (Harper, 2017). Originally it was applied to the senses as 'clairvoyance" (and the 'sixth sense or ESP that the sceptics refer to). However, as time has evolved, descriptions have grown to include a range of psychic senses that Psychics rely upon to communicate their messages to the Seekers. For example:

Clairaudience – Those people with the gift of Clairaudience state that the Spirit (which might be a Spirit guide or the Spirit of a loved one) communicates with them through voice, words, and songs. They say that they might hear a word or a sound, a name, or another noise. The key to clairaudience is HEARING

Claircognizance – Those people with this gift state that there is a sense of knowing that 'feels the length of their body (energetically). There is knowing, and there is KNOWING. Claircognizance is interesting as it is an intuitive sense. It is easy for the psychic to misinterpret (at times) and potentially carry their own biases into the message, thinking it is 'guided communication. Still, it's their own 'issues'.A good psychic can differentiate or will communicate to the Seeker when they are not sure. Some psychics state that they can often feel that they KNOW the situation. Yet, when they use their tools and ask for guidance, the guided messages come up totally different to the 'gut feeling'. This helps them identify their own biases and develop and release judgement. From a seeker's perspective – Claircognizance can be difficult to measure. From a Psychic perspective, it is said to be a brilliant gift once they can release judgement and enough self-awareness to separate 'mine from theirs and ours'. The challenge for a seeker is to remain level-headed and know when to listen and set aside. The novice may not know when they are transferring and projecting their issues onto the vulnerable Seeker. The Seeker must follow their own 'gut instinct' and retain an open mind. 

Clairempathy – I'm not sure where the term Clairempathy comes from. It is primarily related to Clairsentience (feelings). People who claim to be Clairempathetic state the sense is the capacity to understand and feel the seekers' emotional space. EMOTIONAL FEELING. For many psychics opening up to their gifts, they connect via empathy and genuine care for the seeker 'feeling their pain'. The novice psychic can struggle with this gift, especially when working with people with a trauma history. Many state issues around absorbing the pain into their energy fields and working hard to release it. in these instances it is most likely that the Psychic is acting with "clairsympathy" (a word I suspect I just made up!). There is a difference between sympathy and empathy. Primarily one (empathy) knows and understands the problem - but can help because they can retain a level of compassionate distance. At the same time, the person with sympathy tends to allow themselves to be overcome by the person's emotion. (NOTE: many people refer to Brene Browns talks on 'getting into the abyss with the person in pain" where she refers to this as empathy - this author disagrees with her position). The quality Psychic will know that it is not helpful to jump into the water to save a drowning person. The person is in a state of 'fright' and panic and may lash out and take their potential saviour to the depths with them, where neither will be able to rise again. A better option may be for the psychic to stay on the boat or on the shore, throw them a life floatation device, and tow them to safety, where they can both sit and hug and cry.

Interestingly, many people who call themselves 'empaths' struggle with relationship boundaries. A wide range of online articles offers support to 'empaths' to build boundaries. From a customer perspective - a person with poor boundaries who falls into a state of sympathetic emotional states may not be the best person to deliver a guided message to them. Part of being a messenger requires emotional stability. The best message is given when the senses are not clouded by emotions. Heightened emotions can impair impartial decision-making, blocking the capacity to hear and see. 

Clairgustance – This refers to the sense of TASTE. The person delivering a reading and connecting with Spirit might make a comment such as, "all of a sudden, I have the taste of biscuits in my mouth or tobacco". It is part of validating a reading or message and helping the Seeker identify the present Spirit. It is not one of the more familiar senses for a Psychic to have. 

Clairsalience –  Clairsalience is sometimes called Clairolfactance. This is the gift of 'SMELL'. Mediums and psychics claim that they can smell things, and these aromas are a method of validating and identifying a spirit. An example might be where a psychic describes a person's physical appearance (as they were in life), and then adds credibility by denoting an aroma or scent. Perhaps grandfather in his favourite rocking chair with a pipe. Grandmother in the kitchen wearing an apron and baking biscuits or cooking with rosemary. These messages convey a memory to the Seeker, validating them as a messenger with the information they could not have known before the meeting. 

Clair tangency - This will only be offline. It is the gift of TOUCH. The psychic gets messages from touching items – such as holding a jewellery item or an object considered precious by a person whose Spirit has transcended the earth plane. Think of the television shows of the psychic being given a locket worn by someone who has passed away. The "medium' focuses on the energy of the locket to connect with a specific spirit. Other examples are 'flower readings', where a person will attend a psychic and take a flower with them (or crystal). The Psychic claims to connect with their energy through the item to deliver a message to them. 

Clairsentience – Where Clairempathy is the art of experiencing a person's emotional feelings, Clairsentience is the gift of FEELING with a physical sensation. For instance, a medium may say, "I'm feeling pressure in my chest area and that this person passed from either a lung/heart condition". Other examples can include feeling room temperature changes. I believe Clair-empathy is a subcategory of Clairsentenience, which would have covered ALL The feeling senses initially. 

Clairvoyance – The gift of SEEING Clairvoyance seems to be the most common of all the 'clairs', with most psychics having it at varying levels. However, not all Psychics will have Clairvoyance and still be able to deliver appropriate messages. Psychics explain this gift in various ways – apparently, it is not the same for all. One psychic said that the guides would show her images and scenes like a video for her. She stated it was like watching 'movie shorts' on a small IPAD. Other examples of Clairvoyance are used by Healers. Some healers state they can see auras, chakras, blocks and barriers and even damage to the personal energy field. These "healers" claim they can see remotely or when a person is in the room. Their Clairvoyance helps them to identify the energetic 'root cause' of 'real-life problems for their customers. 'Remote viewing is another method of Clairvoyance but not a spiritual gift perse. It is the capacity to see from a distance real-life environments. it is the way that the gift is used that determines if it is a spiritual gift. Perhaps remote viewing identifies that it is possible to be 'psychic' and not spiritual simultaneously. It is not new information that the US invested money into developing remote viewing as part of 'national security, (Weeks, 1995; Schnabel, 1998).

Spirit Medium

The Spirit Medium is someone that claims to bridge the gap between the physical world and the afterlife. They act as an intermediary for the Spirit, who may have messages to convey to their loved ones. While some people state that mediums speak with the Dead- Mediums disagree. They explain that Death does not exist as we imagine it to, but rather a soul leaves behind the body and goes to another place/state of being. It does not and cannot die. Mediums say that while they can communicate with the Spirit verbally or non-verbally. The Spirit speaks their messages through the medium using the 'extra senses', known as the Clairs. The medium has a full range and fully developed set of Clairs. 

Spiritual, Psychic and Trance Channeling

These are basically the same time as psychic communication. Most people who refer to themselves as channelers state that they have no recall of the content they deliver while in 'trance' or 'channelling'. Forms of channelling include verbal, 'Automatic writing' and 'Psychic Art'. They are very similar in how they get their messages and deliver them. Some people (the few and minority) state that they 'lend their body' to the Spirit or the Divine beings to communicate through their bodies. Whlie this is sometimes called allwoign them to possess the body, this is a fallacy as well. The Spirit does not possess or own the body; however, it can push very close into the aura and up against the person's body. It can feel intrusive and uncomfortable, and very frightening. Mediums say that this practice should be avoided, especially by the novice or person doing psychic development. Many Mediums refuse to offer this kind of service. It tends to be more popular with people who romanticize spiritual communication or are enamoured by the 'mysteries'. 

Psychic Medium

The psychic medium will usually have most (if not all) of the clairs. Where a medium tends to focus primarily on communicating with the spirits that have left the earth plane, the Psychic Medium does not. The Psychic Medium focus tends to be on delivering other guidance and messages, which may or may not include messages from Spirits and/or higher beings. They may use tools as part of providing these services. 


The term 'Psychic' is a generalist description and covers various abilities and claims. They may often (and usually do) provide predictions and information about the future, past and present and identify challenges to overcome or challenges the Seeker is currently facing. 

Psychic Healer

Psychic healers claim that they carry Psychic ability but also gifts of healing. Their healing methods are also varied and may include the invocation of spiritual or angelic and higher being healers to assist the Seeker, to heal and remove barriers and blocks to total health and wellbeing. A healer may claim different healing methods, including harnessing and directing healing energy to the recipient. 

Psychic Intuitive

The Psychic Intuitive states that they know because they feel. They rely more on Clair empathy, Claircognizance, and Clairsentience to convey their messages. They may also depend on other tools to deliver messages to the Seeker, such as Cards, crystals, runes, etc.  

Psychic Reader

Psychic readers rely on tools, training and an understanding of symbolism to deliver their messages. They may have spent many years researching topics of interest to them, mixing this practical knowledge with their claims. They are different from a Card Reader, because card readers have' book learning.

Card/ Tool reading

The reader tends to have learned their skills from their physical studies. They don't necessarily claim to be psychic because they have yet to consciously develop their clairs or lack confidence in their ability to understand them or trust them. They rely on the messages from the tools they use, such as crystals, runes or cards, which can be very accurate (and other times completely inaccurate). The Seeker should look at the reviews of these types of readers to identify if this is a service they would like. Often the service provides predictive elements – which is popular for seekers. Predictions are not set in concrete. 


Spiritual and Psychic workers take different approaches to delivering their services. Their service style, their work method and how they play a part in customer satisfaction. For instance, if a person is seeking someone to communicate with a deceased loved one, they would be best to connect with a Medium or Psychic Medium (or Channel). A Card Reader might be the perfect person for those seeking a little bit of fun and validation. Let's not understate the value of a good Reader. It takes many years to develop their knowledge. Often these people can convey deep insight to the person about who and what their motivations are and their subconscious character traits, strengths and vulnerabilities. In closing – at REALM, we are open and inclusive of our customers and consultants. If you believe there is more information to add to this blog, don't hesitate to contact the admin through the contact page or leave a message below! 


Harper, D. (2017). Online Etymology Dictionary: Clairvoyance. Retrieved from

Schnabel, J. (1998). Remote Viewers: The secret history of America’s psychic spies. ISBN 10: 0440223067 ISBN 13: 9780440223061

Weeks, L. (1995, December 4). The Washington Post. Up close and personal with a remote viewer. Retrieved from

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