Colour Messengers



Colour messages are opportunities for us to reflect. Often we find ourselves 'drawn to colour (for instance, what to wear each day, what our favourite colour is and so forth). This inner urge conveys a message to us for reflection. Below are some colour meanings, but do remember - colours are complex with many variations of shades and hues. These variations also apply to the intensity and variation of a colour "message'. As most people are aware - not all people describe the same colour in the same way.

 Other times, we may find that we are struggling with a specific emotion. We can reduce the impact by using or wearing a colour, or visualising it in meditation. Another strategy to use Colour energy and messages is to simply write the colour names below on separate pieces of paper, fold the paper in half, and place them in a jar. Each morning, spend a few minutes in quiet contemplation and ask your guides /higher self, to give you a 'daily message". Then refer to the meaning of the colours listed here (or if you have created your own colour list - refer to it).

Amber Creative Awakening

Amber message is to connect wit the wisdom and culture of your ancestors. Amber is a colour reflecting ancestral wisdom, increasing creativity, and strengthening manifestation abilities. It is a colour of affection that assists with deepening the relationship bonds opening to giving and receiving of love. It conveys warmth, optimism, courage and spontaneity and opens a person to receiving joy. Joy is often associated with children's joyfulness – (not that an adult needs to act like a child) with a daily approach of wonder. For children - everything they see has a newness; nothing is dull. Adults might see things as uninteresting or mundane, but children see them as 'wonder-full'. Life and nature are full of awe-inspiring divine creations, and the capacity to manifest and create divinely lies within all of us. The colour amber assists people in giving themselves permission to have fun, be playful and experience greater joy. You can awaken your creative aspects by wearing amber jewellery or clothing or meditating on the colour of amber. 

Activity: Hold a piece of amber (or wear amber clothing). Visualise amber's colour and remind yourself that you have an uninhibited side that is playful and fun. Choose to draw upon your creativity and reflect – what are the five things you would love to do that are adventurous and a little bit 'daring'? Pick the ONE thing that appeals to you most and do it today. It might be as simple as singing or dancing before or after the work day. Anything that helps you to see your creativity in action. Gardening, baking, or building are always good creative exercises because you see visible results quickly. 

Affirmation: I AM awake to my creative talents and abilities and am free to experience joy-fully in fun ways. I AM. 

Apricot - Creating Joy and Laughter.

Apricot message tells you that you are feeling overwhelmed and clogged. Your fears and blocking you and its time to invite joy into your life.Joy and laughter carry healing properties themselves. Apricot opens a person to more laughter and joy. Those people who have been feeling burdened and overwhelmed, living devoid of laughter -then Apricot is the colour for you. It will bring zest and appreciation for life, which energises and revitalises your appreciation of the simple things in life. It assists with releasing irrational fear and anxiety and opens the creative and intuitive centres. When we work with Apricot, we start to feel and sense a lightness – the heaviness of life is transmuted, and we attract more joyous experiences. Options to appreciate Apricot include eating and savouring an apricot – or meditation as below. The primary message of Apricot is “Lighten up and laugh”. You can explore the colour Apricot in your meditative state and invite joy to enter your heart so you can experience it daily.

Activity: This activity is best done at the end of the day. Sometimes we may have trouble laughing and remembering what joy feels like. If this is you – before meditating, spend some time remembering the ‘golden moments in life when you experienced genuine laughter and pleasure. Now allow your thoughts to expand to find five humorous or joyful moments in this day (sometimes the funny moments involve animals or children at the shops). If all else fails – find some funny videos to watch on the internet or watch a comedy movie. 

Affirmation: I AM a joyful person, and my heart and soul are awake with joy, laughter and spontaneity, I AM”

Aqua – Experience Peace and Calm

Turquoise message reminds to watch the use of words, and to create space for peace and calm. Aqua is an exceptional colour for when you want to experience inner 'stillness'. You can also use it to connect to marine life, such as dolphins and whales. It brings a sense of serenity and tranquillity, soothing your mind and calming your nerves. It enhances patience, faith and acceptance; if you have been 'fiery' it cools and calms. The Colour Aqua dissolves your fears and harmful and destructive emotions, increasing your confidence and belief in yourself. Immerse yourself in the healing ray of Aqua while meditating. Aqua is recommended for those who need to finetune or soften their communication for 'gentle speech'. It is beneficial for entering situations where mediation and calm are required. 

Exercise: Allow yourself time to relax and focus on your inner stillness. Visualise the beautiful rays of Aqua shifting through your entire body structure and moving through the nervous system. It enters at your crown chakra and goes up and down your spine, calming and purifying and filling you with sensations of peacefulness and tranquillity. 

Invocation: "Divine Spirit, I now invoke that I am infused with the healing of the Aqua ray. I invoke that my nerves be calmed and that I experience greater sensations of peace and tranquillity within all aspects of my life. Thanks Be!" 

Auburn - Ground Yourself

Auburn message is a reminder to make sure there is a balance in life. Too much of one or the other can lead to feelings of disconnection. Grounding with the use of Auburn assists in having higher levels of patience and more excellent mood stability. A person lives a more practical and logical life. Using Auburn in the process assists in anchoring our personal energy to the Universal pool of knowledge in practical ways. You will know if you are ungrounded because you will be 'off with the fairies' full of grand plans and ideas that never come to fruition because they are not acted upon. Auburn is an essential colour for the manifestation process. 

Activity: Visualise yourself in your mind's eye, standing outside in your garden barefoot. Your bare feet are magnetically attached and locked onto the earth's surface. Allow your body to feel the earth's healing energy as it comes up through your feet and circulates throughout your body, from your feet to your crown and back into the ground. Allow yourself to feel and enjoy a sensation of connectedness and 'oneness' with the earth and the planet. 

Affirmation: I AM deeply connected to the infinite power and wisdom of the Universe and supported to walk my path in peace and joy I AM.  


Azure– Protect Yourself     

Azure message reminds that there is a need to clear and cleanse the aura on a daily basis. Azure is a colour for auric purification and protection. It enhances the connection to the Divine. Azure aids in developing self-awareness combined with deep insight and understanding, which is empowering. It is a colour that assists with making healthy life choices and can be used in situations of danger - physical, psychological or spiritual. 

Protection: Visualise yourself (your car or home) in a bubble of azure-coloured light. The bubble of light – the orb should be 1.5 m from each of your body points. That is, it should extend 1.5 metres above and below you and 1.5 meters to the front and behind you. Affirm: “I give thanks for the Divine energy of protection that now is placed around me and through me. – I invoke that all negative energies and thoughts be removed from my body at a cellular level and that any inappropriate cords of attachment be cut. Please seal any cords that should not be reattached and protect my aura from further pentation. Thanks, Be!” You can do this exercise for your children and any loved ones that you believe need some added protection – however, please remember to ask consent from those who are adults – or at least warn them in advance. If you cannot get verbal consent from them, request permission from their ‘higher self-aspect’. The Higher Self will never refuse a good-intentioned action of love. However, you could always add a 'postscript' that redirects the energy if it is unwelcome to wherever it needs to go for the greatest good, under grace and in the Divine way.

Black – Richness of the Night

Black is a reminder that for every dark night of the soul there is a new  dawn. We create what we perceive, conceive, think, and believe. Many people perceive dark times as 'negative' (understandably). However, with every 'dark night of the soul,' there is always the promise of dawn and sunrise. Night allows us to reflect and evaluate the new day and our hopes and dreams. There is an opportunity to retreat, disappear and strengthen self. Black acts as a gateway to creating unique experiences. The retreat often tests a person's resolve until they release the old so that they focus on the new. One door closes, and another door opens. Choose to be open to the liberation offered by the colour Black, which is often associated with the word "freedom". You can use the Black ray to dissolve the old and allow you to focus on the new and receive the divine wisdom and gifts that have lain dormant within you. Black offers you the richness of the night sky – and the sense of connection with 'All That I AM'. 

Activity: Give yourself permission to connect with the Black ray to access those gifts that have remained inactive and in the 'shadow of self. Imagine yourself in darkness and ask Divine Wisdom to show you what you need to learn from your shadow, which will assist and support you in this journey of physical life. Receive its gifts and feel your faith strengthened. 

Affirm: Divine Spirit – I invoke you to infuse me with strength, wisdom, and courage, which allows me to embrace and learn from my shadow aspect. I am ready to maximise my capacity to carry love in my conscious existence. Thanks Be!

Blue - Activate Your Heailng Power

Blue - is a colour for feeling safe, you may be feeling manic and unsafe. Blue is a reminder of your Divine Protection.Blue is a colour that activates the healing powers within us and increases our vitality. It has a coming effect on those people who experience nervousness or can become manic. The calming sensation also carries a sense of protection and helps us feel safe. As a healing colour, it holds antiseptic qualities where there are perceptions that it can heal burns, stop bleeding and relieve fevers – it can even increase the metabolism. You can use exercises with the Blue Sword of light to heal parts of your body. 

Exercise: Visualise that you have a Blue sword of light in your hand. At the tip of the sword, a vibrant blue star of light radiating carries incredible healing power. You can touch the star on any part of your body that contains illness or dis-ease, and it dissolves the sickness from your body. 

You can use the Blue Sword of light to relieve the fevers, stop bleeding and heal burns. It is also said to be beneficial for skin problems. Affirm as you use the sword: “Divine Creator with this sword or Light heal, purity and regenerate for perfect health” Repeat the statement several times (about two minutes). 

Bronze – Body Strengthening         

Bronze is a message of breaking free of destructive behavioural patterns and inspires strength within.Bronze helps a person rise above their problems (especially work-related ones). It inspires strength, wisdom and love. Bronze is magnetic and draws the right people into your business to create wealth and abundance. It can assist with promotions. The colour Bronze is an excellent recommendation for those who wish to break free of harmful and destructive emotional patterns. It assists with the release of irrational fears and anxieties, detoxifying and purifying thoughts and emotions. Bronze helps to restore your body with strength and vitality. 

Exercise: Focus your attention on any part of the body that is depleted and needs to be strengthened. Place your hands on the place, and breathe into it, visualising a bronze thread coiling around the body part, stitching and reinforcing it. Take the visualisation a little further now and see the Bronze Ray of light, infusing the other parts of the body that work with the part of the body you are directing healing on. Keep working until the physical system and structure looks clear, clean and healthy, and picture the areas of your body that need healing as being strong and healthy. Throughout the activity (or before it), focus your intent by making the following affirmation:

Affirmation: Divine Spirit, I now invoke the Bronze ray of light to heal, strengthen and rejuvenate my body. Thanks Be!” 

Brown – Establish Boundaries

Brown reminds that emotional mood swings are often related to poor relationship boundaries. Brown supports self care.It is challenging to maintain a balanced perspective when we have poor boundaries (or no boundaries). We may become irritable at others for 'overstepping the mark' when we have not outlined the 'line in the sand'. Alternatively, we may find ourselves experiencing inexplicable mood swings and emotional ups and downs without knowing why. The colour brown is both earthy and practical. It acts as a conduit to nature and assists in gaining balance in our vision and understanding. You are advised to use the Brown Ray when creating new relationship boundaries. You can also use the Brown Ray to maintain boundaries that are becoming compromised and where you feel you are being pushed into a corner. The Brown Ray revives both your energy and your creativity. Using the Brown Ray is best done outside, combining connection to nature and healing properties of the earth at the same time. 

Activity: Go outdoors, find a stick, twig or branch, and draw a circle on the ground. Stand within the ring and take a few deep breaths of the fresh air. Now see in your mind's eye a pillar of brown light (the Brown Ray) that connects you to the earth. The Brown Ray descends from the Infinite above, through you (within the circle), and through your feet deep to the earth's core. As you stand within the circle of light, make the invocation below, and then state how you would like to be treated by others (and how you would like to treat them). Stay within the circle for as long as you feel comfortable and when you feel you are clear about your boundaries. 

Invocation: I now invoke the Creator, Angels and Guides to assist me in creating and maintaining healthy relationship boundaries and to listen to my Divine Guidance and follow it. I respect and value myself and choose to be kind and compassionate to myself and others". 

Exercise: Write a list of what love and care mean to you. How do you show people that you love them? How would you like people to show you that they love you? Is there a difference in the lists? Do you hold higher expectations for giving love as opposed to receiving it? Do you need to change what you accept from others? Do you need to tell them that you can no longer tolerate their treatment of you for your own self-respect and self-love? 

Or do you need to tell them that you really appreciate how they show you love and kindness? Do you take those that love you for granted? Is there anything you can do to show them your appreciation? If so – do it!

Burgundy – Reawaken Passion

Burgundy reminds that feelings of loss of direction are due to either a lack of goals or inability to focus on them. People who are bogged down by life challenges and feeling lost or lacking direction will benefit from the healing properties of the colour Burgundy. It is especially useful for people seeking information about their divine path or life purpose and manifesting dreams into reality. It does this by reawakening passion and enthusiasm for life to increase the person's 'vibration', which is exhibited with more incredible 'vibrancy' in action. When a person is passionate about something, it is akin to a soul yearning that requires fulfilment. People intuitively know what they are meant to be doing and start to experience greater clarity of their life purpose. Your passion acts as a guide to your life purpose. 

Activity: Write down everything you would love to feel and experience. Then wear something Burgundy coloured close to your heart. You might even create a bracelet or buy a bracelet that is burgundy colour crystals, such as garnet, to remind yourself of your passion. You might even get an image of Burgundy or some burgundy fabric and meditate on the colour, breathing the Burgundy in your entire being. 

Affirmation: I AM awake to my intuition and passion for life – which connects me to my extraordinary potential and supports my extraordinary living I AM. 

Cherry – Extraordinary Living

Cherry is a colour of manifestation and tapping into the sweetness of life. it supports goal accomplishment.Cherry assists with living your extraordinary life. The colour cherry enhances and encourages you to live to your fullest potential, acting as a magnet and attracting people to you who support your manifestations of abundance. Properties include raising self-esteem, opening a person to the sweetness of life and happiness through tapping into the internal wisdom and allowing yourself to ENJOY the sweetness. It is said to open the heart to manifesting the 'heart's desires. If you wish to transform yourself from ordinary to extraordinary – connect to the colour cherry. 

Activity: The easiest way to connect to the sweetness of Cherry – is to eat sweet cherries. Eating cherries helps to anchor the energy into your life. Buy some sweet cherries and then eat them, allowing the sweet flavour to roll across your tongue and smell their sweet aroma. Eat purposefully and mindfully. When you are ready, list ten extraordinary things you would like to do next year and commit yourself to living extraordinarily. The worst possibility is you might fail to achieve your dreams. Realistically – if you don't try, then you have already failed. Only by following our dreams can we succeed once you start, your path may appear by chance. By taking that chance and that risk, you can learn and grow and expand on who and what you are. By taking the opportunity – you are already a winner, as you have chosen to live extraordinarily! Give yourself permission to explore and start your incredible journey. Start today and affirm:

Affirmation: "I AM infused with courage and strength for my extraordinary life journey, where my dreams and goals are my reality, I AM" 

Chocolate – Nourishment   

Chocolate is a colour of self acceptance - embracing the shadow aspects of self. The colour chocolate carries the properties of both Brown and black. It assists us in creating boundaries and structure in our lives and makes the space to access the Shadow self. Psychologists refer to the Shadow self in words of the 'unconscious or subconscious, the things we do without being aware that we do them or why. Often, they can create problems in our lives. When we know our Shadow side, we know our vulnerabilities and biases and how they can negatively impact our lives. Understanding our Shadow can assist in managing our vulnerabilities and building resilience as part of personal development. Through self-understanding, we can develop the skills to 'live well'. Chocolate is considered a gateway to the Shadow self, nourishing us through the process of insight and a deeper awareness of who we are and what motivates us (or demotivates us). We gain insight and understanding about our reactions and how to sidestep situations that might trigger us as we journey toward self-control and self-direction. 

Activity: Make yourself a cup of hot Chocolate, slow sip the warmth and sweetness into your body and soul (or imagine yourself doing so in your mind's eye). Reflect on what 'nourishment' means to you and how you can nurture yourself and include self-care in your day. If you are visualising this exercise, allow time to 'savour the experience. Then get yourself into a comfortable position with a notepad in your lap, and be creative in writing a list of ten things you can do for yourself over the next week that will help nourish and nurture your body and spirit. Make sure you do them – they could be as simple as a soak in the tub or spending some time in meditation. It could be changing eating patterns. Whatever they are – do them. Note: before starting the activity – focus your intention by making the following invocation:

Invocation: I now invoke Creator God/Goddess, Angels, and guides that you awaken the sweetness and soulfulness that lies within me; so that I might truly nourish and love myself. Thanks Be!

Coral - Opening to Synchronicity

Coral reminds -  life's synchronicity. What appears to be a random coincidence is divinely inspired for life learning. The colour coral carries a mixture of properties that help a person to see situations from different perspectives. It allows for the ability to heal the ‘broken heart’ or even ‘unrequited love and feelings of rejection. It assists an acceptance of life through the release of resistance to the often-unexpected life challenges in ways that help to ground and destress. Coral opens a person to the synchronicity of life. Synchronicity is the apparent ‘randomness of occurrence’ that appear to have no connection to each other but does. For example, a person pondering the truth of Angels, seeing a feather floating down randomly, or the person who is thinking of a person -and that person calls them. Other times it might mean thinking of a problem and looking for solutions, and a feather lands beside you. When you google animal wisdom, the message is a clear answer to your problem. It might be a case of asking yourself questions and meditating to draw the perfect job to you -and out of nowhere, you are approached with a job offer. Synchronicity is a case of direct and relevant messages and actions that empower a person to ‘go with the flow of life. When you have a big decision to make, the following activity is suggested. 

Activity:  Visualise a coral ball of light in the area of your heart, and then see that ball develop rays that extend out from your heart. The beams form a bridge that allows more synchronicity and greater ease in your life. You see the bridge in front of you and either see or sense yourself stepping toward the coral bridge and onto it, knowing that as you walk this path, you are on the ‘right path. 

Affirmation” I AM able to follow my hunches with ease and walk my rightful and Divine Path I AM. 

Cyan - Build Your Confidence

Cyan reminds that you have the ablity to communicate effectively and to be confident in your speech.Cyan is a colour for strengthening and building self-confidence and belief. It balances the body systems and gives clarity when making decisions is needed. It can also assist as a stress release and to finetune your communication abilities. It carries an energy of peace and relaxation. 

Exercise: Take a few deep breaths – breathing in for the count of three, holding for the count of three, and then exhaling to the count of three... then allow your breath to reach a regular and comfortable rhythm of its own. During the exhale, allow all tension and stress to shift from your body. Then take another very deep breath on the inhale and visualise the colour cyan infusing your entire body. as you breathe out – feel your body relax. Now imagine a giant, cyan-coloured circle or orb directly in front of you. Think about the qualities you believe a confident person holds - knowing what they are doing, being educated/informed, being happy, successful – and so forth. Then in your mind's eye, see yourself as you put all these qualities of confidence that you aspire to into the cyan circle. Then visualise yourself stepping into the sphere. Once inside, breathe in all those qualities to become more confident and empowered. When you feel full of confidence – clap your hands three times and then affirm: "I AM filled with confidence, enthusiasm, and faith I AM. I AM able to achieve positive outcomes because I approach all problems from a space of love, confidence, clarity and happiness. Thanks BE! 

Electric Blue - Brilliance and Transformation

Electric blue is transformational. it carries the message of a new beginning - a total new start. The Brilliance of a Electric Blue colour flecked with the purity of white brings about wondrous changes and transformation. It is the colour a person wants when they start a new beginning. It is associated with those considered 'masculine' attributes throughout history. All of us carry both masculine and feminine characteristics regardless of our gender. The masculine properties are generally associated with providing, protecting, and feeling safe. When making changes in our lives often, we are paralysed with fear of the unknown. The Brilliance of Blue transmutes fear-based anxieties into positive beliefs of hope and faith. 

For those experiencing depression or a 'heaviness', Brilliance of Electric Blue can help to recharge and renew how you portray yourself to others (because of the internal shifts). By using the Blue white colour, you can restore your inner spark; to shine your own light outwards to those around you. Work with Brilliance to cleanse your body and soul and to help heal any physical or emotional dis-ease. The most uncomplicated activity for connecting with this Brilliance is doing the following daily exercise when showering. 

Exercise: Imagine standing under a waterfall, where the water is the most brilliant of blues, a electric  blue colour, but as the water flows, it froths over your body. The frothy water appears as a bright white foam that contrasts the sapphire water's Brilliance. The water flows over you, and you are immersed in this Brilliance. Allow the water to flow from the shower head over the top of your crown and body, enshrouding you in its Brilliance. This water removes all the impurities from your external body. It infuses your entire aura at a cellular level with its properties of transformation and protection. You feel safe and hopeful, with greater mental clarity, expanded thinking and purity of intent. 

Affirmation: I AM connected to Divine Intelligence and open to recognising my wisdom and manifesting my brilliant ideas in inspirational ways to those around me. I AM. 

Emerald- Calming your Mind Body and Soul

Emerald is a message that peace and calm is acheived through the process of forgiveness and letting go of the old pain. The colour Emerald is associated with calming the mind, body and soul. It does this by releasing fear and frustration in safe and healthy ways. Emerald assists in the process of forgiveness. It dissolves hard and rigid thinking toward those who have hurt us in the past (and even the present). Forgiveness, of course, doesn’t mean that how people treat us is okay – instead, it means that we will not carry the burden of anger toward them or let the experiences taint our future. People healing from relationship pain that has impacted their sense of self will benefit from the colour emerald. It helps mend a ‘broken heart’, and brings harmony to challenging situations by dissolving any anger and aggression. In the process, self-esteem improves, energy is replenished, and there is an increase in abundance. Calm your mind, body and soul by using the Emerald Ray. 

Exercise: Stand in the garden and take deep full breaths of fresh air, focusing your attention on the greenery. Place your hands on the grass (or your favourite green plant or fern) and allow the healing, calming energy of the plant to enter your ‘being’. Imagine what it would be like to be this blade of grass, leaf or frond- growing without resistance but flourishing in and upon the earth. Breathe in the Emerald rays and allow the sense of peace and calm to fill you. 

Affirm: “Divine Love, I am nourished by the wonder of nature, and when I focus on the beauty offered to me, I feel calm, perfectly balanced and in harmony with the world and the universe. Thanks BE!” 

Gold – Attracting Abundance and Prosperity

Gold message is primarily to put a value on yourself. See your abundant gifts and don't seell your self short or for less than you deserve.Gold is associated with prosperity and abundance. It provides clarity of thought through increased understanding and awareness, clearing the path to wisdom and enhancing 'wise decision making around choices'. People with a lower sense of self-value see their worth, which is a magnet to more abundance in their life. All of these factors combined with increasing the amount of joy a person can experience in their life. If you are struggling to make a decision (or fearful of making a 'wrong'), work with the colour Gold. Your choices will become more apparent, and your decision-making healthier. Other properties of the Gold Ray include heightening your connection to the Angels and guides and strengthening the body and mind after an illness. You can activate golden energy in the palms of your hand to attract abundance and prosperity. 

Activity: For abundance and wealth - place a gold coin in each of your palms. Allow your sense of self to focus on gratitude for the abundance you hold within. Close your eyes and bless the coins and see them in your mind's eye, multiplying into a mountain of gold coins. Now activate the golden energy in the centre of your palms by sending golden light to them. You will know when your hands begin to tingle that you now carry the 'Midas touch.  

Affirmation: I AM grateful for the abundance of blessings, wealth and prosperity that is mine by Divine Right, delivered to me right now under Grace I AM

Gray - Auric Body Scanning.

Gray/Grey encourages a person to conduct a full auric scan upon themselves as part of independent self help.Gray is associated with Auric and Body Scans. In this way, you can identify any blockages or flaws at both spiritual and physical levels. This gift empowers a person because it helps highlight and provide information about your mental, emotional, and physical state of being. You can use the colour Gray to give you alternative perspectives around the 'blocks' and to give you strength in challenging situations. The ability lends itself to carrying greater hope and peace. This ability is similar to scanning your physical body with a magnifying glass, seeing the areas of 'flaws' for 'treatment' with other colours. For instance, you might scan your body with grey and note an area of skin disorder such as acne or other skin eruptions associated with releasing toxic anger. You would then be able to direct the colour orange (or other) to the skin condition. Alternatively, using a different colour or energy could treat the underlying condition that creates anger. Auric energy blocks usually lead to a physical ailment, drawing your attention to unhelpful thinking or emotional patterns. You can then adjust your mind or attitude to alternative solutions or helpful actions that allow the condition to heal or remove the impediment in daily function. To do this, you will need to connect yourself to the Gray Ray. 

Activity:  Visualise yourself in a pillar of clear, almost transparent Gray light. Ask the higher powers to assist with showing you clearly, any dysfunction or blockages. Close your eyes and see the transparent Gray tinged ray of light swirling around your body. The beam will highlight the areas that require healing in a darker shade of Gray. The colour's depth will indicate your attention's urgency or priority. When you have identified the areas needing treatment, focus on the specific location. Ask the Divine Intelligence to show you the colour of light that would be most helpful in healing particular physical issues. Let the shade flash to your conscious awareness and direct it into the specific area – seeing it infuse with the colour. Then repeat the process for each area highlighted as being 'blocked' or not functioning at full capacity. In each location – see the grey leaving the site and it being replaced and infused with the specific healing colour it needs. 

Affirm: Divine Intelligence, please release limitations and stuckness from my life so that I may be free and creative and experience complete health and well-being. Thanks BE!"

Green- Nervous Revitalisation

Lime Green reminds a person that they have epxerienced heightened stress and anxiety and it is now time for a recovery period. Be gentle with self.If your nerves are ‘standing on end’, or you are recovering from a period of heightened stress, then Lime green is the recommended colour. It combines the shades of yellow with emerald, assisting in letting go of any pain or hurt and rebuilding faith and hope in the future. It dissolves any residual anger, revitalises the nervous, cardiac and circulatory systems, and may assist those suffering from temporary high blood pressure relax. It is recommended for people who are experiencing grief and loss. 

 Other benefits are said to include restoration of the liver, and sufferers of panic attacks may also benefit. Panic attacks are centred in the higher heart chakra. People healing broken bones may benefit from wearing the colour lime green or carrying a lime green object on their person.

Exercise: You can do this exercise for yourself or someone you know or love experiencing distress. Visualise yourself or the person in an orb of lime green colour light. Flood the orb with the rays coming from the infinite heavens above. Allow the colour to circulate in the sphere and then into the spine of the image. See the colour going up and down the spin before it shifts into the heart area. Rotate the light around your heart until you feel the heart expand. Relaxed and filled with vitality. 

Affirm: I AM revitalising my nervous system and releasing all stress and unhealthy pressure from my heart with the healing powers of the green ray. I AM

Indigo - Improve Your Vision

Indigo is a reminder to look at problems from different perspectives as part of solution finding. Open the mind and choose to see the solutions.Indigo carries healing properties for any affliction that impacts your head, eyes, ears or nose. It helps treat emotional and mental disorders and conditions such as ADD, anxiety and depression. You can use Indigo as a treatment for Insomnia and release stress and tension. When visualised – Indigo provides a sense of clarity and purpose. You can imagine indigo rays to improve your vision and turn your dreams into reality. It is also associated with the Third Eye or brow chakra, and allows for a more expansive vision (seeing a problem from all perspectives).

Exercise: Focus on your eyes and become aware of them. Are they tired and heavy or light and relaxed? Imagine Indigo light penetrating your eyes, finding any dark spots in your field of vision and dissipating them. Place your palms on your eyes and gently hold them there for a few minutes, allowing your eyes to relax completely. Now visualise something in the future that you would like to create. Freeze the image as if it were a beautiful painting. Now place the image in an indigo bubble and allow it to float into the world's middle, shining its energy from there. State, “Divine Spirit, please allow what I have seen in my vision to manifest in the perfect time and in the perfect way. Thanks be!”. 

Jade – Time for Action

Jade is a message that there are solutions to problems, through new ideas and new untested approaches. Jade is a colour of tranquillity and infuses a person with peace of mind, serenity, love and nurturing. It helps to create balance, harmony, and self-sufficiency by releasing negative thoughts from the mind. The Jade ray stimulates new ideas and makes complex problems seem more straightforward and achievable. The colour jade purifies and clears blockages and enables ideas into actions to make your life more enjoyable. Other attributes of the colour Jade (and the crystal jade) include prosperity and attracting abundance to the wearer. 

Exercise: Ask yourself where you have been procrastinating and what you have been putting off. Now is the time to put thoughts into action. Release the need to make excuses for not doing what you aim for or want to do or for failing to take steps toward your goal. Visualise your dream or goal as achieved in a sphere and then flood the sphere with beautiful Jade-coloured light.

Affirmation: I AM supported by the universe to achieve and complete my goals, making my dreams a reality. I AM. 

Lavender - Connecting Mind, Body and Soul

Lavender reminds you that you have leadership qualitie and its time to take action. Lavender is a subtle colour that sharpens your intuitive abilities and activates your leadership qualities. It strengthens the connection between the body, mind and spirit. It will help to boost the immune system and assist with the healing process. Connect to the heavens and the earth with lavender threads of light. 

Exercise: to feel complete and whole, you must experience the connection between your mind, body and soul. Visualise a Lavender thread of light that links your body to your mind and soul. Observe the lavender thread connecting your feet to the energy of the earth and your mind to the higher realm. Focus on the joy of being yourself – in touch with heaven while living in the body. Affirm” Divine Spirit strengthens my connection to my own divinity and allows me to see the Divine spark in others. Thanks Be!:”

Lemon – Innovation of Thought

Lemon is a reminder that your problems are not insurmountable, and its okay to ask for help. You may be struggling with catastrophic thinking.How we act is often a result of how we think about problems. We become stuck in these patterns and often believe that the issues are insurmountable. In these instances, we need to think innovatively – finding new ways to solve old problems. During these times – Lemon is the recommended colour. It provides a warmth that fuels the brain and the intellect and inspires clarity. Lemon helps with memory recall – and the process of learning from past experiences, empowering our decision-making. For students who are learning new information and need some assistance with studying, reading, or writing – lemon assists you to ‘think outside the box and develop new strategies. Lemon assists in thinking in innovative ways. 

Activity: When you are ready and prepared to think outside the box and find new solutions – sit in a position of comfort where you will not be disturbed. Your back should be straight, and your head held slight up. Your hands should be open, facing upwards, with your fingers relaxed. Then allow your body to feel and sense the lemon ray touching your head and brain, activating the ‘new ways of thinking”. Keep some paper beside you and write down those ideas as they come to your mind. You might even want to hold a lemon in your hands and allow your body to absorb the creative energy. While doing the exercise, make the following affirmation:

Affirmation: I choose to be open to new ways of thinking and being. I learn with ease under grace in a Divine way. I am receptive to new ways of thinking and being, accepting ideas and wisdom with grace and into my life in practical ways.  

Lilac- Strengthening your Faith

Lilac calls for a renewal of faith and development of psychic ablities.Lilac brings the properties of strengthening your faith and activating your intuition. It increases psychic abilities. It is a soft and gentle colour that encourages you to expand your spiritual awareness and understanding and improve your connection to the Divine. Lilac helps to liberate yourself from old patterns and regain your inner power. You can strengthen your faith by visualising yourself bathed in a glorious light of Lilac.

Exercise:  Faith is the ability to believe in something that is not scientifically proven or visibly obvious. Many people will give up before something incredible is about to happen, Lilac reminds us to have faith in the Divine. Ask for what it is that you would like to occur, then rub your third eye – imagining that you have a lilac magnet in your third eye that will start attracting your desires. Activate the magnet by visualising it and saying ‘activate’. Internally rejoice, knowing that your request has been answered and is underway to you – under grace and in a divine way. To strengthen your faith – you can buy a lilac-filtered sticker for the window of your house so that the room can be bathed in Lilac when the sun shines through. Sit next to the window and allow yourself to soak and absorb the lilac colour healing properties. Say, ‘with every breath I take, my faith in myself and the Divine is renewed. I am ready to receive the highest love and abundance from the universe.

Magenta – Self Awareness and Inner Purpose

Magenta calls you to trust your own internal wisdom and strengthen your connection to the Divine.Magenta inspires a deep and inner knowledge that combines truth and clarity and expands and strengthens faith and trust if life processes. Magenta will reignite a passion for life and assist in finding meaning and purpose in the journey of self-discovery – by helping you to connect with the higher realms. Meditate on Magenta to develop and connect to your internal wisdom, Divine wisdom that is always available and accessible for you. The key is to learn to trust the knowledge you are given. 

Activity: Commit to an evening routine over the next seven days. Before going to bed each night, ask a specific question of your Higher Self (the part of you that carries the knowledge, compassion and Divine Love). After asking the question, visualise the colour magenta for a few minutes and allow the answer to come to your conscious mind. Be aware that it may not 'work' the first time". Keep practising and release expectation in the knowledge at the Divine Time; you will connect to the divine aspect of yourself and your inner knowing. 

Affirmation: 'I choose to be open to receiving the answers and guidance delivered to me by Divine Intelligence. I choose to open to receiving greater joy, love and abundance in my life, and I give thanks for I know that as I ask – I receive. Thanks Be!". 

 Mauve - Clear Hearing (Clairaudience) 

Mauve reminds a person that they are inutitive and that the guidance is through clairaudio. Mauve is a pale lavender/lilac colour that connects to intuition, awakens inspiration, and expands spiritual awareness and understanding. It helps to release and let go of the heavier and dense energies creating a sense of peace and tranquillity that allows you to heal eye and ear problems and improve your memory and capacity to concentrate and focus. It is a gentle and soft colour. Use Mauve rays to release blockages from your ears. 

Exercise: Focus your attention on your ears – are they feeling blocked or clear? Ask yourself, ‘ is there anything I don’t want to hear?’ Your ears are intelligent and may try to block out the information you are avoiding. The next time you are around someone saying something hurtful or upsetting to you, imagine mauve rays moving through your left ear to push any densities or lack of clarity out through your right ear and into a fire that dissipates the negativity. Do the same with your right ear and surround yourself with loving and encouraging people. Affirm” Divine Intelligence, please allow me to listen to and apply my Divine Wisdom.’

Orange – Self Nurturing

The colour orange encourages self care as part of emotional stablity. Problem solving can be CREATIVE or REACTIVE. The colour Orange is associated with healing digestive, chest and kidney disorders. It is also attributed to helping treat other conditions such as fear and anxiety, asthma, loneliness, colds, depression, and inflammation or spasms and tension. Orange is said to increase vitality and stamina for people with an immune system that lags. Orange is also associated with the sexual and reproductive organs. These physical health conditions usually impact a person’s sense of well-being, confidence and happiness. Draw upon Orange rays to increase the amount of joy and enthusiasm you carry in your aura. 

Exercise: Visualise yourself in a floatation tank, where the water is warm, soft, and coloured Orange. Your muscles, mind and body are enveloped in this orange liquid and are totally relaxed. Allow the Orange liquid to penetrate your lungs and respiratory system, clearing away all the old toxic patterns and responses you no longer need. As the orange liquid penetrates your being, it removes toxicity, tension and fear. It replaces these feelings with feelings of resilience, happiness and confidence. 

Affirmation: “I AM a perfect specimen of humanity –a beautiful Divine Being who deserves to be nurtured, supported and cared for. I AM. I AM now willing to receive gentleness, care, kindness and compassion from others. I AM.” 

Peach - Manna of Life

Peach carries the message to focus on the breath - especially when in intense situations. Monitor your breathing to manage your emotions.The colour peach is credited with releasing tension and stress from the body by dissolving any hardness and dense energy. The energy is calming and works particularly well on the heart chakra region, such as the lungs and chest. It carries kindness and gentleness and assists with maintaining friendly relationships. Peach assists with drawing people who have new possibilities with them for attracting and building financial prosperity. Peach acts as energetic ‘life support. 

Activity: Rub your hands together and then shift them slightly apart, focusing on the tingling energy that is now moving through your hands. Place your hands onto your chest area (heart chakra). Imagine that peach colours sparks are spraying from them. The sparks penetrate deep into your chest and lungs, releasing any stagnant, dense, or stuck energy. Visualise the peach-coloured sparks clearing away any ‘blockages or congestion in the lungs to rejuvenate them and support entire lung and heart function. After a few minutes, move your right hand while holding it above your chest in a circular clockwise motion. Do this for two minutes while focusing on your breath – slow and deep breaths, in and out. On the out-breath, visualise all tension and stagnation in your lungs and throat leaving your body. On each in-breath, imagine the beautifully soft and gentle peace rays entering your nose and mouth, deep into your lung area, regenerating them. 

Invocation: Father Creator, Mother Creator, Divine God/Goddess, Angels and Guides I now invoke your assistance in harnessing the energy of the Peach Ray to clear my heart and lungs of any congestion and stagnation and to open my receptivity to kindness, compassion and gentleness, and prosperity. I give thanks in the knowledge that as I ask – I receive. Thanks Be!

Pearl - Divine Connection

Pearl asks you strengthen your Divine connection and to trust yourself and your guidance. it is the colour of integrity. Pearl assists in strengthening the divine connection. It carries all the properties of the rainbow, along with the properties of white – purification and peace. It promotes faith and assists a person to surrender and go with the flow of life through the physical aspect of self – the Divine Spark that lies within all of us. Pearl is the colour of personal integrity, truth and loyalty. It brings a deep understanding and harmony to life through enhanced compassion for self and others. The pearl is associated with Kuan Yin as a source of Universal and compassionate wisdom that is to be shared from one person to the other when they are ready to receive it. 

Visual Activity: in your mind's eye, see your guides, guardian angels (higher beings), and yourself preparing to meet with Kuan Yin. Together you spend time purifying your entire auric body internally and externally – raising your vibration to the maximum you can carry. You are now taken to a place where you meet with Kuan Yin. She presents you with the wisdom of the pearl and places it within you so that you are aware that this connection is anchored with you – it cannot be lost. It can be shared. 

Activity: Visualise a ladder in your mind constructed from pearly light, glowing and glistening like the pearl itself. See yourself commence climbing the ladder. With every step, you pause and take a breath of o the pearly light – allowing it to clear your mind and release all negativity and heaviness within. Focus your mind and thoughts on purity and clarity and your Divine connection within your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. When you feel close to the Divine Light – open your arms to receive it. You won't fall! You can't lose or Fail when you live with your will aligned with Divine Will! Breathe in the purity of the white light and feel it pulsating into your soul until you feel whole. When you are ready – climb down the ladder back to earth and ground yourself, knowing you are loved, connected and full of light.

Affirm: "Father Creator/Mother Creator, All That I AM I choose to align my will with Divine Will – your will is my will. We are one! I now invoke you to surround my being with your Divine and healing light to strengthen my connection to your Divine love! Thanks Be!". 

Pink – Receiving Love

Pink is a reminder to forgive and love yourself and extend the love to others. Self compassion, self love, self acceptance.Pink is the colour of the heart charka associated with self-love, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance. These are the traits that form unconditional self-love. Self-love is where we extend to ourselves the same kindness and compassion that we would extend to those we love. Often we are our own harshest critics, with judgemental self-talk, as we 'fail' to achieve our own high expectations. We measure our success against others who have not had the same journey. Within each moment, each of us is at the perfect stage of development. We are always a Divine manifestation of perfection and evolution. Instead of beating yourself up over mistakes, change your attitude to see your mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning. Other options will present for a second 'take' or third 'take' if necessary. Unforgiveness can manifest in the body as heart problems (or other physical conditions). Your lack of self-acceptance and critical self-judgement might keep you awake at night and experiencing insomnia. As you address this lack of self-love and self-acceptance, you will heal many problems (especially heart-related ones). You will sleep better and start manifesting dreams that carry messages for you. Emotional challenges will have more apparent solutions for you, and you will experience greater tranquillity. Healthy self-love is magnetic and draws more loving and kind people into your life -and you become receptive to their love. 

Activity: In this creative visualisation – as you breathe, focus on letting go of any hardness and rigidity in your body. See yourself holding a glorious pale pink rose (or a favourite pale pink coloured flower). As you inhale, imagine the sweet perfume travelling to your heart, offering the same gentle delicateness as the flower. With each inward breath, you see the beautiful pink pulsing from the flower directly to your heart, filling it with unconditional love. Now in your mind's eye – see someone you love and who reciprocates love to you). Visualise the love in your heart -which is now filled – going from your heart to theirs. Feel the love and connection between you. As you do this exercise – make the affirmation. 

Affirmation: I now invoke the Divine Creator to pour healing light into my heart, purifying my intention, softening, and filling me with compassion, and love, the release of judgement, and rejuvenating my enthusiasm for life. I give thanks, for I know that as I ask – so it is! Thanks Be!

Plum - Overcoming Challenges

Plum is a colour of manifestation. the universe is telling you that you will soon meet people who will help you to achieve your divine purpose.As a colour – Plum brings the qualities of devotion, dedication and commitment to your heart and your life purpose. It assists in creating deep bonds of friendship and relationships and provides strength through hardships and difficult situations. You will find that Plum enhances and magnetises your aura to connect with those people who are part of achieving your divine purpose - your soul pack. Plum is a colour of both inner strength and faith. You can draw upon the Plum rays to overcome challenges and help you find (or stick to!) your divine purpose and path. 

Exercise: When facing complex challenges, ensure that you're surrounded by the colour of Plum - clothing, shoes, jewellery, or eat plums. If you like art – paint with plum shades to soothe your heart and soul. Choose to find the gift within the challenge and request that the insights be elevated to conscious understanding. Alternatively – you could visualise yourself standing in a column or pillar of plum-coloured light. The plum-coloured pillar extends into the heavens and infinite above and into the depths of the earth's core.

Invocation: "Father Creator/ Mother Creator, my angels and guides – I now invoke the healing qualities of the plum ray – to guide me through my challenges. I choose to experience my life challenges with ease, grace and softness. Thanks BE!" 

Purple – Mental clarity       

Purple conveys the message of watching your thoughts and purifying them. Purple is a colour to assist with eyesight, hearing and restoring a sense of smell. It helps to clear mental complexes, negativity and inflammation and aids with healing rheumatism and the healing of bones. It supports creating a connection of the mind, body and soul, bringing positivity and success. You should use purple when clearing your mind to let go of negative thinking. Purple is usually associated with the Crown Chakra and the Third Eye (seeing and understanding). 

Exercise: Light a purple-coloured candle and focus your attention on the flame. Let yourself become aware of any negative thoughts or feelings you are experiencing, saying each idea aloud as you burn the candle. Imagine the negativity flowing from your mouth and being consumed by the candle's flame. Follow each negative statement: "Divine Intelligence – please delete this negative thought from my mind, body and spirit across all energy fields and at a cellular level. I give thanks!" Now focus on creating a positive thought response to the negative – creating positive affirmations to replace the negative beliefs and thoughts. State, "Divine Spirit, please install thoughts and feelings of clarity, peace of mind and gratitude into my entire cellular being. I give thanks!. Repeat this exercise as often as you need until your mind is purified. 

Rainbow – Connect to Nature Spirits.

The Rainbow message is to renew your spirit and revitalise with the Angelic and celestial realms.Rainbow enhances the connection to the Nature spirits and the angelic realm. Benefits include improving feelings and energy of power and rejuvenation because the Rainbow combines all the colours in the spectrum. When we use rainbow colours, we feel lighter and happier within ourselves - more vital and alive. The Rainbow assists us in connecting with the mystical realms and Spirit. The Rainbow is a colour of Divine Connection. It is associated with the Angelic and Celestial Connection, as well as the Faery Realms "As above, So Below!" (Heaven and Earth). This connection is often referred to as the "Rainbow Bridge". 

Activity: Connecting with Elementals and Nature Spirits is best conducted outdoors in a park or garden setting. Let yourself be drawn to a tree and sit or stand next to it. You can lean against the tree, pressing against it with one hand, or you may wish to hug the tree. As you connect with the tree, visualise the energy of the tree, its life force, pouring into your body and awakening your sense of divinity and connection to the Earth. Permit yourself to be one with the Earth. You might take a walk around a park - leisurely enjoying the wonder of Nature, smelling flowers, and listening to the bird song. Inhale the energies of the environment into your heart and entire being. Allow yourself to smile. Whether you are walking, sitting or standing - your connection to the Divine is being strengthened. When you finish the exercise (or during it), express your sincere gratitude to the Nature Elementals and the Fairy Kingdom. They work tirelessly for the Earth and humanity. Send your love and appreciation to the elementals for this marvellous and wondrous construction we call Nature. 

Affirmation: “Creator, Divine Intelligence, All That I AM, Angels and Guides, please assist me in building, supporting, and strengthening my connection to the Fairy Realm. Awaken my vitality, aliveness, and divinity, Thanks, Be!”

Red – Freedom from Pain

Red message is a that of power and abundance, and to use it when laying the foundations  for future enterprise. Red is a colour of unlimited energy and vitality. It is considered a 'power colour', which is why it is popular in the business domains. Red carries the energy of abundance and prosperity. Red is also said to be a powerful healing colour for those with blood circulation disorders or wounds that are slow to heal and other diseases. It is said to reduce pain and warm areas of the body experiencing coldness. Red releases the adrenalin used to stimulate the mind and body. It is considered a good colour for people with depression who feel that life has been unfair. People who have experienced a lack of justice in their lives might find it difficult during meditation visualisations to 'hold' the colour red in their mind's eye. (They may find it more beneficial to meditate with the colour red directly in front of them and inhale the colour into their aura).  

Activity: A healing visualisation exercise includes using a 'red sword of light'. Before the exercise, consider what you hope to achieve - is it freedom from pain? Physical healing? This is how you establish your intention before the activity. Once you are ready, imagine holding a red "sword of light". It might look like a medieval sword or a Jedi laser sword. It is your visualisation - so whatever you are comfortable with. The blade has a tip - which has a red five-pointed star. This star is infused with incredible and infinite healing powers that can dissolve all sickness from your body. Simply touching the tip on the area where you are experiencing discomfort brings relief. See yourself in your mind's eye touching the parts of your body that are 'ailing' with the tip of the sword.

Affirmation: Divinity, All That I AM, I invoke your healing light throughout my mind and whole body to return me to the fullness of health, filling my aura across all layers with the maximum vibration I can carry. Thanks BE!

Rose – Romance

ROSE is a messae of romantic partnership. it might mean the renewal of romance in a current relationship, a new romatnic relationship, or the 'marriage' between aspects of self. If it is romantic love and affection you desire, then the Rose is the colour you seek. Rose brings a deep love and respect to assist with attracting a healthy relationship into your life. It does this by opening the heart charka. Rose is especially beneficial for opening connections between people. The rose colour also benefits those suffering from stress and anxiety. Emotions such as loneliness, sadness, and low self-esteem can heal by  meditating on Rose. 

Activity: To attract new love (or refresh your current relationship), wear something Rose coloured – this will help you lighten up and be more playful and fun. Singles could write a list of the qualities that they would like to find in a romantic partner. Then visualise the list in a rose-coloured bubble of light and watch it drift into the universe to find the 'perfect partner' for you. Choose to remain open that the Divine Partner arrives at the Divine time in the Divine way. 

You could use a pink pen to write down everything you love about yourself to increase your self-esteem. If you struggle to find something to write – try imagining that someone else is writing down your good points. Or you could ask someone who cares about you to tell you your finer qualities and write them down on the list. Once you complete this part of the activity – write down all the people in your life and the qualities you love about them. Let the feelings of love magnify within you, expanding your gratitude for these wonderful people. The more loving you feel, the more you draw love to yourself. To receive love from others, we must be and act with love! (Gifting precedes receiving -it is a Universal Law!). 

Affirmation: "I give thanks for my divine romantic partner, who divinely arrives under grace at the divine time. Thanks Be!"

Affirmation: "I choose to be a living example of unconditional love . I am loving toward others, and I am loveable and loved! Thanks Be!". 

Ruby – Physical Rejuvenation. 

Ruby encourages those people with low confidence to step outside their comfort zone, because the universe will support the process. If it is stamina that you need and you are feeling a lack of enthusiasm for life, then Ruby is your colour. It is dynamic and unites and builds strength and stamina. It is said to assist shy people in building their confidence and stepping outside their comfort zone. 

Activity: To rejuvenate yourself – shake your right hand for thirty seconds. Rest it for fifteen seconds. Shake your left hand for thirty seconds and rest it for fifteen seconds. Then shake your entire body for thirty seconds and rest it for fifteen seconds. Repeat the exercise three times, and then rub your palms together for forty seconds. You will feel warm, awake and rejuvenated. Now visualise a sphere of brilliant ruby light traversing your body, purifying your blood, and stimulating your energy levels. Notice that you are now feeling 'genuinely alive. For those who can, you may wish to wear a ruby, or ruby-coloured pendant to motivate you for success. 

Affirmation: "I AM free of all pain, stress and fatigue across all auric layers I AM". "I AM infused with the healing energy of revitalisation and rejuvenation I AM" 

Sapphire - Regenerate your body.

Sapphire blue message is that it is time to detoxify your body, mind and spirit.Sapphire is a colour for healing the body, purifying and regenerating it. It carries the property to soothe your mind and nerves and release emotional pain. It is a colour of nourishment, dissolving disharmony and clearing blockages to total health and well-being and assists in creating order in your life. You can experience the sapphire light to regenerate your body and Soul and allow harmony to enter your life. The colour sapphire is often associated with the "Masculine" creator energy of providing and protecting and the rational and logical. You might ask yourself if the physical ailments are directly related to your struggles and challenges. Perhaps you have struggled for survival (financial and paying your bills, and keeping a stable living environment). 

Exercise: Take a few deep breaths visualising sapphire light entering your lungs and infiltrating your body. Then rub your hands together and place them next to each other, palm upwards. Visualising a sphere of sapphire-coloured light sitting in each palm. Allow yourself to FEEL the powerful energy of the spheres and play with them. In your mind’s eye, see them increasing in size and strength, continuing to breathe the sapphire blue into your lungs. Then place your hands on the parts of your body that need healing. As you do so, affirm, “Divine light, I give thanks for the healing, purification and regeneration of my mind, body and Soul. Thanks, Be!’. Repeat the statement if you feel drawn to it. Visualise the sapphire energy travelling and sweeping through your body, cleansing, repairing, and restoring inner peace. 

Scarlet – Success

Scarlet reminds the person who doubts their abilities or who is feeling disempowered -they are powerful people. Success and Victory are theirs!Scarlet carries the properties of passion, vitality, and dynamism. It is known as a 'power colour' imbibing the wearer with strength. Scarlet seeks to be noticed and cannot be ignored. It builds confidence in the wearer, is the colour of victory, and assists in achieving and making dreams come true. Have you noticed that many influential people include red in their wardrobes? Men with their ties, women in suits? People starting a new project, who need to be filled with these qualities, can wear scarlet clothing or jewellery, such as a ruby or red garnet, to empower them through the process. Other activities include the following:

 Activity: Visualise giving yourself a foot bath of scarlet-coloured water to attract opportunities. Soak your feet in the footbath for as long as you feel drawn. When you are ready, see yourself removing your feet and drying them with a scarlet towel. 

Observe yourself and place scarlet socks on your feet. See ten steps in front of you – each step is a step to success. As you take the steps, breathe the colour scarlet in and with each step, you are empowered, feeling more confident and a magnet to success. With each step, affirm the following:

Invocation: I call up Father/Mother Creator, my angels and guides, to fuel my sense of self with passion, dynamism, persistence, confidence and success. I give thanks as I know that as I ask - So it is! Thanks Be!

Affirmation: "I AM filled throughout my aura, with the energies of persistence, confidence and success I AM."

Silver – Perseverance and Persistence

Silver reminds that when addressing problems - to be persistent .. in a peaceful way. Don't give up!Silver is a colour of 'feminine energy'; overcoming nervous tension and imbibing you with peace and persistence. Through perseverance, peacefulness becomes embedded in life, leading to more significant serenity and expanded empathy and understanding.

 Silver also strengthens the body by flushing toxicity from the body's blood and tissues, which assists with the physical healing properties to release disease and any 'dense' or energetic blocks within the body. Kidney and hormonal function can also be improved. It carries the strength and desire to persevere. The Silver ray assists with clarity of mind and can also be used for protection and grounding. You can strengthen your intention and your resolve by drawing upon the Silver Ray.

Exercise: Find a place where you won't be disturbed – stand up straight or visualise yourself standing straight up and focus on what you want to achieve or experience. Then see the silver rays of light snaking around, intertwining and strengthening your intention – and your resolve. Allow yourself to feel the beams holding you taller and more robust. Then see in your mind's eye a silver ray of light that bridges your thoughts and goal. Over the next three days, focus on building the bridge and creating a solid structure for you to walk over to access your goals. When you are confident, walk towards your goal and what you desire, open to receive it and bring it back (in your mind's eye) to be with you in the present. This exercise helps you to feel as though the goal is manifested and keep your energy open to the physical manifestation. The intention becomes solidified and more concrete with each exercise. Then you are more able to create the goal in your physical life. Remember, when you continually focus positive attention on a goal, it is impossible to not manifest it.

 Affirmation: "I am clear and confident and persistent. Wonderful things flow into my life at the perfect time in the divine way. Thanks Be!"

Tangerine - Fun and Spontaneity

Tangerine reminds you that you have become  stale and stagnant, and its now time to release your 'wild side'. Get active!The colour Tangerine carries fun, spontaneity, and a zest for life. By activating Tangerine, you unleash the 'wild side', approaching life with the courage of your convictions. It brings vibrancy and vitality that reawakens creative aspects and sexual energy, and libido. Other properties include heightened intuition or 'inner knowing' action, confidence, and determination. . Reflect and 'play' with Tangerine to awaken the creative aspects of self. What have you always wanted to do and denied yourself from doing out of fear? Give yourself permission to do something wild and spontaneous and let your inner child out before self-doubt and fear of judgement and other people's perceptions step in. Dare to be fantastic! It's okay to be impulsive sometimes – especially when following your inner voice! 

Exercise: Rub your hands together for a full minute and then place them slightly apart. Visualise tangerine rays of light beaming from both of your hands. Place your hands above your solar plexus, heart and head for a minute each to activate the fun aspects of self. Start living your extraordinary and fun life today!  

Affirmation: "Creator God/Goddess, All That I AM I now invoke the awaking of my creative and spontaneous self. I am adventurous and ready to allow fun and laughter into my life. I AM  

Turquoise – Awaken empathy

Turquoise reminds you a compromise can be reached by looking from the other persons perspective.For those people who struggle to effectively communicate walking around, shifting one foot from their mouth only to replace it with the other foot Turquoise will help. The colour turquoise assists with peaceful communication. Turquoise acts as a connector to the intuitive part of self, which allows preempting reactions from others to words we might say. Turquoise lends itself to greater sensitivity to others and awareness of how our terms can impact them. Communication is softened because of increased empathy and compassionate and non-judgmental self-expression. 

Exercise: True empathy requires setting aside our judgment and attempting to look at a situation through another person's eyes and walking in their shoes. By softening your communication and response, allow yourself to be open to supporting, encouraging and inspiring others. Hold something Turquoise in colour or a crystal to assist you in this process. It could be fabric or a flower, just something with the colour Turquoise to act as a reminder of your ability to be helpful to others. Ask the Divine Intelligence to direct your thoughts to a person that needs to hear that they are cared about, and let them know. We all need a reminder that everyone needs to feel valued by those around them and that they matter. Turquoise is the colour of the throat chakra. It helps to shift verbal expression from the harsh into the nurturing - speaking the personal truth with love and kindness. Nurturing communication reflects what it might feel like for another to expand the understanding. It knows that all people's situations are individual and unique. We can express ourselves verbally without projecting our opinions or thoughts through the gentle art of inquiry and genuinely listening to the responses.

Affirmation: I AM connected to my divine communication – I AM capable and do see situations from all perspectives and from a space of non-judgement - I AM

Violet - Balanced Living

Violet reminds that current psychological problems or Insomnia are related to an imbalanced life style. Start the healing process by focussing on one problem at a time. Violet regenerates the nervous system, healing insomnia, psychological disorders, and physical illness. Injuries affecting the eyes and brain can also be healed. It may help treat epilepsy and balance energy, as well as the reprogramming of cells. Violet activates intuition and opens creativity – increasing the psychic senses to release karma and regain freedom from the past. Create balance and receive blessings from the Violet gift box. Violet is often associated with the third eye (Brow Chakra). 

Exercise: Balance is essential in living, and with the recognition that every challenge contains a blessing and every gift includes a challenge, we embrace a whole and complete life. Focus on any area in your life that seems out of balance. If you could learn something from it – what might it be? Close your eyes and imagine a violet gift box floating toward you. As it nears, unwrap, and receive the gift within it. Allow the gift to enter your heart. The gift is a violet ray of light that penetrates the entirety of your body. It relaxes and energises it. As it continues to penetrate the entire of your being, you feel all your fears, stress and worry melt away. As you continue to breathe this light - you feel your body returning to a state of balance. 

Affirmation: “Divine Intelligence – allow and assist me in creating a balanced and harmonious life full of blessings and joy. Thanks Be!” 

Watermelon – Reclaim Your Inner Child

Waternelon is a reminder to spend time connecting with your inner child. Nurture and love it, and be your own best mother!Watermelon is a soft colour encompassing gentleness and compassion. It assists with affection, self-acceptance and kindness. These are the qualities, when extended to yourself, that make it easier to access your Inner Child. People with low self-esteem, loneliness and sadness have often carried these emotions since childhood. They may struggle with understanding others and giving and receiving (generosity). Watermelon helps heal these emotions and awaken nature's playful aspects, allowing more joy to enter our lives. Reclaiming the inner child is about revisiting the truth of who you are – when you were a child BEFORE you had learned about some of the harsher aspects of life. By practising a visualisation exercise, you can unburden yourself from the emotional heaviness to replace them with joyous feelings. 

Activity: Start this activity with breathing exercises as you would with meditation. Visualise yourself as a small child (or alternatively, find a photograph of yourself between 2-6). Ask your child simple questions like "what fun thing would you like to do today?" or "What can we do to feel happy and healthy today?". Then in your mind's eye,' see yourself and your 'inner child' doing these activities. This activity becomes easier with practice. You might act as an adult in your visualisations, caring for your little inner YOU. You might take the 'child self' into the park or by a stream, playing ball. Whatever you are doing – when it's time to go, say goodbye to the child and promise to return soon. People who have struggled with inadequate parenting as a child may decide to be their own 'mother' or 'father'. This may mean a commitment to the 'child self', assuring it is safe and you will take care of it. As a parent, when leaving, you may decide to leave the child in the company of other parent-caregiver types (such as your guides and guardians). Other activities include visualising the child and wrapping it in the colour of watermelon before going to sleep each night. As you practice this exercise, it becomes easier. 

Affirmation: "Creator, Divine Intelligence, All That I AM, Angels and Guides, please assist me in connecting with the fun-loving part of myself and my enthusiastic nature so that I can carry and share more joy in my life wherever I go. Thanks Be!"

White – Purification and Lightening

White is a reminder to purify yourself regularly - including purifying your intent. White is a purifier of the highest order. It is often referred to by Christians as the "Christ Light'. However, it is known by other names, such as "White Light of Consciousness". Energy workers will often draw upon this light to purify their intention or their bodies when they deliver healing to people. The white light is conducive to soothing the mind and body and purifying all layers of the auric bodies. It carries properties of innocence, purity and joy. It restores faith in the process and purpose of life, of love – being loved and cared for and supported. . It brings the highest levels of peace and comfort. It represents integrity, holiness, truth, and surrender. You can 'Lighten up by using the White Ray, which will help you to feel less burdened on the path. The colour White is a purifier of the highest order. 

Activity: Close your eyes and visualise yourself standing upon an enormous mountain made of white crystal. As you stand at the pinnacle – inhale the white colour deeply at your feet and feel it energising and purifying you. See yourself releasing all unnecessary baggage and burdens you have been carrying in a bag that you have carried (or even dragged) up the mountain with you. Open the bag, and inside you will find some stones with a name or word. You may wish to leave some of these stones on the mountaintop permanently. You may want to put other rocks back in the bag for 'later'. You might even leave the entire load on top of the mountain. Once you have perused these burdens. Then focus on seeing yourself stand centred in a pillar of White – a white ray that appears like a column or post from the Infinite above to the earth's core. The white ray swirls through you – softening and lightening you even more, and you can feel your' spirits lifting' as you prepare to 'soar above your problems. As you do this exercise, affirm (either before or during) the affirmation below:

Affirmation: I AM free to lighten up and experience ease across all levels of my structure – mind, body and Spirit I AM. 

Yellow – Body Purification

Yellow is the colour of personal power - faith trust and hope. it is the Centre of confidence. If you have been the victim it is time to reclaim your power!The brilliant yellow of the daffodil is associated with confidence, hope and faith (attributes of the solar plexus chakra). It supports and assists the purification of the physical body and is especially helpful in treating diabetes and intestinal or bowel cleansing. People suffering from arthritis and skin conditions may benefit from working with or wearing yellow, as it assists in detoxifying the aura. **NOTE: people with sun sensitivities may prefer a 'visualisation' rather than a physical activity outdoors. 

Activity: sit outside in nature and allow yourself to feel the sun's rays upon your skin for a few minutes. Visualise the sunlight (beams) moving through your digestive system, removing all blockages, obstructions and impediments from your body organs. Pay particular attention to the pancreas and bowel, which process the body's waste and eliminate toxins. Sense and feel the 'stuckness' and toxicity in your body dissolving and your organs becoming cleaner, clearer and functioning at perfect and optimum levels. When you are ready – pour some water into a yellow glass. Place the glass in the sunlight for half an hour and then drink the water. As you drink the water, visualise it purifying your mind, body and spirit while making the affirmation below:

Affirmation: I AM now purified mentally and physically - internally and externally; at a cellular level, I AM.