Animal Wisdom A-Z


The Ant

Ant Sacred Medicine and message is to trust the process, be patient and question your own motives and agenda to prevent self sabotage. The ant symbolises the "group mind",  The ant symbolises an inner knowing that what is yours by divine right will come to you and trusting the universe to provide it. There is self-sacrifice with the ant as all ants work together to serve the "queen". Patience is the most potent message associated with the ant. Planning and building, little by little, step by step, day by day, they work steadily toward their vision or group dream. The ant knows that if they miss out on something, there is something much better or bigger ahead for them.   A key message of the ant – trust the process and have patience. It may be worth asking yourself if you are working for the good of the tribe. Note that impatience may be self-sabotaging.


The sacred message of the Antelope is that changes start from within, and to listen to your inner guidance.The Antelope prompts you to take action. Now is not the time for sitting around and reflecting. It is a time to 'get up and do'. You are reminded that you know what it is you must do  - so do it. If you are unsure about what you need to do or how to start the project, then ask for the information to be made available. Stop procrastinating - find your answers quickly and get into action. Let go of fear. There is no time to be wasted. Take courage and leap into the unknown. You ARE the power, and the power lies within you!.
On the other hand - if you feel stuck in a rut, the Antelope reminds you that you are not listening to your inner voice and guidance, and for change to occur, you must make the changes. Until you start to listen to your voice and act upon the guidance, you will remain in a quandary. Ask the universe to lead you to your solutions and answers to the problems you are trying to resolve and lift the barriers so that you can leap into your new beginnings!.


Sacred message of the Armadillo is to watch your boundaries and learn to assert them. The message of the armadillo is that of boundaries so that harmful words or actions "roll off" You may be having difficulty saying "no" to people and their demands. Hiding and avoidance are not long-term solutions. When our boundaries are crossed, we can feel invaded and violated. Establish what you are content to allow in your life, and then set your boundaries. You may need professional help with this  Boundaries are so easily crossed when we are implementing them. In identifying your personal limitations, and comfort levels, think of a situation and then ask yourself:

Am I honouring the time I need for personal good health and well-being?

Do others treat me like a doormat and take advantage of me?

Why do I get upset when they do take me for granted?

Is there a reason for me being a "yes "person? If you have reasons – this also can suggest that you may benefit from professional counselling. Find one that can provide you with techniques and solutions -ask them questions and establish if they can meet your need for boundaries and assist you.


Badger Sacred wisdom is to channel energy and agression wisely and toward positive acheivment. The message of the Badger is that whilst you are quick to express your feelings, it might be time to consider the consequences of the expression. Act in haste – repent at leisure  Badger can symbolise vicious gossip or verbal attacks. Words said with aggression without consideration for their impact on others can become self-isolating and even alienate others from speaking with you. Ask yourself if you have been too meek and mild, and perhaps it is time for you to stand up and calmly express your feelings.   When you do so – try and do it in a manner that will not be perceived as a personal attack by another. Use your anger positively so it doesn't become the foundation for undesirable future actions and consequences. On the other hand – it may mean that you are recovering from an interaction with someone who carries the aggressive traits of the Badger. You are still "licking your wounds".

BatSacred Wisdom of the bat is that life involves hibernation before a rebirth. Withdraw and rlease limiting thoughts.

This is a time to break down all limiting concepts of who and what you are. Break through the barriers of self and how you think you are meant to be.   Stop repressing aspects of yourself that are becoming submerged to accommodate the needs of others. Allow yourself to be who and what you are. The message of the bat is probably one of the most transforming animal symbols/wisdom. It is about turning yourself inside out, up and down and basically becoming a different person. This is about letting go of complete endings so that there may be a new beginning. If you are feeling stuck, then the presence of the bat reminds you - this phase is a short hibernation period until the rebirth.




Bear Animal medicine and message reminds you problems occur to teach strength and solution finding. It may be time for you to step into a cave, contemplate and reflect on your situation. Allow yourself to rest and restore to ensure you have the strength and stamina required to achieve your future goals and dreams. Bear wisdom is that all the answers and solutions lie within our own selves (and not in another person or source of information). By creating and taking the space to go within, we will find all our solutions and our inner strength. Through the power of introspection, the bear gains the strength to manifest in the present reality.


BeBeaver sacred medicine, wisdom and message is  a reminder to dream big, and walk your talk and take pleasure in your work. aver is a builder, and he carries a message about construction. Don't paint yourself into corners – leave a door open as an escape route. The presence of the beaver also speaks of the pleasure of achievement through perseverance. To accomplish a goal is a matter of teamwork and working with the "group mind", understanding the gifts of others, and acknowledging and honouring the talents and abilities of others. In working well – a community is developed. It is time to put your ideas into action and to complete a project that has been neglected. You could also be signalled to settle differences with friends or colleagues and Look for alternative solutions to your problems. Sometimes (and you will need to establish if there is value to this), the beaver's appearance can signal a time to watch your back. You may also feel drawn to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have I forgotten to allow room in my life for new experiences, or have I become closed to them?
  • Do I resent having to work?
  • Do I express my creativity – do I dream, or do I put my dreams into action?
  • Do I allow myself to find obstacles and barriers to achieving my dreams - or do I see the picture and act upon it? Do I recognise that there is always a way around obstacles when barriers arise?

Life can be like a river sometimes... Large rocks might slow the progress, but the river flow never stops.


Buffaloe Animal wisdom, medicine and message reminds you that helping others is both a blessing and a gift.The Buffalo symbolises prayer and abundance. The message here is to allocate some time to "praying". Prayer doesn't have to be in the tradition of churches but can be a dialogue with your guides, angels, creator, God – whatever name you want to give them/him/her. It might even indicate that you are the answer to another person's prayers. Another thing to reflect on is the sacredness of life – we all have our own paths to walk in this life – sometimes, there is a parting of ways. Breaking away may sometimes leave us with sadness and, other times, a sense of freedom. The Buffalo reminds us that separation is part of the life journey - even predestined. Not all partings are permanent - sometimes, it is possible to reconnect further down the life path.   Sometimes the Buffalo appears as an omen of an imminent reconnection. Other times he signifies your desire for a reconnection with someone from the past.
Ultimately the central message of Buffalo is that without Divine assistance – we achieve nothing. Remain humble and grateful for the divine gifts you receive, hold those conversations and dialogues of gratitude with the higher powers, and see the abundance in your life manifest. If you need help- Buffalo reminds you that it is okay to ask for assistance and that if it is offered, accept with grace. Equally, when someone asks you for help, remember that gifting carries its blessings. It is both a gift and a blessing to be able to help others- and something to be truly grateful for!


Sacred Butterfly  medicine, wisdom and message reminds that life is cyclical, and a series of stages. When the ButterflyButterfly appears in your dreams or your life, it symbolises personal transformation - and shifting to a space of greater joy. It reminds you that life is cyclical - what goes up must go down, and equally, what goes down - will turn around and be upwards again. The Butterfly refers to transforming from the heavy dark phases of the soul to the lightness and positive aspects of life. It signifies a renewal or rebirth and metamorphosis of your personality. People who have been suffering from depression or darker emotions are reminded that life is about to upturn to a lighter and more playful time. The Butterfly prompts a person to shift their attention from the earthly and mundane to the spiritual and tune into positive emotions. From a reflective aspect- the ButterflyButterfly encourages you to consider where you are sitting with the four stages of life by asking the following questions:

  • Am I in the egg stage – is it an idea or a thought?
  • Is this the larva stage – do I need to make a decision?
  • Is this the cocoon stage – am I developing and doing something?
  • Is this the birth stage – am I sharing my completely formed idea?

Also, explore your feelings and thoughts to establish if there is further action that you need to take, and become aware of how you respond emotionally and psychologically to situations.


Coyote Sacred Medicine, wisdom and message is to ask yourself if you are deluded or ungrounded? The Coyote symbolises a master trickster with the capacity to fool themselves with their delusions. He is a survivor, and he may come out of situations bruised and battered, but still, he continues to self-sabotage. His saving grace is his sense of humour. He can laugh at himself and his foolhardiness after the events. He is often so serious he cannot see what is in front of him. When he presents in your life, he arrives as a caution. People can only delude themselves for so long before reality comes to 'bite', and expose a divine comedy of errors. Perhaps you want to know everything about everything, seeking knowledge for no particular purpose. Perhaps you are taking risks and revisiting situations simply to see if things have changed. One visit to dangerous situations can be sufficient - no need to do return visits. Ask yourself:

  • Are you deluding yourself and/or others?
  • Are you grounded and centred - or off with the "fairies" and not focussed directly on life in the NOW?
  • Are you being tricked?
  • Do you want to play pranks and jokes on others?

The additional message of Coyote is to allow yourself to have some fun, relax, and not be so intense. Use your humour to break the seriousness of occasions. Look at the positive side – and use your wit and skills to divert other people's nosiness into your personal life. Be aware that while Coyote medicine is playful and enjoys feeding misleading information to gossip, which is untrue and not harmful, but comes with consequences nonetheless.


Crow Sacred message and medicine is to learn from the past and create and shape your futureCrow is an omen of change, seeing both the inner and outer reality  Seeing past the obvious and into the darkness (or lighteness) that lies beneath the superficial  Put aside your fear of being a lone voice and call the shots as you see them  As you integrate your personal integrity or your inner voice as your guide in this physical world (through powers of observation) your feelings of isolation will vanish  Your personal will can emerge and you can stand in the power of your truth  Be aware and be mindful however, of your opinions and your actions  Be prepared to walk your talk  Know your life mission, and balance past, present and future in the here and the NOW  Change the way you have been in the past and shape yourself into the person you see yourself as in the future  The crow can also symbolise that you are about to rebel against social conforms and norms and allow yourself to be, which may include stepping on some peoples toes – in  which case – make sure you have some back up  In seeing the truth of situations, you may be required to weed out behaviours that will not serve you or your cause in the future  Honor the past as your teacher, the present as your creation and your future as your inspiration.


Deer animal medicine carries the message that fear blocks forward progress. When Deer presents in your life or dreams, it reminds you that "Now"  is a time to be gentle with yourself and others. It is through gentleness that the wounds of our souls and hearts are healed. Healing cannot be forced or pushed through. Healing occurs only through the gentleness of love and kindness. Be kind to yourself, be gentle and allow yourself the time and space to heal. On the other hand, for those who have been struggling to recover after a great deal of time, your fears are blocking your recovery. It is time to release the fear and allow yourself to shift into the next phase of your life.


Dog Sacred Medicine carries the message of loytalty. Time to question your friendships and if you are a good friend. Are you loyal to yourself? Dog brings the message of loyalty. People carrying dog medicine are usually found in charity work, philanthropy, nursing, counselling, ministering or the military. The news here is to explore your sense of service to others. Dogs will return to abusive owners through a deep sense of loyalty. Dog wisdom asks you to explore your sense of loyalty by asking the following questions:

  • Have I forgotten that I owe my allegiance to my personal truth in life?
  • Is it possible that gossip or the opinions of others have jaded my loyalty to a previous friend or group?
  • Perhaps I am being mean because of the company I am keeping?
  • Do I pass on gossip without considering the substance and truth of the information I am passing along?
  • Have I denied friendship to a person trying to be my loyal friend?
  • Have I been loyal and faithful to my own goals?

Loyalty is a good thing – blind or misplaced loyalty can lead to heartbreak. Question where your loyalties lie and if they are well placed. Review your friendships and associations and see where perhaps someone is your own loyal friend, and you have failed to acknowledge or notice them.


Sacred Animal Medicine of the Dophin refers to the Prana of life - sacred breathing. you are encouraged to do breathing exercises.The Dolphin speaks to us of the breath of life -  Manna. Learn to release emotions through the art of sacred breathing. If you can picture the Dolphin, it exhales as it surfaces in the expulsion of air. When you are experiencing emotional circumstances, you often forget to breathe. Take a deep breath inwards, comfortably and relaxed, visualising (if it is more manageable to you) the symbols of the plus '+' sign on the inward breath and the symbol of the minus sign on the exhale '-'.   You can strengthen the healing power of the breath by saying "in with positive" on the inhale as you breathe deeply to the count of five into your abdomen. On the exhale, affirm "out with negative" to the count of five. The more you practise this technique of sacred breathing, the more vital you will begin to feel. An additional message via Dolphin is that you are on notice to pay attention to the cycles of your body. Be aware this is a time for communication. Time to ride the waves, laugh as you go, and spread joy to the world. Break down any barriers between you and your divine connection  Life is about to become a joyous journey through learning the art of the sacred breath!


Sacred Dragonfly wisdom is a reminder that feelings of victimhood are an illusion and that you are a powerful person and change is possible. Dragonfly speaks of illusion. All is not what it appears. Dragonfly signals the winds of change, wisdom, enlightenment and communication from the elemental world. On the physical plane, it might be that you neglect to water your plants or express gratitude on an environmental level. On a psychological level – it might be time to break down illusions you hold that limit you from achieving your dreams. Review your behaviours and change those that need to be changed. This could be a reference to neglecting health and fitness or not having a balance of life activities – work/play and spiritual. Have you taken any actions to bring about the changes you want to see in your life? Are you caught in an illusion that you are not a powerful person and that you are incapable of making the changes? This belief is untrue. Ask the universe to show you positive solutions,  and then act on the guidance you receive. You might get this information delivered through a passer-by or a casual conversation. Still, it will provide you with a thread to follow to the solution if you only explore it.


If you are drawn to eagle today, you are reminded to stay positive and gather your courage around you. Life will soon present you with an opportunity to rise above your problems. This opportunity may come cloaked as a "spiritual test or challenge". Scrutinize your spirituality, personality, feelings and emotions and thought patterns to see where you can enhance and improve your ways of being, thinking and doing. Through this scrutiny, you can shift through your fear of the unknown and expand yourself on all levels. Life is not simply a time to feed our physical bodies; it is also an opportunity for soul growth. Eagle can also highlight a time to look deeply at our thought processing and patterns to identify any thought patterns of limitation. These limitations are on how we perceive life should or shouldn't be, or thoughts of judgement and right /wrong.
Embrace the shadow aspect of yourself and, during the process, send love and light into those aspects of yourself you would attempt to deny. By doing so, you will appreciate the beauty that light and dark offer, empowering you to soar above those limitations and beliefs that keep you locked into suffering and less than joy.


Elk animal medicine is a reminder that it is worth persevering and that you have the stamina required to complete the journey you have started.Pace yourself. Life is a series of steps and not a race to the finish line  If you have taken too much on, allow yourself time to recuperate before stepping into the next phase of your life's journey. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin and to build relationships with people of the same gender (comradeship). Air and safely express your feelings.
Ultimately the Elk represents nobility, courage and grace. He signifies teaching knowledge and bravely stepping into the unknown. While focussing on his goals, he uses his senses to ensure he is aware of what is happening in the peripherals. A robust moral code of honesty and integrity is asscoiated with the Elk. His presence reminds and teaches community spirit and balance, including a balanced perspective. Successful projects are the result of good teamwork. While family life offers one view, sometimes through associating with people of the same gender, an enhanced balance is applied to life. He may be warning you that you are missing something, and to apply your inherent intuitive and psychic gifts to your life, start using them. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you being flighty – giving up and running for safety when it is unnecessary?
  • Do you give up too easily?
  • Are you easily bored and constantly seeking new and stimulating people and environments? If so, this may lead to people around you feeling used.
  • Do you race from one situation or project to another? He reminds you to pace yourself and conserve your energy to ensure you can go the full distance and complete those projects.
  • Are you walking the path in a virtuous way? Meeting your own expectations?
  • Are you reactive – and quickly go into battle mode? Remember – your majestic personal energy can be threatening and intimidating to others.Be gentle with those around you, and remember to be humble. Others may easily interpret you as being aloof because of your virtuosity and intense pace that radiates strength and power.
  • Are you steadfast in the face of challenges?
  • Are you questioning your strength? If you doubt your strength and stamina – he is a reminder to persevere through difficult times. You can endure, and the end will make it worth the rough terrain. He is a reminder that you have the intuitive (and even psychic) gifts to sense danger and respond when needed to remain safe. Elk shows us how to act with dignity, hold our heads high, and retain our moral code through self-belief. Keep on allowing yourself to be the best version of yourself and what you can do. Life is a series of opportunities for self-improvement. Flaws are part of the human experience, but ELK helps us to open our eyes and look within ourselves.  

In romance, try not to be excessive, and act with honour, integrity and graciousness in your romantic liaisons (even if they are brief sexual encounters). You are reminded to be patient if seeking a longer-term relationship - and to hold faith that the perfect partner will arrive n the Divine way at the Divine time.


Sacred Medicine of the Fox reminds you to take credit for your own work, and allow yourself to be recognised for your gifts. The Fox's appearance indicates that you would be wise to become like the wind- unseen and able to weave through any situation or location. Observe the acts of others rather than their words. Keep your silence about who and why you are observing. Through your powers of observation, you will develop your capacity to predict what will happen next. Become part of the oneness, and allow yourself to meld into your environment. You will be best positioned to observe and learn through observation skills. Alternatively, you may have taken on the wallflower role and are being watched. If this is the case, it may be time for you to step out from the shadows and allow yourself to be seen and noticed.




Sacred Frog medicine  encourages you to spend time purifying and detoxing your body, home and work environments.The Frog's presence symbolizes it is time for cleansing and clearing - yourself and your habitat. If you were to play an observer role on your life – would you see yourself as tired, harried, frustrated, grouchy, nervous, at a loss, empty or somehow weakened Rid yourself of distractions and draw clear and pure energy into your being – shifting away the muddied and tired, irritable energy Refill your spirit and emotional well being Perhaps time to soak in the tub, with some lovely essential oils, sage your house, stand under the shower visualizing the water flowing over you in a circular motion washing away all that is "dross" at a cellular level, and when you are finished, notice how clean and clear and peaceful you have become Then set about doing something that fulfils your spiritual needs or your need for peace, joy and love You have probably been doing too much for people and taken on board a lot of their own emotional states also, and it is time to create some space and disconnect a little to purify your own auric being and sense of self You may be allowing other people to drain your energy.


Sacred Grouse messages carry the message of Divine Connection through movement. The presence of the Grouse reminds us to meditate in the manner of the Whirling Dervishes. Whirling Dervishes meditate through motion, spinning in circles. The Grouse symbolizes the Sacred Spiral of life. One technique to access the Sacred Spiral is to visualize the sun as a member of a vast group of stars swirling in a pinwheel of the milky way. Draw yourself out of the pinwheel and into the spiralling of your own DNA. Analyze the way you move and flow. What kind of reaction do you create with the energy you send into the universe? What words could you describe as you shift through the spiritual and material world? It might be time to stop all external movement to allow yourself to focus on what is happening inwardly. It is time to draw on Divine energy and the Divine connection to All That Is.




Hawk Medicine tells you that the stress you have been enduring will soon end. Hawk signifies that you are set to overcome a stressful or difficult situation soon. It signals a recouping of your personal power. Pay attention to your environment and notice and be aware of what is happening around you. Look for the bigger picture. See the domino effects or the butterfly effect (a ripple here creates further ripples toward a conclusion elsewhere). Try looking at your situation from other perspectives, and the solutions will become apparent. Be an observer in and of your own life. Imagine the view of the bird when they are in flight. When looking at their prey, the bird can see what is behind it and in front of it and to the left and right of it. The bird views the 'situation' from all perspectives. Take a step back (or up ) from your situation, look at it from all sides, and be aware of any potential future problems. You might see how the past may step into your future again and create issues or benefits in your present. Rise above and observe your life through a bigger lens.


Horse medicine reminds that everyone is walking their own path, and it is not for us to sit in judgement. Your power is your wisdom and your capacity to understand. You regain your true power by remembering your total journey; and another person's journey. Understanding what it is like to "walk in their shoes" enables us to have compassion for their situation. This compassion is a powerful gift. Compassion, caring, teaching, loving and sharing gifts and talents are gateways to power. If your ego has stepped in the way – you may have failed to notice the lack of respect being accorded to you. Alternatively, you may be struggling with others who are abusing their power.  Horse message is to stay BALANCED.  Be powerful – but balance this with kindness and compassion. Everyone has their own path to walk. It is not for us to sit in judgement of how they walk it.



Hummingbird medicine is a reminder that the heart can heal, and if you have closed it off, then it needs to be reopened to allow for joyful experiences.Your presence brings joy to those around you. You manage to connect people to each other in relationships, bringing out the best in all of them. You instinctively know where beauty is, and you have the gift of showing it to others who may have forgotten how to see it. There is beauty throughout life, even in the darkest circumstances, and your gift is to show people how to see it. Now is a time for love, light and lots of laughter. Watch your environment. Being such a sensitive soul, you are pretty responsive to harshness, which can be soul-destroying for you. Nurture your inner beauty and keep it alive by surrounding yourself with people that appreciate your gifts and your own beauty. Keep your heart open. If you feel this is incorrect, the message is that your heart has closed. Take measures to reopen your heart to the experiences of joy and love.


Lizard Animal Medicine carries the message of 'create a dream journal" start recording your dreams. The presence of the Lizard carries the message of the shadow aspect. In our dream state, we envision what we would like to manifest. Pay attention to your dreams – get a dream journal happening if need be and start recording them so that you can remember. Look for patterns and themes in your dreams. Note in your dream diary the times you wake. There could be a recurrent message in this as well. If you have problems remembering your dreams – set your alarm for intermittent times like 2 am or 3am, and write them down while they are fresh. We all dream every night – we just don't all remember them. If you are being visited by nightmares, explore what you are frightened of and not facing. Dreams can also be a processing of the day's events. By recording the information in your dreams, you will unlock the messages of your subconscious. Remember to capture things such as sounds, colours and smells when recording your dreams - anything that 'stands out, and write the dream in sequential order. Dreams tell stories with a beginning, a middle and an end.


Lynx Animal medicine encourages you to create a verbal filter and think before you speak. Secrets are the message here. The message here is not so much the guardian of secrets but rather knowing secrets. It is a specific type of clairvoyance that goes past the surface and sees into the person's core, where you are shown their secrets - including those they keep from themselves or others. You will also know if they have hidden untapped treasures that lie within them. You can never speak of these revelations – you can only know. To get the information from someone with Lynx energy, you must respect the traditions of the knower of secrets. For instance, if you see a gypsy, you must pay for the information. If you visit an Indian medicine man, you must exchange something of value with them. If you visit a Balinese Brahmina, you must take an offering to the Gods and make a cash donation (that you can afford) to the Brahmana. If Lynx appears in your dreams, you can be sure there are secrets to be revealed. These secrets are the answers to your personal power and reclaiming your lost treasures. On the other hand, you may want to look at whether you are divulging secrets and being "loose-lipped" It may be time to "shut your mouth", as you may be defiling a sacred trust. Think before you speak, and you will be less likely to need to surgically remove your foot from your mouth.


Moose animal medicine reminds of the wisdom of silence. Sometimes it best to say nothing. This is a message about the balance between giving orders to others to get things done and the willingness to do things yourself rather than rely on others. This is a time to feel good about an accomplishment. The accomplishment may have been achieved as a solo activity or through teamwork. However, don't let ego get in the way. You don't need to toot your own horn or tell everyone about your success. Allow yourself to grow quietly, and enjoy the experience. The primary message of moose is knowing when to speak and how to speak so that you can take pride in your own words. There is wisdom in silence.




Mountain Lion

Mountain Lion medicine encourages you to ask yourself if you wish to be a leader or a follower. Seeing the Mountain Lion or having him appear in your dreams forebodes that this is a time to o step up to the plate and take on a leadership role. This doesn't mean necessarily leading others. It could be leading yourself to what makes your own heart sing. Others may follow you, and the lessons will multiply. You may need to decide whether you wish to be followed by a pack or if you would rather have a solo journey. Remain constant in your awareness of keeping peace around you. You may be required to mediate. You will never be able to make everyone happy, and your first responsibility is to be truthful and honest. Being responsible can be read as the "ability to respond" to any situation. Other times the Mountain Lion can refer to feeling unheard. Ask yourself: Are you talking until you are roaring to be heard? If so, review your communication and relationships and how you can be heard effectively without having to growl and show your teeth.


Mouse Medicine speaks to anxiety and action without diection, and the need to slow down and remain present and grounded.The mouse's appearance suggests that you tend to 'nitpick', which can aggravate others.   You may be nervous with tendencies toward anxiety, so you try to be more organised to reduce stress. Try to see the larger picture. Be aware that there is much more going on than you can see in your little part of the world. Take a look firstly at yourself and then at others. Scrutinise your little piece of the world, and then look outside to what is less familiar to you. The central theme is to see what is in front of you and not leap too far into the future of possibilities that 'might' go wrong. Alternatively, you could be so busy fretting about the future and things that may never occur that you forget to pay attention to meaningful daily responsibilities. You might find that you fail to pay bills (and these incur late fees). Slow down and stop chasing your tail.



 Oppossum medicine reminds you to stop playing the victim and justifying yourself. When the Opossum presents– it is time for a diversionary strategy. Rely on your instincts to get yourself out of a tight spot. If you have to pretend to be apathetic or unafraid.. do it. Expect the unexpected and be clever to achieve your victory. Time to use your brain to leap over barriers and continue with your progress. Alternatively, Opossum tells you to stop over-dramatising and playing the victim. If you have been giving excuses for not achieving your dreams, such as "I am too sick, too poor, too busy, too tired, too upset etc." Then you are justifying why you aren't doing what you could be doing. If you feel that you are continually making excuses – it might be time to do as the Opossum and just play dead. You don't have to justify yourself to others. Just remain silent.



Otter Medicine reminds that life is to be enjoyed and mean tto be pleasurable. Tap into your gifts.!Otters are playful and nurturing toward their young. The appearance of the Otter speaks of reconnecting with 'feminine energy. All energy is either "yin" or "Yang", masculine or feminine. Feminine energy is considered soft, playful, gentle and nurturing.   Balanced feminine energy is not catty and is non-aggressive -except for maternal energy when under threat. The Otter reminds that the only times for demonstrations of aggression are when defending young or self, and defence is a response to an aggressive action initiated by another. Take note from the Otter- assume all things and people are friendly until proven otherwise. There is no space in the Otters' world for envy or fear - just the sharing of good fortune and taking pleasure in the accomplishments of others. Understand that one person's good luck is also good for the group, team and community. The Otter carries the themes of Unity and Teamwork. Perhaps it is time to share some of your bounties with others?
Alternatively, Otter's appearance might remind us that there can be inherent jealousy and pettiness with women until they overcome it within themselves. The overarching message of the Otter is to treat life as something pleasurable and enjoyed - and tap into your gifts. If you have been denying yourself pleasure and feeling burdened - give yourself a reward!


Owl Medicine tells a person to take a bigger perspective of the situation. step back emotionally so you can see more clearly.When the Owl crosses your path or presents in a dream, it is considered a good omen. The Owl is endowed with wisdom and clarity and is a 'wake-up call'. Many people associate the Owl with magicke or sorcery. However, his message is that people should resist the temptation to explore 'dark magic'. Dark magicke takes energy and power from others. The Owl can see what others can't and knows what is in the darkness. The gifts of the Owl include the silent approach and observation. The symbolism of the Owl is that of clairvoyance, the ability to see through the veneer - that no one can deceive you regardless of how hard they try. You are encouraged to sit silently, use your powers of observation, and pay attention to any signals and omens.
Other times, the Owl encourages you to embrace your personal darkness and see through it. Avoid deceiving yourself and others about what is happening with you. Are you lying to yourself about someone or something? Is someone lying to you and trying to trick you? Is it a significant deception or a "white lie"? The Key to Owl is "WHO" is trying to trick "WHO"? (If anyone).


Porcupine Medicine reminds you to have some fun and stop taking life so seriously. Porcupine symbolises faith and trust, and innocence. The porcupine suggests that this is a time for you to find your path and use your talents to further your plan. Trust can open doorways and create the space for others to open their hearts to you and share their gifts of love. The porcupine only uses its quills when it is threatened directly. This message is about being aware of your base need for trust and faith and shifting forward with the eyes of the child – viewing all things as new and non-threatening. Don't let yourself become caught up in the chaos of the adult world. Allow yourself to create a space for you free of greed and fear and suffering. Permit yourself to have fun and joy. Don't take life so seriously – have some fun.




Rabbit medicine refers to a persons catastrophic thinking style, because what we think we create. Start creating beautiful memories today.The Rabbit reminds you to be aware that you can create your own fears and disasters simply through the power of your thoughts. If you live in fear of something terrible happening, focussing too much time and energy on a scary scenario, – you will invariably create it in your life. This type of thinking is 'catastrophising'. The power of thought is the power of manifestation. We manifest what we think and believe. When you focus on a potentially harmful outcome, quickly turn it off and refocus on something positive to avoid manifesting the undesirable consequence. Instead, let yourself live in each moment, present in the "here and now". Worrying about things outside your control that may or may not happen is a waste of time. It detracts from your ability to enjoy each day. IF and when something unpleasant happens – address it and take action then. In the meantime - see the blessings around you. Notice the pleasurable opportunities each day that allow for the creation of beautiful memories to look back on in the future and enhance your capacity to manifest desirable outcomes.


Raven medicine carries the message of Divine connection, healing and wisdom. If Raven appears in your environment or dreams, you can expect to see a shift in your consciousness. You are about to see and experience more of life than you previously have. The Raven speaks of the capacity to transform darkness into light  - through ceremony and ritual. Ritual embeds an idea into daily activity and helps to focus the intent. Ritual practices are integral to the manifestation process, starting with gratitude. You can do this by firstly creating an 'altar' or 'sacred space'. It can include calling upon the Creator, Angels and Guides, and Beings of Light and Love. Whoever/Whatever you call upon should carry the highest Divine energy of love, care and positive regard for you. You may have different ways of honouring 'All that I Am", such as God/Goddess. For some people - ritual is a prayer or a Dialogue of gratitude for blessings seen and unseen, outlining the desired outcome. The best practice is to 'align with Divine Will'. Focus and energise your vision - in whatever way you feel drawn. For some people, it is about visualising the completed idea amid a whirlwind of energy, pushing energy from the heart's centre into the imagined idea. The critical function is to draw darkness into the light and suffering into joy. Sometimes when the Raven appears, he encourages a person to seek the services of a 'healer' or a practitioner of 'magicke'. Healers do not have to be 'metaphysical' - they can include professional people such as counsellors.


Skunk medicine is a reminder to pay attention to body language. The mouth says one thing and the body another. When Skunk appears, he tells you that now is the time to  "walk your talk". Walking your talk is about demonstrating integrity, and as you do it - you will gain the respect of those around you. How you carry yourself is related to how you perceive others think or feel about you. When you recognise that people respect you-  you will respond to this instinctively.
 Your whole persona will challenge those around you. You don't need to bully or aggravate, torment or overpower others to be an influential person. You just need to respect yourself and act in a respect-worthy way. Learn to assert, without ego, the truth of who you are and respect from others will follow. You will start to attract those of a like mind, and your body language will repel those that aren't. This self-respect likewise carries charismatic and sexually attractive energy to it. The message of the Skunk is to look at the people around you. Establish what you are creating in your world through these associations. It might be time for you to conduct a little research on body language. Google titles such as Kinesics and Proxemics.


Snake medicine tells that to create the new, we must let go of the old which no longer serves. Snakes symbolise psychic ability, sexuality, alchemy, reproduction and transition from one living aspect to another through the shedding of layers. By accepting all aspects of your life, you develop the capacity to transform them. On one level, we have the fire aspect of poison, representing passion and vitality, uniting with the mental aspect of intellect, power and leadership, transitioning into spiritual wisdom, evolution and understanding. Snake teaches us that what is happening on one level is also happening on another. If we feel blocked physically or financially, we are perhaps blocking new ideas or solutions and, at the same time, blocking spiritual growth and expansion. However, if all of these aspects are flowing, then we are most definitely evolving and shifting toward our "highest potential". The Snake reminds us that life is cyclical and seasonal and that to change to the new, we must let go of the old that no longer serves us. In the same way that the Snake sheds the skin when it outgrows it, humans also shed that which we have outgrown.


Spider medicine tells you to wake up and see you have already achieved your goal. There is a divine plan of continual goals and life is to be enjoyed.The spider brings the message of creation. If you haven't started, the time has arrived to begin your manifestation. Start weaving what you want to manifest. The spider is associated with the power of the number 8 (her eight legs), and the number 8 symbolises Infinite and manifestation.
She carries the message of infinite possibilities. If you are overwhelmed with problems - look for new solutions to your current situation. You are currently failing to see what is directly in front of you. You may not even notice how much you have achieved and how far you have come with your current manifestation process. If this is the case - start a journal or a diary so that you can review it from time to time. Another option is to follow a goal plan that includes periodic reviews, which allows you to measure your progress. The spider may even be telling you simply, "Wake up! You are so busy manifesting that you didn't notice that you achieved that goal you set yourself! Remember to enjoy the pleasure of achievement AND the goal!" Remember you are an infinite being with unlimited potential and capacity to tap into the "divine ALL that is". While you get busy doing your day-to-day, don't forget that there is one big plan already happening: the Divine Plan.


Squirrel medicine speaks about creating the space for new - and that it is time for a declutter. When Squirrel appears, he's telling you to "be prepared".   Gather your knowledge and information, and prepare yourself for the unknown. Get ready for change, but don't allow the preparation to drive you bats. If you are a hoarder – declutter. Get rid of what you don't need or will never need. Only keep that which serves a purpose, and you can see that you will use it in the future. Another message is that if you hold onto stress, worry and fear, create a safe place to "put them" and leave them there. In doing so, you will set your mind free.. you might like to visualise each one of your problems as an acorn. Write your problems on a list - naming them. Now imagine an acorn with the problem's name, and store it at the base of a tree. Where an acorn represents an insurmountable problem and where there is no future opportunity for growth, it is time to put that problem away and move on. Park it with the other acorns that won't grow. Where you imagine the acorn as having a growth shoot on it, there may be an opportunity to shift past the problem into something positive in the future. You can keep working with that acorn until it grows into a tree, nurturing it and allowing it to grow at its own rate. If you cannot work with the acorn - put it in a safe spot and free yourself. Questions to ask yourself during the exercise are:

  • Have I created the space and room to allow abundance to flow into my life?
  • Have I denied my connection to the earth (from which all abundance flows)?
  • Am I becoming drained by worrying and stress rather than gathering information and assets that empower me?
  • Am I allowing myself to prepare for my future by gathering information and resources?


Swan Medicine, speaks of self acceptance, self love and selfawareness being the precursors of the Divinely inspired romantic relationship.The presence of the Swan speaks of letting go of fears and accepting and going with the universe's flow with grace. The Swan symbolises stepping into our ability to prophesize and know what lies ahead of us. Stop denying aspects of yourself and your natural capacity to predict. Pay attention to your hunches and gut instincts, as by embracing your natural and inherent traits, you will be able to evolve into something much larger and more beautiful than you were before. Allow yourself to overcome the fear of the unknown and just.. go.. with the flow. Another message is that if you are becoming clutzy and uncoordinated, the Swan symbolises that it is time to pay attention to your grounding. Bring yourself out of the clouds of your imagination or dream time – and focus on what is directly in front of you. Use your feelings as your guide to the course of action you would be best to take. (Be aware that thoughts are not feelings – the truth of your awareness lies in the feelings). The Swan is often associated with romantic partnership, or the life partner as they 'mate for life. For those seeking a Divine partner  - the first relationship is with yourself. By embracing and accepting all aspects of yourself, you are better placed to connect with someone else in a healthy and balanced relationship.


Turkey medicine reminds of acceptance. There is a place for everyone and everyone has a place. The appearance of Turkey tells you that you have much to offer other people, and you act and react on behalf of many people. You like and live to help others, not from a sense of self-righteous,  moral judgement or religious guilt. You are motivated because you know that when you help others, you help yourself, and you help your community. To some extent, it is a case of 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Another message from the turkey is that it might be time to declutter and donate what you no longer need - to those who have little and are in need. Alternatively, the message could remind you that you don't have to have a lot of material possessions to be a giver. You can give a person the gift of noticing a beautiful sunrise or remind them of their incredible inner potential. You might receive a reminder to give yourself some time and care for your internal needs to refill your cup. Either way – the message of turkey speaks of the deep abiding spiritual connection between all of us and the oneness – that we all matter. Everyone has a place, and there is a place for everyone.


Turtle medicine reminds that during hardship make a list of things to be grateful for - with Mother Nature at the top of the list. Be mindful of the cycle of life and give and take as appropriate. What goes around, comes around. Honour the creativity within yourself, ground yourself – observe the earth and lunar cycles. Pay attention to patterns.
You may tend to "go off with the fairies", so ground yourself. Don't try and push through or against the flow of life – instead, go with the flow. When obstacles appear in your path, release resistance, and allow yourself to find a way around them, rather than trying to force issues. Ask the universe/Mother Earth to assist you in manifesting the abundance you seek.   
Alternatively, the message of the turtle is to help on a planetary level – to perhaps take part in rehabilitating landscapes or clearing the oceans of debris and toxic rubbish.   Another meaning or omen of the turtle is that you are not a victim and helpless, however much it might feel this way right now.   If you think you are a victim somehow, spend time making a list of the things, you are grateful for. Notice the abundance of beauty that Mother Earth offers you – the things that don't cost money.+


Weasel medicine reminds that you are a powerful and gifted person and may be denying these aspects of yourself. Embrace them. Weasel speaks of the capacity to hear and see beneath the surface. The ability to see beneath the veneer allows him to predict the consequences of situations and events.   You may also be a loner and reclusive because you are uncomfortable with your capacity to see "through" people and their words and actions. It is easy for people to see you and not realise your gifts and how powerful you are because you adjust and adapt your appearance and external to the environment. You hide so much of yourself and your talents. An alternative to this message is that there may be someone around you who is camouflaging themselves and not revealing the truth of who and what they are.




Whale Medicine tells of your guides efforts to communicate with you through sound. You may be hearing recurring songs and music. These are messages from your guides.The Whale wisdom refers to keeping records and clairaudience  (the capacity to hear spirit). He tells you to draw on sound to accelerate healing. You are encouraged to explore topics such as vocal toning of the chakras and healing with song. Music is always soul restoring and has been used since time immemorial. The traditions include mantras, gongs, chimes, bells, wood instruments, flutes, and harps. Music and song are essential parts of maintaining spiritual well-being. Whale reminds you that all your questions have answers that lie within you - perhaps a little too deeply. Now might be an excellent time to consider playing healing music while meditating to enhance accessing those answers that lie deep below the conscious mind. Use the power of sound to draw this information to conscious recollection. As you use music – even if the answers aren't immediately obvious – you will feel more spiritually uplifted until you get the needed insight into your situation. Sometimes the Whale's appearance can put you on notice about your housing - there may be a house move pending. Alternatively, you are asked to review how you feel about your current home and whether you have become materially attached to it in unhealthy ways.  


Wolf Medicine refes to spirtual teaching, being a loner and part of a group. Take personal space for self care. The Wolf conveys that we are all part of society, but retaining our individuality and uniqueness is essential. The Wolf is associated with secrets, knowledge and wisdom - and sharing this information. He reminds you of your own bounty and that you are a teacher. You are guided to share your knowledge and insight. You have a highly developed intuitive side and can assist others in fulfilling their own inner potential and raising their 'world view'. Wolf often talks of finding personal space to recoup and reinvigorate your natural powers or open your mind to other possibilities. Explore ideas for navigating a current problem.