Affirmations and Denials


Affirmations and Denials


 Many books have been written about Affirmations and Universal Law. We could not do justice to the topic in a few short paragraphs. The information provided on this website needs to be more comprehensive. This page is purely an introduction to the subject with some expamples and people are encouraged to undertake their own research and explorations.


Historically, the power of the word has not been a secret. For many people, it was referred to as the power of prayer. People who support the 'power of prayer or the power of the 'spoken word' believe that people have a 'vibration'. As a simple explanation, it's a belief that all people are made up of cells or particles that cannot be seen by the naked eye. These cells and particles are said to move swiftly, and the faster they move, the lighter the person's aura. They also believe that the personal vibration responds to other factors, such as the spoken word. They state that words carry vibration- from the universe and from the body. I am no expert on Theosophy or Christian Theosophy. Still, they have played a role in accepting the Power of the Word, Affirmations and Denials, particularly during the 20th Century. However, even the western and Christian Theosophists acknowledge their beliefs to have been pioneered by Greek Philosophers and Asian teachings. 

20th Century

Affirmations were popular in the early part of the 20th Century. Florence Scovell Shinn (an American Christian Theosophist) published her first books, "Life is a Game and How to Play It" and "Your Word Is Your Wand". While Shinn's teachings remain current, the language of the books is in keeping with the time frame in which they were written. They can be arduous reading, mainly because her Christian values are embedded into the books. Which may repel some spiritual folk who do not identify as Christian. It can give the appearance that unless a person believes in Jesus, they have no power, which is incorrect. Christians believe that Jesus and God are one. Non-Christians might wish to replace the name of Jesus with God/Goddess, Creator, All That I Am; or "The Great I AM, " or something else which resonates more with their spirituality and purpose. 

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are divine statements of intent of what it is that we wish to manifest and create in our lives. People often reference the "Law of Attraction" and Manifestation; it has become a very lucrative business for some people. However, the Law of Attraction is a belief based on Spiritual Law or Universal Law. None of the laws is 'standalone' as they are all interactive (in fact, there are about 105 Universal Laws). Many people are disappointed when they fail to manifest or 'attract' their dreams and desires. They might be practising affirmations and feel it is of no avail and experience a lack of faith, hope and trust in the processes of the Universe. 

Within this context - AFFIRMATIONS and DENIALS are key ingredients to the manifestation process - yet they are not 'standalone'. Saying an affirmation or denial alone does not necessarily create the desired outcome. Affirmations and Denials are faith-based (spiritual beliefs). The spiritual view is that each individual is born with a "Divine Plan", a purpose for living and a life that is not designed to induce extended pain and suffering. The belief includes that pain, suffering and hardship are primarily due to our inability to direct energy toward positive outcomes. There is no denying that life brings challenges to people - and that people are not responsible for everything that happens to them through their life journey. Still instead, they are responsible for how they respond to these challenges. People have choices of succumbing to their trials or using these experiences as tools for learning.

Furthermore, the Divine Plan is agreed to BEFORE a person is born into their earthly life. This concept is one that people often struggle with, especially if they have had to endure some intense, horrific worldly experiences. Spiritual Law states the soul is eternal, exists before conception and will survive after the physical 'death' (transition). The soul is part of a soul group or collective. It is believed that the earthly experience has been agreed to as part of the growth of the entire soul pack /soul family. This soul family unit is often called a collective pack or part of a collective soul pack. The earthly experience includes remembering how to direct energy toward positive outcomes and growth for all. 

Affirmations and Denials significantly influence how we direct our energy and focus our intent. Believers believe that pain and hardship are what we endure when we deviate from the "Divine Plan. Therefore, we must re-align our will with Divine Will. Divine Will wants to see us succeed in living peacefully, joyously, loving, loved and loveable. 

How Do They Work

Shinn explains that the focus of the affirmation should be on the positive and desired outcome, include gratitude, and goal emphasis should be at the end of the statement. For example, a person experiencing financial hardship or distress and desiring to manifest money, might need to set a clear goal of what it is that they need to manifest 'right now' (in the present moment). For instance, lets say a homeless person needs a set amount of $ to move into a house, furnish it, and feed themselves and so forth. The person should calculate what they need, and there is no guilt to add a bit more as a buffer zone. So the person would affirm (aloud and with conviction, without shouting, demanding, pleading or begging – strength and courage of conviction is the key):

"I give thanks for the $ (state the amount) that is on its way to me under grace right NOW"

It is not enough to purely make a statement (the statement is said to create the universal vibration' as part of the manifestation process. The person now needs to ensure that they stay alert for opportunities and choose to ACT upon those hunches that guide the manifestation process. Part of this process includes being able to discern a hunch from a hope, or delusion, as the alternative will be that the person starts to run around rampantly in the hopes that the actions are 'hunches' which is actually counterproductive and demonstrates a lack of faith in the process. Trust is a key attitude to the manifestation process.

A person new to the affirmation and manifestation process, might start with affirmations around aligning personal will with Divine Will; and other useful affirmations might be:

"I choose be gratefully receptive and responsive to my intuition and Divine Guidance at all times"

"I align my will with Divine Will"

"I give thanks for the financial abundance that is coming to me under grace and in the divine way right NOW".

What Are Denials?

Denials can be described as Affirmations in reverse. They acknowledge the appearance of mayhem, madness, and even injustice within the environment. They can be drawn upon when a person’s life is in chaos. They are not a means to delude a person from reality or escapism. Still, instead, they support emotional balance and faith through difficult times. When faced with challenges, it is easy to succumb to defeatedness or despair and feel futile about the future, or alternatively, to fight and resist what is causing us grief. In these times, we can draw upon the vibration of Denial. Faith is demonstrated by reminding us that we are all on a Divine Path, and Divine Will is for peace, harmony and joy. So if we are suffering emotionally, Divine Will seeks to direct us to calmer emotional waters. With this knowledge and faith, we are armed to refute appearances that we are ‘off our path’ or have done something wrong. An example of a Denial is:

“I deny the appearance of chaos and obstacles to the Divine Plan, and I give thanks for the Divine Manifestation within and around me right now”. This kind of Denial is not about deluding oneself from the reality of what is happening in their life. Instead, it helps to emotionally distance from the chaos. The Denial also reinforces faith, and alignment with Divine Will, by recognising that these challenges are temporary, part of life and opportunities for growth.

Barriers and Obstacles. 

The ego is the major obstacle to manifesting and living the Divine Agreement. It is easiest to explain the ego within this context as the part of ourselves that seeks to control events, people, and the environment around us to achieve what we want. The ego has an idea of what might make the person happy. Identifying if an idea is Divinely inspired or ego-driven can sometimes be challenging. Not everything in our earthly life is black and white. Theoretically, ego-driven goals can be challenging, and the 'Divine idea' comes easily. However, just because an idea doesn't come to fruition immediately - does not mean that the idea is not Divinely inspired. There can be delays in manifestation because the concept relies on others or environmental factors, and all parts must be ready before the image can be realised. This is what people refer to as 'Divine Timing'. 

It is easy to understand how we are the most significant barrier and an obstacle to the manifestation process. To successfully manifest and attract, we must ensure that we can retain a vision while simultaneously releasing it and handing it over. We must releas all emotional attachment to the image to allow it to unfold. We need to energise the vision with gratitude and accept that the inspired picture is part of the Divine Plan and will manifest at the "Divine Time" in the Divine way. Any delays to the manifestation process are 'divinely inspired. The primary affirmation that all of us would benefit from using is "I AM aligned with Divine Will, I AM". 

Examples of Barriers

As Affirmations and Denials are faith-based, they require a demonstration of faith. When a person makes an affirmation to the Universe, they MUST trust that the Universe will deliver to them. Holding the manifestation too tight, or questioning whether or not the Universe will provide, is a demonstration of a lack of faith and is counterproductive. Instead of energising the manifestation, it takes energy away. It fosters the opposite (as does worrying IF the declaration doesn't work).

Another barrier to manifesting is an inappropriately expressed declaration. There is what is referred to as 'universal hearing'. The universe 'hears' and responds to a request based on the declaration's first few words and last words. The Universe will consistently deliver. An excellent example of an Affirmation is "I give thanks for the perfect job that is mine under grace, at the divine time, which is right NOW". This affirmation hands control of the type of job that the person will be offered. It aligns with Divine will. It positions divine will in the current moment. 

A person may experience problems manifesting the perfect job if they fail to see the opportunities the Universe presents to them. The Divine appointment might not be that executive offer in a suit earning $$$$. The perfect position right now might be lower paying and not as lucrative or glamorous, BUT instead is a steppingstone to the ultimate desire. 

A person must affirm that they are open to their intuition and to see opportunities for action. This involves paying attention to 'gut instinct', that inner knowing that a person MUST do or be somewhere. There is a difference between what the mind says and what the 'gut' says. There may be a thought that says 'go for a drive to X', and the internal response is ", No, I don't want to go to x - I want to go to Y'. A person can will themselves to go against their intuitive guidance. However, astute people can affirm that they are open to receiving their hunches and internal guidance and acting upon it. This way - they may find themselves going to X as directed. 

 For instance, a person experiencing financial distress, who is manifesting a home, may be drawn to make a small purchase for their new home. By spending the money - there is an energetic conviction that reinforces the energy to be open to receiving the desired outcome. 

Affirmations and denials to use…

For Wealth

Affirmdations for Wealth and Financial abundance.God is my unfailing supply, and large sums of money come to me quickly, under grace, in perfect ways.



For the Right Conditions

Affirmations for Right conditions and removing obstacles.Every plan my Father in Heaven has not planned, shall be dissolved and dissipated, and the Divine Idea now comes to pass.

Only that which is true of God is true of me, for I and the Father are ONE.

Divine Love now dissolves and dissipates every wrong condition in my mind, body and affairs. Divine Love is the most powerful chemical in the universe, and dissolves everything which is not of itself.

For Faith

Affirmations for Faith and aligning with Divine Will. As I align myself with the Creator, the Great I AM, I am at one with my good, Creator is both the Giver and the GIFT. I AM/We ARE and cannot be separated






For Health

Affirmations for peak and optimum health.The light of the Divine floods every cell in my body, filling my entire being and auric field with the consciousness of perfect health and well-being.

For Eyesight

Affirmation for perfect visionMy vision is that of the creator and I see through the eyes of Spirit! I see clearly opportunities and open paths! There are no obstacles on my pathway for I see with clarity, the perfect and Divine Plan!



For Hearing

Affirmation for perfect hearing and clairaudienceMy ears are the ears of  the Divine, I hear with the ears of spirit. I am non-resistant and am willing to be led. I hear glad tidings of great joy.  


For Guidance

Affirmation for hearing, responding and actioning Divine Guidance.I am divinely aware of my intuitive guidance and sensitive to all Divine hunches.. I respond instantly to these hunches for my will is aligned with Divine Will.




For Work

Affirmation to attract  the perfect job opportunity or to improve your current role and financial reward. I have a perfect work
In a perfect way;
I give perfect service
For perfect pay

For Freedom from All Bondage

Affirmation to release limitating thoughts and to liberate self. All bondage is an illusion of the race consciousness. There is always a way out of every situation, under grace. Every man is free to do the will of God.


I cast my burdens on the Divine within, and I go free!