Affirmations for Chakras


Affirmations For Chakras

Chakras can also benefit from Affirmation. Each Affirmation starts with "I AM" as a 'statement' of fact. Its not only a means of balancing chakras but also retraining thought and attitudes. 


I AM always safe and secure I AM
I AM divinely protected and guided I AM

I AM grateful that my path is made smooth and free of obstacles I AM

I AM grateful for my feet and that they show me the way I AM.

I AM grateful for my legs, that give me support I AM

I AM open to learning new things and expanding my awareness of life I AM

I AM willing to release all the old fear-based patterns of limitation and insecurity to live joyously in the present I AM
I AM supported by people in an easy and pleasurable way I AM

I AM safe, connected to people and the universe and free to enjoy my life right NOW. I AM
I AM willing to be my own best mother and to care for myself properly at all times I AM
I AM responsible for the quality of my life I AM
I AM  open to new ideas, new thoughts, and new people in my life IAM
I AM  willing to consider the possibility that there are new approaches to enjoying
life which will enhance my sense of being alive and give me pleasure. I AM
I AM grateful for my good life I AM.

I AM supported by life to fulfil my life purpose I AM

I AM accepted by others exactly as I AM

I AM supported by life to express myself and manifest my dreams I AM

I AM open to receiving and able to enjoy pleasure I AM

I AM trusting in the process of life that it unfolds for my highest good and greatest joy I AM

I AM loving my life the way it is I AM

I AM free to make any necessary life changes to secure my positive future I AM

I AM free to risk doing what I feel is right I AM

I AM a life enhancer I AM

I AM creating healthy foundations on which creativity can flourish I AM


I AM capable of and do ensure  that I extend unconditional love and approval to myself at all times IAM

I AM trusting that I am the perfect expression of myself right NOW I AM

I AM good enough to have my heart desires fulfilled I AM

I AM adept at the easy release of negative and limiting beliefs and attitudes which block my experience of pleasure I AM
I AM free and choose to permit myself to enjoy the sweetness, pleasure, and sensuality of life IAM

I AM open to and receive abundance and prosperity into my life I AM

I AM in control of my own sexuality I AM

I AM permitted to fully enjoy my sexuality I AM

AM trusting in the Infinite Intelligence to give me everything I need for my growth and development I AM
I AM comfortable in the knowledge that who I am and what I do, and what I have is ENOUGH. I AM.

I AM open to enjoying the beauty, joy, and harmony of the Universe I AM
IAM trusting of the process of life I AM

I AM loving and kind to myself exactly as I am right now I AM.  


Affirmations for the Solar Plexus (Yellow)

I AM deeply approving of myself I AM

I AM worth of my own self-love I AM

I AM trusting of love AM

I AM deeply loving of myself I AM

I AM aware of my worthiness I AM

I AM aware that I am worth my weight in gold I AM

I AM always loving and respectful of myself I AM

I AM Aare that there are no failures in life and that I learn from everything I do. I AM

I AM of the belief that everything is for my highest good. I AM

I AM a lover of life I AM

I AM a listener to my deepest insights I AM

I AM trusting of my inner voice I AM

I AM worthy of the very best in life  I AM

I AM enjoying the flow of life through the release of judgement I AM



I AM deeply loving and approving of myself I AM

I AM always adequate to do that which is required of me I AM.

I AM willing to love everything about myself I AM

I AM trusting in love I AM

I AM open to receiving love I AM

I AM forgiving of myself I AM

I AM forgiving to those who need forgiving for not being what I wanted them to be I AM

I AM aware that I am lovely I AM

I AM pure, good and innocent I AM.

I AM aware that love is the purpose of my life I AM

I AM loving who I am I AM.

I AM willing to love everything about myself I AM.

I AM trusting in love I AM

I AM open to giving and receiving of Divine Unconditional Love I AM

I AM open to the healing powers of Love I AM

I AM aware that love is everywhere I AM.

I AM walking the path of the heart I AM

I AM confident that the healing power of Divine Love will heal my mind , heart and body I AM



I AM capable of harnessing my will power (and do)  to control addictive influences and behaviours in my life I AM.

I AM ready to set aside my negative habits and openly develop my creativity I AM.

I AM wiling to substitute the old patterns of addiction and abuse, with the new patters of love, joy and creative expression I AM.

I AM willing and choose to give up unhealthy patters and behaviours such as smoking, alcohol and substance abuse, overeating or unhealthy eating) to enhance my creative gifts I AM.

I AM aware that love opens the door for me to feel whole and complete I AM

I AM safe to express my feelings I AM

I AM a walking talking example of the expression of love I AM

I AM blessed with creative gifts I AM

I AM at the perfect time in my life to express the best of who I am right now I AM

I AM able to release with ease the impediments of fear and doubt which block creative expression I AM.

I AM confident in the healing power of love to open my throat for greater self-expressions I AM.



I AM open to and choose to hold positive thoughts about myself and everything around me I AM.

I AM open to my intuition and deepest knowing I AM

I AM aware and acknowledge that I am the

I AM aware and acknowledge my responsibility for the choices I make I AM

I AM aware that I make my own decisions and that the Universe supports me to live with the outcomes of those decisions I AM.

I AM a magnet to all that I love and draw it to me I AM.

I AM visually clear – seeing both inwardly and externally with love and kindness I AM

I AM open to new ideas, people and situations which enhance my experience of joy and happiness I AM

I AM a visionary- and manifest my visions with loving intention I AM

I AM made in the image of love, and see and create love in my life and others I AM
I AM an unlimited being and I create that which my heart desires I AM

I AM the Creator of my destiny I AM

I AM living in the truth of my grace, beauty, and intelligence I AM
I AM able to and easily release the impediments which block my growth and development I AM.
I AM responsible for the quality of love and happiness in my life.  I AM

I AM aware of any negative and unloving thoughts I hold about myself and others and transmute them with ease to positive energy. I AM

I AM blessed with the eyes of clarity and unlimited vision for myself about my life I AM

I AM blessed and trusting that whatever comes to me is for my greatest joy and highest good I AM


I AM  open and receptive to all life. I AM
I AM aware and know at a core level that Love is eternal. I AM
I AM aware that freedom is a product of Love I AM .
I AM  willing to go beyond my limitations to express and experience greater joy. I AM
I AM always willing to take the next step in my life. I AM
I AM  divinely protected and guided. I AM
I AM  safe and all life loves and supports me now. I AM
I AM surrounded by a Divine protective and nourishing love I AM

I AM willing to I go beyond limiting beliefs and accept myself totally. I AM
I AM willing to  acknowledge that the source of love is within me. I AM
I AM  willing to be responsible for the quality of love and joy I have in my life. I AM
I AM aware that gifting precedes receiving and the more loving I am the more lovable I am. I AM.  

I AM willing to live my life from a space of gratitude I AM.

I AM  open to the goodness and abundance of the Universe I AM



I AM embraced by the Divine I AM

I AM supported by the Divine I AM

I am able to give love and kindness to others. I AM
I am aware that I have the capacity to affect others around me in positive ways I AM
I AM choosing to live by and act from my highest potential and greatest joy I AM

I AM choosing to live my life assisting others to reach their greatest potential I AM

I AM choosing to be a beacon of light in the darkness for others I AM

I AM choosing to live my life as an extension of unconditional love – Through Me, within Me and Around Me.  I AM

I AM, We ARE a Divine vessel of healing energy. I AM.