Getting the Best from your Consultation.


October 30, 2022

Getting the Best from your Consultation.

People attend a psychic reader for a variety of readings. Some are looking for a quick fix and a magic wand. In contrast, others want a glimpse into the future and be given hope (especially if they have been facing challenges). Some might want to connect with the Spirit of a lost loved one – some people simply want to have a reading 'because they don't believe and they want it proven'. Others just want a bit of fun. Most ethical psychics will attempt to fulfil whatever motivates the person to get a reading. At the same time, readers with integrity believe that they have been blessed with their gifts to assist people to live 'the best version of themselves. There is no disputing that we are all 'spirits having an earthly experience. However, worldly experience includes being part of life and living. The gifts are not a means to escape life's harsh reality or detach from responsibilities. People are advised to maintain a healthy life balance and keep a level head. For the best value - have a reading done, but remain grounded and practical. So how do we do this? How does a person stay realistic and grounded when mingling in the esoteric and those things that can't be seen and where there is no scientific evidence? Read below for some tips. 

  1. Prepare for your reading/consultation. 

  • Consider the type of service you seek –and choose the consultant appropriately. 

  • Review the Consultant profile and their feedback. Have reasonable expectations around the service delivery – for instance, is the person a novice? Do they have an extensive history? What type of service are they providing? What claims (if any) do they make on their profile?. What are other people who have used their services saying about their experience, style and service? 

  • Once you have found your preferred Psychic – before contacting them:

  • Focus on your intention – what questions do you wish to have answered? 

  • Ask yourself - do you really want to know the answer? What will you do, and how will you react to an answer you did not want to hear? 

  • Choose to be open to receiving the answers to your questions (or any guidance that might come through). 

  • Develop an 'attitude of gratitude to your guides – trust that they are directing you to the perfect Psychic for the perfect message today. 

  • Release any fears you might have – Spirit will not reveal any information that you do not wish to have revealed to the Psychic.

When you are clear with your intention - return to the computer and connect with your preferred Reader. Should your preferred Reader be unavailable (has signed off or is busy on another call), Spirit might be trying to let you know that this is not their choice of messenger for you. 

Realistically it may also be a case of 'learn patience'; today is not the right day or time to get the answers. It is up to you to work it out. You might see if there is someone else online who has their skill base and book with them, or you might view your preferred readers' calendar and make a plan to call them when they are next online. Either way - it's for you to decide what feels right to you. 

During your reading: 


  • Trust your instincts – if the reading doesn't feel 'right' then either the Reader is not the 'right' person to deliver any messages to you. There is a risk that they may misinterpret any messages for you and give you wrong information. 

  • At REALM, you pay for services by the minute. If you feel that the Reader is questionable – Disconnect the call. You can say, 'I'm sorry I don't feel this is working for me,' or just hang up. We recommend you disconnect sooner rather than waste your money on a service you are not feeling works for you. 

  • Whether you enjoyed the reading or not - please leave honest feedback and reviews on the consultant profile wall. This helps to inform other customers to have realistic expectations. (

  • If you ask for predictions, many people will knee-jerk react to a prediction they misunderstand or feel can't possibly be right - until it comes true. 

  • Remember - predictions are not set in concrete. you have free will and if you don't like the prediction, you can actively start making changes to create a more desirable future. 

  • if you become alarmed - ask the psychic for clarity. 

  • Take notes if you wish to refer back to the messages after the fact. 

  • Do leave feedback and reviews about your experience after the reading for other customers. This helps them to identify what they can expect when connecting with the Reader. It also assists the Psychic in reviewing their practice.

  • If your feedback is negative or critical, please be respectful and sensitive in how you deliver it (especially on REALM!). All our readers and consultants are well-intentioned. They have agreed in their terms of use that they will take negative feedback on their 'shoulders' and reflect on what they are doing and how they can improve. They are also sensitive souls who will likely feel that they have let you, the guides and themselves down if they don't deliver to you a service that adds value to your life. Suitable feedback is: 'the reading did not resonate with me" or 'parts of the reading resonated but not all'. "I didn't feel the Reader was connected properly". (Or something else that is polite but conveys your thoughts and feelings). 

  • Only buy items you might be encouraged to purchase if it feels 'right' to you. For instance, you may be prompted to buy or purchase a talisman for protection. This is not a directive –you have free will. 

  • Consult bona fide professionals such as a doctor, counsellor or pastor if you struggle with severe emotional problems such as depression, anger or grief.

  • If the reading left you fearful and anxious, then there has been a miscommunication - Spirit will never give a person a frightening message. Please contact REALM administration if one of our readers has given you a fear-based message. 

  • Our customers have a copy of the Consultant Code of Conduct and Consumer protection. All misconduct should be reported to the REALM administration in the first instance. Deviations from the Code of Ethics should also be reported to REALM. 


  • Tell the psychic too much about yourself. 

  • Don't expect the Psychic to tell you, 'what is my mother, lover, or husband thinking/feeling'. Some may do this, but many believe that this is a third-party reading and violates the other person's privacy. They equate it to a case of having someone walk into your house and go through your cupboards without their permission or knowledge.

  • If the Psychic asks questions – keep your answers to a minimum of Yes/No or Maybe. it is not unusual for a Psychic to ask some questions as part of 'validating the connection'. These types of questions are " can you take this?" "Does this resonate with you? '. Psychics that ask multiple questions are potentially frauds and are on a fishing exercise. Alternatively, they may need to take a break and clear before taking another call.  

  •  Be too expressive in a video consultation – be mindful of your non-verbal body language, such as facial expressions, as this can convey a multitude of information to the Reader. 

  • Don't take on board the projections of readers and psychics. Sometimes they will be adamant that they are right when your entire being is saying "NO". Honour your own intuition. Psychics are not infallible. Many are trying to decipher symbolism. Most psychics state that the way a spirit can communicate or guide can vary for them, and they have to reattune their receptivity regularly.

  • After the reading

  • NEVER Decline medical or professional treatment of any sort after receiving a reading. Ethical readers will explain that what they deliver does not replace professional advice. Healers will state that their service does not replace medical treatment but aims to improve recovery outcomes. 

Tips for future readings:

If you enjoyed the service delivered by your Psychic /Reader, Life coach, consider booking future readings or consults with them. You can check their availability by visiting their profile and reviewing their calendar. Customers are notified through the calendar of any planned leave the consultants may take. 

Repeat Readings

Customers often prefer to stay with a Psychic that they feel connected to, and we LOVE this! At the same time, please be aware that it is possible to have too many readings. The rule of thumb is that energy stays mostly the same from one week (or even day) to the next. If you enjoy regular reading - four weeks is a reasonable time frame between readings. Our ethical readers are attempting to foster independence where you trust yourself and where you develop the skills to manage the challenges that life presents. 


Seekers are well advised to monitor how many readings they receive in a short time frame (paid and unpaid). Too many readings in too short a time frame by too many different readers is counterproductive. It may lead to or compound mental health problems. From a practical perspective, a person would not knock on the door of every member of their street asking for their opinion on their life problems. Any advice they have, and the same is with Psychic readings. While some psychics may deliver similar types of readings, others might offer a totally different perspective. 

People experiencing trauma reactions and distress may benefit from connecting with one of our wonderful healers in the first instance. Psychics and healers state that the best changes occur when emotions are harnessed and directed positively. That is, the person is assisted to CREATE the desired outcome - rather than reacting to situations and compounding their problems.

Avoid using services when you are under the influence of alcohol or substances. They impact communication and cognition during physical conversations. You might not receive the best value if you can't remember what was discussed!

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