Lady Gabrielle





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About Lady Gabrielle

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  • Speciality: Angels and Guides, Chakras and Auras, Life Path and Destiny, Predictions, Work and Career

  • Expertise: Auric Scanning, Card Reading, Chromotherapy, Energy Healing, Meditation Teacher, Numerology, Spiritual Counseling, Spiritual or Life Coach

  • Tools: Crystals, Oracle Cards, Tarot Cards


I am a mother and Grandmother living  in Western Australia. I am passionate about supporting people to live a life where they can both survive and thrive.  I was born with my gifts although it took a long time for me to tap into them and open to my guides, healing, and service work. In year 2000 I started to develop my healing gifts, connecting consciously with my angels and guides. I believe that this was part of my destiny. My birth numbers include the Day number 22 (the visionary), and my ruling number of 33 (the Humanitarian – and bother/sister care).I have been using my inherited gifts for the last 25 years. While i was able to see spirit as a child, i repressed my gifts until i was unable to deny them any longer. As with most poeple my gifts were opened as a consequence of trauma. I commenced studying to understand the nature of my gifts, and to enhance my connection to my guides and angels.

This lead me to a pathway of studying REIKI to teacher level, and later to studies in Social Work and Mental Health as part of delivering a quality of service to my customers.

 I was gifted a Tarot Deck as part of developing my intuitive and Psychic Abilities. From there I was able to develop a form of communication with my guides and deliver readings to friends and family members. Later I developed the skills of Psychic Mediumship and throughout my journey I have shared my skills, information, and understandings with others, unwittingly developing ‘Spiritual Teaching’. Anyone that I have ‘taught’ has ‘taught me’ new skills and gifts – I believe that we are all students and all teachers, and none of us ever stops growing and evolving and developing.  

I have worked on Platforms and been delivering paid readings online or face to face for the last twenty years.


I acknowledge that successful healing and communication sessions are the result of team work – the efforts of your guides, my guides with me as the vessel. I am very honest. Communication is reliant on shared understanding of words and meaning. My style of delivery is open, direct and honest. I’m not one to ‘fluff’ the messages. If I am unable to connect or feel that there is a barrier to our connection, I will inform you so that you can select services from one of the other wonderful workers we have on this platform. Sometimes directness may be disturbing to the seeker –in these instances I would remind you that if you feel fearful after a message, then either I have delivered it incorrectly or you have misheard or misunderstood the information. SPIRIT will only ever provide empowering messages to leave you feeling more peaceful!


Psychic: I connect with my guides and Angels before I deliver a message to you. I draw upon the senses of Clairvoyance, Clair cognizance, Clairsentience, Clairempathy and Clairaudience and not necessarily all at the same time. Tarot is a primary communication tool and  I understand the symbolism and meaning of colours and animals. I read tarot both reversed and upright, as I find this highlights the challenges offering an opportunity to create favourable or better outcomes through the use of strategy.

Mediumship: I do not guarantee mediumship although I have some abilities and this is because I believe that there are other far better quality mediums than myself. Spirit MAY present during a reading with me and if so then I will acknowledge and give you whatever information comes through from them.

Tarot: I use tarot because I am familiar with the symbols and colours on the card and I find that my guides ‘speak to my heart’ through the cards, and it is easier for me to translate the information from Spirit and Guides to you. I believe that I was taught the ‘Romany’ way to read cards as my understandings of the messages are not from the books but rather from the ‘heart’.

Crystals: I have a deep awareness of crystals, which not only carry healing properties but also carry messages.

Colour Oracles: Colours help me to understand what is happening with a person and what challenges they may face.

Dream Interpretation: I am able to assist people to gain understanding and insight about their dreams and what their subconscious is telling them.

Reiki: I am attuned to Teacher level of USUI, Tibetan, Kundalini, ISIS, and Sacred Petra Reiki. I refer to myself as a “Reiki Teacher” rather than a “Reiki Master’ because It is my belief that mastery would require undistracted devotion to the subject, and my life path includes other commitments.


I offer all the services, however, my preference is for Audio calls. I type fast, making it suitable for a typed message. There may be issues with ‘lag’ and freezing of screens if you try and connect with me from overseas because Australia has an unreliable and unpredictable bandwidth which can result in call lag and freezing of screens for video calls. If this occurs, I will ask you to end the video call and reconnect with me in audio.


I specifically keep my rates reasonable in alignment with the Psychic Code of Ethics. I will offer discounts from time to time – so check my profile regularly if you are interested in connecting with me.

During the launch phase I will be offering the following Discount to the first 100 callers as part of building my feedback on REALM.

Currently I can only offer Audio Calls, and these are charged at the Discounted rate of $1.50USD, as part of celebrating REALM.  After this time, I will revert to my normal rates and run discounts and special offers intermittently. You can learn of them by visiting my profile on a regular  basis - add me as on eof your favourite Consultants fore ease of access!


When you connect with me please ensure that you take some breaths before clicking on the connect button and affirm to yourself that you are open to receive any messages I may deliver to you. I welcome an opportunity to work with you and supporting you to live your best life! I look forward to connecting with you – Bright Blessings!