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    Total Readings4

  • Speciality: Love and Relationships, Money and Finance, Predictions, Work and Career

  • Expertise: Card Reading, Claircognizance, Clairvoyance, Psychic Intuitive, Tarot Card Readings

  • Tools: Angel Oracles, Coffee Grounds, Tarot Cards, Tea Leaves



I am a mid-thirties intuitive psychic reader residing in Poland. My passion in life is to give spiritual guidance to whoever truly needs it. I believe that my clairvoyance and claircognizance are something I was born with. I could totally remember myself as a little girl knowing things long before they even take place. In 2019, I went to England for a course, and there I decided it is the right time to bring my gifts out to the light. I know people say that you should be gifted your first Tarot deck but I defied all rules and bought my first Tarot and Angel Oracle deck. Without reading about Tarot or Angel cards, I immediately started giving readings to my friends and family, who testified that everything I told them was "shockingly accurate". This was only the beginning, from this point onwards, it became an addiction for me to connect with my higher self. To read almost everything around me. Scrying also caught my attention, and that what attracted me to reading Tea Leaves and Coffee Grounds. I believe that my accurate readings come primarily from my continuous connection with our Mother Earth and its sacred elements, with my higher self, and surely through meditating and constantly observing everything around me; drawing mental and spiritual lines to connect the dots.


I would say that I am a very staightforward reader, who will give you an honest and a true answer to your query/question. I do not sugarcoat the truths. I believe that if Spirit has something to tell you, then you have to know it as it is, and my duty here is to convey a clear message to my clients without any extra verbal decorations. I am a very friendly reader who gives her clients the space and time to ask as they wish. I clarify messages, if needed. I use different tools to read the messages intended for my client; for example, if I have a client who gets me drawn to use my Lenormand deck instead of Tarot, then I will do just that. Every single person has their own specific energy, and I - as a psychic intuitive reader - pick on this energy and select my tools accordingly. I firmly believe that Spirit always gives us the messages we NEED to hear, not the ones we WANT to get!


Lenormand: I do what is called "Grand Tableau", which is a whole 36 cards reading all at once. This can technically answer any question, in any field of my client's life.

Angel Oracles: Another great tool that I use to connect more with my client, to understand their situation on a deeper level, and provide possible solutions.

Tarot: It is my primary source of divination. It talks to my heart and soul, and I get the clearest messages possible from my cards. I always shuffle my cards as I am focusing on my client's question, I only read "flyer cards" - the ones that pop out of the deck as I am shuffling. I know in my heart that those "flyer" ones are the ones that Spirit wants to put on the table.


I deliver my readings through the three possible means available on our lovely platform (text, audio, and video). It is crucial to know that sometimes video calls can lag or glitch due to bad connections or even the weather. If on my side I experience such a thing, I will ask my client to hang up and call back with an audio call. It is important to know that if a client decides to continue with the poor quality video call, a refund will not be possible.

I keep in mind that everyone has the right and deserves to get a psychic reading; and therefore, my rates are quite reasonable as part of the code of ethics on our platform. 


Before you decide that I am your reader, I ask you to clear your mind by doing a little breathing exercise. Once you click on the connect button, you will need to know that all messages coming out of my mouth are meant to be for you. And that everything that happends during the reading is a part of the reading. Everything that I will deliver to you is spiritually directed and targeted at you, so receive it with acceptance and gratitude.