

An aura is described as an ‘electromagnetic field’ that is said by some to surround anything that is living. The belief is that everything that has life (plants, animals and humans) have energy that vibrates and this creates the electro magnetic field around it. The easiest way to view the aura (Or to start seeing it) is said to be to focus on a tree or plant, and in so doing so squint your eyes and allow them to ‘glaze or haze’ and as you squint (or half close your eyes) you will see a blur around the tree, and the leaves and this is said to be the trees ‘aura’.

People are said to have an aura that surrounds their body. A healthy aura is described as ‘egg shaped’ wit the ‘egg point’ about a metre from the top of a person’s crown, and the base of the egg shape about a metre from their feet. It is said to extend a meter in front, behind and to the sides of the person. Psychics often claim to be able to see a person’s aura, through their third eye or brow chakra. Other people take photographs of the aura the consensus is that the aura has seven layers to it, (although some people believe there are more). These layers are referred to as “Auric Bodies’ or Auric layers which is discussed further down.

The aura is said to be impacted by chakra balance, a persons thoughts and beliefs, attitudes and emotions, and because of environmental factors, or who they come into contact with during the course of their daily activities. The aura is said to be open to damage or to picking up etheric ‘debris’ and it is this perception that fuels the belief in ‘auric cleansing and balancing’.

While the aura is not seen by everyone – it is felt by everyone either consciously or unconsciously. Everyone can recount a story of how they were in either a good mood or a bad mood, and another person entered their ‘zone’ and they felt inexplicably the opposite. When this mood alteration occurs, it is generally because the energy has become shared due to weakened boundaries, or simply a merging of energy. It is not usually deliberate or malicious – it simply is what it is. When we go into any social setting we will potentially pick up ‘things’ not visible to the naked eye, such as bacteria or germs. We regularly bath and shower to remain clean – to keep the Aura clear, then we should also be practicing good ‘Spiritual Hygiene’ and doing a chakra/auric clean at least daily and more often when things are more difficult.

Auras are also static- in that they do not remain the same across a person’s lifetime. They reflect what is happening with a person at any given point in their life. They tell a story of personality, temperament, and life purpose and how these impact on a person’s thoughts, feelings, and mental health, and how this affects a person’s decision making. Auras can also contract and expands and respond to the environment.

Understanding Aura Colours

Understanding Auras is much like everything else – it is down to the interpretation of the colour of the person conducting the assessment of the aura. Colours come in various shades, and hues, and can be vivid, or subtle, and pastel tones.

Interpretation is also reliant on the skills of the person doing the interpretation. Auras can be multi colour and they can show more colour at one spot within the auric body than others – for instance you might find yellow around the base chakra, or there might be red near the crown chakra (these are examples!). The Auric Viewer will interpret what the colour and the placement means within the context of the chakras. However, as a rule of thumb this is what the colours of the aura can symbolise:

Grey /Hazy Auras – generally represent a person who is fatigued and exhausted and where they are feeling confused because their energy is depleted. This can generally be restored fairly easily with some chakra exercises, perhaps dietary changes, and environmental changes, or simply a holiday. It may involve some lifestyle changes.

Red: Passion, sexuality/sexual activity, energetic, competitive. It indicates that person is confident, strong, and even aggressive. They are goal oriented and love to charge of situations. They are focussed on the base survival aspects of life and don’t shy away from challenges. They may be a dramatic, and their energy tends to let people know that they are ‘not to be crossed’ because who ever might throw down the gauntlet to them may well have bitten off more they can chew.

Orange: Creativity, joy, exuberance, playfulness, warmth, energetic. The spin side of this colour is that they may also be emotionally reactive  if the energy is not directed toward positive outlets. They are optimistic and sociable, and even when they get angry, the mood passes quickly and there is not a tendency to hold a grudge. They are happy to chat with people, build social relationships quickly and would certainly never be accused of being a wall flower, because they are so much fun to be around!

Yellow: Trusting, happy, hopeful, courageous, strong, independent. Yellow in the aura tends to speak to a person who is optimistic and hopeful - they are intelligent and free thinking. They are confident in themselves and are not a doormat. They are not afraid of leadership or stepping into their ‘personal power’. They are quick learners and may enjoy writing, and sharing knowledge in the form of teaching, or study. They are witty and clever and people respect them.

Green – loving toward others, healing, innocence.  These people have a love of nature where they spend a lot of time. It is the place where they self-nurture. They tend to be able to love others unconditionally and compassionately. They likely enjoy activities such as camping or taking a stroll around the park, watching the birds! If there is a lot of Emerald Green – they may be actively involved in Spiritual Healing.

Lime Green – Grief/loss recovering from the death of a loved one, sometimes anxiety. This often presents because of its association with the higher heart chakra which is where anxiety can be stored. Often the lime green appears if a person is recovering from the sudden death of a loved one – even if that sudden and unexpected death happened many years before.

Light Blue – nurturing and maternal love, gentle communication. The light blue reflects the colours of the Divine Femine/Creator Goddess, nurturing, kind, compassionate and gentle. It is a ‘Maternal love’ of the truest form.

Pink – Pink in the Aura tends to indicate that the person is building upon their self confidence and their self-esteem. They may undervalue themselves. Consequently, they are incredibly sweet, and approval seeking because they are self-validating through those people around them. They are usually their own worst critic – and judge themselves far more harshly than anyone around them would.

Dark /Vivid Blue – When the Aura carries a Dark vivid Sapphire blue it is a reference to Divine Protection, paternal love, open minded. It can also refer to a close connection to Spirit Guides and other celestial beings. The Sapphire Blue reflects ‘Divine Masculine’ of provide, protect, supportive love. It is the equivalent of ‘Paternal Love’ that supports independence and maturity, and responsibility or decision making. Paternal love empowers the child to mature into an independent adult.

Indigo – Intuitive, psychic, clairvoyant energy. When there is a lot of Indigo in the aura, this indicates that a person is intuitive and developing their psychic abilities (either consciously or unconsciously). They have great insight and able to see beneath the surface, and this might be through empathy, if not the clairs. This colour is associated with heightened awareness and wisdom.

Violet – stronger connection to the celestial world than earthly world, Healing energy (Reiki Practitioner for example). It indicates spiritual wisdom, and are likely sought out by friends and family for your advice. You may have tendencies to walk around with your head in the clouds if you are not balanced in your daily living and forget to do your grounding.

Silver - abundance (spiritual and physical). Silver in the aura is a treasured gift and ripe with opportunities for the person. They can tap into these gifts (which are physical, material, and spiritual) and use them for good or other. (Their choice). However, if these gifts are not used- they become ‘lost’. The leg up for them is believed to be ‘spiritual guidance’ where they can communicate effectively with their own guides and receive intuitive direction on what course they should take.

Gold - spiritual protection. Gold in the aura indicates that the person is working with high protection and support from celestial beings. It is a gold colour like the sun, and is said to carry the vibration for the guides to enter in and out of their aura with ease to provide the person with the necessary healing energy.

Black – can reflect disease or toxicity, and often reflects a violent trauma (historical). Depending on where the black shows, is how this colour is interpreted. Often it can indicate illness in the body (or the manifestation of illness for an early intervention). Other times it presents if a person has experienced trauma (such as a person who has returned from a military combat zone). If the practitioner does not understand the implications and the heaviness of the black in the aura they may often be frightened of it and misinterpret it. The black does not represent anything ominous, however, when the black appears the psychic would do well not to dig into the black (unless guided to) because they may be vicariously traumatised.

White - purity, newness, spiritual ascension. White carries the hues of the rainbow within it, so it is often associated with angelic guidance and support. It indicates a purity of intent of the person, and that they are walking their path in truth, aligned with Divine will, and know their purpose and act upon it. They understand that they are ‘one part of something much bigger than themselves’.

Browns in the aura – represent people that are likely career driven but enjoy working with their hands. They are very logical and practical, probably have a ten year plan, and budgeted to the last $. Strategy and hard work will always pay off.


Auric Bodies

About the Auric Bodies

Interestingly while there is no scientific evidence to support the theories around auric bodies,  there is scientific studies called ‘proxemics’ which refer to the study of human behaviour as a response to the use of ‘space’. These studies have identified that people feel uncomfortable generally if a person unknown to them comes within .5m of their physical body.

In brief the Chakra System refers to not only the primary seven chakras but also the Yoga /Guru chakras of Divine and celestial connection. The chakra layers refer to ‘bodies’, and they are generally associated with colours. As with the chakras – there are seven of the primary bodies that we rely on in our earthly pursuits as part of achieving our Divine Goals and Divine plan. In brief they are explained as follows:

  1. Etheric Body Layer

This is the Auric layer that the physical body sits within. This is the layer closest to the physical body it sits approximately two to four inches from the physical body across all points taking the shape of the body (its outline).  The etheric body connects to the root chakra and has a bluish-grey colour and is the easiest aura to see with the naked eye. It is more apparent with individuals who are very physically active. People with a more idle or inactive lifestyle have a weaker etheric body around them. This body refers to the physical health of the person, their security and physical safety. it is also the auric body where physical injuries or illness can be observed.

  1. Emotional Body

The emotional body is the second auric layer from the physical body and sits directly outside the etheric body extending by one to three inches.  It relates to the emotions and holds and stores our feelings and sensitivities such as joy, and sorrow, and is reflected in a person’s mood.  While it is connected to the sacral chakra, it can emit all the auric field colours of the rainbow. When a person is experiencing emotional distress – it can become muddy in colour. The emotional body is in constant motion, and any imbalance in the chakras will reflect here and impact on the first and the third auric bodies.

  1. Mental Body

The mental body refers to the lower mental aspect and is the third auric body and situated anywhere from three to eight inches from the physical body. It stores our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes, judgements, and our cognitive processing. It is usually a bright yellow colour and connected to the solar plexus chakra. This layer radiates more strongly around the upper body (head, neck and shoulders), because it is associated with the mind and intellect. People who have an overactive mind or engage in learning/teaching with study will often emit coloured sparks in this auric body.

  1. Astral Body

The Astral body is the fourth auric layer and extends about one foot from the physical body. The Astral body is indicated by the rainbow, pinks and rose colours and is associated with the heart chakra. When a person is involved in healthy romantic, intimate relationships the aura colour appears brighter. The auric layer can become weakened during relationship conflicts or breakdowns. The Astral body is the bridge between the physical plane to the spiritual planes. The physical earth plane is lower vibration than the celestial planes so the bridge acts as the connector.

  1. Etheric Template

The Etheric Template is the fifth auric layer from the physical body – extending outward by about two feet. It is connected via the throat chakra and carries the blueprint of the physical body. It can be seen much like a negative of a photograph. While it can vary in colour, it is most often seen as a reverse image (for instance blondes appearing with black hair and vice versa). The blue print includes details of your identity, personality and overall energy. It can vary in colour but appears to be stronger in those who express their truth, and have a true understanding of themselves with heightened self-awareness.

  1. Celestial Layer Body

The Celestial Body is the sixth auric layer and can extend for up to two and a half feet from the physical body. It is connected to the Brow Chakra (Third Eye). It is a very strong and powerful vibration as it represents the Divine Connection and connection to the universe and other beings. It is the storage place of unconditional love and oneness. It is coloured Pearl White, and people with this colour in their aura generally communicate with the spirit world and receive angelic messages.

7, Ketheric or Casual Body

The Ketheric  or Casual Body is the seventh auric layer and can extend up to three feet from the physical body. It is connected to the Crown Chakra and protects all the other auric layers. It vibrates at the highest frequency and has either a brilliant white colour or a golden colour that pulsates. This light is significant to the persons soul journey (which they have to discover for themselves). A strong Ketheric layer gives the ability to surrender personal will and align to the path of the Divine and to further develop psychic abilities.


While there is information available and easily sourced online about extra chakras (up to twelve), these are higher level and frankly, go into a dubious territory of what/how they work and operate. There is argument some  that there are more than twelve , but realistically – how would anyone know?. We will leave it to your discretion. This is likely the place where knowledge and wisdom are personal , and that this is also where truth sits, individually, without judgement.

Aura Maintenance

A chakra body can become ‘damaged’ or flawed throughout activities and they require maintenance for optimal function. This can be as simple as a visualisation exercise, where the intent to balance auric bodies is stated before breathing and then imagining and visualising each layer being repaired or patched to maximum capacity. An interesting exercise for first timers is to do a breathing exercise and visualise themselves within an egg shaped light and see where and how far away the light feels. Often when a person completes this exercise they will say (for example)– “my aura felt like it was up flat against my back – I had to breathe it out to the right place of 1m away”. When we explore what is going on the persons world they tend to identify that from an emotional perspective they feel that their ’back is up against the wall’. Auric exercises help the person to establish what is going on internally with themselves, and which might be subconscious. The exercises help to not only bring the unconscious to the conscious (for early intervention and problem resolution) but they also leave a person feeling more balanced and stable and with greater peace.